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" Guth," who bas bcn silent fot some, time, finds voice enough to say, very appropriately, ttiat in his financial speech Mr. ribjiíin proposos uothing iu a most felicitous inaimer. - Vrtt Pro. The Di-inocratB n the 1-ower House of the Kiüituoky Legislatura bare been e mi viiüwii and oxprussed preference as follows tor President : Hendricks, 21 ; Allen, 18 Pendleton, 13 ; Tnurman, 6 ; Tilden, .' ; Bayard, 3 ; Black, 2 Raudall, 1 ; Kerr, 1. We don't think that the Indiana BepublioanB hare a very clear oonception or tbe natural In ws of trade, and we hope the party isn't, as a whole gang, for an ultímate reaumption which would defcr tltHii consuinniation to the day of judguient. Hut perhaps we ought to be thankful that the Iudiauians didn't ask for an expansión of the present amount of currency. - New Bedforil (Mass) Standard (Rep.) We heartily indorse the action of the Indianapolis Convention and would now ask tbose who have so maliciously misrepre8ented the views of the anti-Coutractionists, " Who are the Republicana now - Wall street agents, or the men who indorse the statements of the Republican State Convention of Indiana ?'■ Oodlove 8. Ürth will be elooted tbe next Govenor of Indiana by 40,000 majority. - Washington C'hronicU (Rep.) Those interestod to discredit the Democratie party or to hide the sins ol the Republican leaders and their tooi inake a graat ado over what they are pleased to cali the do-nothingisin of the l)euiocratic House of Representativos. We bid these impatent people wnit and see. If we do not much inistake the ory will be changed. It will sound notes at the other extreme - tUey are doing too much ! - Portland (Me.) Arg ui. The Indiana Ropubliican in tion assauihled yesterday were afraid to face tbe currency question, and their resol utions leave theat upou the fonce, in whicb position they liope to please both the Hard and Soft Monoy poople They did, however, demand repeal oi the Kesumption act, and that fact shows that they would lik, if thsy cousidur it safe, to get upon the side of the rag baby. - l'hiladelphiii Bulletin (Ind.) " When I get ready to leare a town,' siiid the adventurous Ward, the waxworks ghowrnan, " I alway go - if the landlady of my boarding-house has no urgeut objections." The latest telegram from London iutimates that Minster Schenok has been in nearly that position He resigned, it is said, and waa ready to start tor houie but allowed bimself to be persuaded to watt awbile and ascertaio what objections the Kiuma mine victims may have to lus dopartnre - Ohicaffi Timen. Connccticut has novor eoen a fuller Democratie Convention, one more harmonious in its action, or eiubodying a larger uutubor of leadiug and innuuutial men in the State, then that assem - blud in fitusic Hall to-day. Such a commanding presence and such unanimity of aution effort an earnest of success in the approaching campaiga which unmistaktiblü even in its influenoe upon our political opponents. - JfM JLiocii Iiegister. A cottonwood tree has been fouud in the township of Milan, Mouroe county that measured at iifty foet from the ground six toot eight inches through At seventy-8Íx foet from the ground it tneasured tive feet through. At ninetysix feet from tbe ground it ineasured four feet through. At 107 1-2 feef from the the ground it measured three feet teu inches through. At 122 feel from tbe ground it measured two feet tiro inches, and at 128 feet from the ground it was one foot and five inuhes through. It will be seen by any unprejudiced person who looks over the list that neither party can walk over the course, and that both are to be put to their trumps. That is just the position we like. All we ask is that both parties put forward their best men, ia which case we shall be pretty ure to have a good administration. With Adams or Bristow, or, better stitl, Adams and Bristow, nominated at one side, and Tilden or Bayard on the other, we should feel that a good centennial year'i work had been begun. - Botton Heraki (Lid.) Tho rag-money men take the view that the wigwam, and not the Indian, is lost, and that the only way to flnd the Indian is to mulhply the wigwam - have so man y of them, in fact, no Indian can be lost. They would centinue greenbanks as legal tenders if gold went to 500 per cent. premiun, and insist that greenbaoks were just as good as ever, and that the leap in gold was mere fanoiful price, such as any commercial oommodity might reach in the pullng and hauling of the rnarket. We guess not. With them the Indian is too much lost ever to get back to the wigwam. - New Haven Register. If Jaff Davis had been hauged by the Republicana when the war oiosed it would have been better for the Demócrata. He is to day the best and stanchest ally of the Kepublican party. At times when the whole country is for peaoe and the passions of the war are ttbout to be forgotten, the Republicana always bait some hook to catch Jeff Davis in a speech or a letter, and the old fooi never fails to bite. The superrluous ex-rebel veteran is is perfectly powerless for good or evil when he keeps his mouth shut ; when he opens it he is powerless for good and works only evil. - Müteauhee Netes (Dem.) Tilden can get along without the Western Demoorats. The whole South, with the exception at most of two or three States, will vote for the Democratie candidate, no matter who he may be or what the platform may have in it. The menas oí luden wiü sy to tue convention - and present a serious array of facts iu support ot' thoir theory - that Tilden can carry New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and tbe Pacifio States, and that no other candidato oan with equal authority offer the Houth a sufficieut support to take posession of the Governiuent. There are signa that there will be a question be f o re the Deniocracy of Ohio whether they would prefer Tilden to Thurman.- Cincinnati Commercial Unusual ftctivity has oharaoterized logging operations during the past three weeks, and although the auiount of suow at any time during that period iias not exceeded the depth of five or six inches, and the weather for the most of tbe time has beeen quite mild, yet we think there are but few ïf any previous winters that oan show a better record ïn.hauling and banking logs for the period above men(ioned then the present, and if this state of things continue far three weeks to como it will be safe to predict 75 per cent. of this year's iroduet at least will be put in. - M'skelon Netos. In his recent speech at Atlanta, Sena;or liordon deflned his flnanoial position as follows : " I am charged with being an inflationist. I am not. I am anti oontractionist, and in all that I have said and written, I have raaintained, and I maintain to-day, that when resumption is reacbed it must be on tome ine of oommon sense, and not by a course which intures univereal wrick and ruin. have analyzed, criticised, and denounced the absurd law passed by the ast Congress and called a resumption aw, and I denounce it now - as a fraud, a sham, a falsehood, promising resumpion when it meana nothing but conraction of one paper currency directly and the other indirectly.


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