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U.mlcl the Highest at Virnna. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 llroiulivitj , New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hottl,] Uanufacturers, Importers Jt Dealers In CHEOMOS and FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, AlBUMH, GltAr-HOSCOPF.8, ANI SUITAHLE VlKWS, Photographic Materials. We are Headquiirtert for everything in the waj of STEKEOPTICOIt'S & JillilC l.lTKIiS. Bi-ing mauufactnrers of the MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO PANOPTICON, UNIVER81TY i-TEREOPTICON, ADVERTISER'S 8TEREOPT1C0N, ART0PTI00N, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'3 LANTERN. Ench style being the best of its classin the market. o Catalogues of LanternB and Rlides with directions for ufling sent on applieation, Any enterpriaiog man can make money with a Mttjic Lautern 1571 K7Cut out thia adrertisement for reference. jgia m MANHOOD How Lost. How Restored ! .1 ust published, a new edition of Dr. di 1 v rurllS t ■'lIriiHl KNsay on the kadical curr (without medicinej ot Speumai orkhcea or Seminul weHknesa, Involuntnry Seminal Lossee. Impolency, mental and I'hysical incupacity, Impedimenta to marriae, etc. , also, Consumption, Epilepay and Fits, induced by self-iudulgence or aexuul extravagtince, &c. ■arpricE,in a sealed envelope, only ix cents. The celebrated author, in thi admirable Es-ayt clearly dnmonstratu, f rom a tMrty years' nuccessfulpractice, thatthe alarmingcoiweqiiencee of selfabuse may be radi' ally cured without the the diingerous use of tnternal mediciue or the applieation of the kuif ; pointing out n mcide of cure ut once simple, certain, and eftectual, by metins of which every sufferer,no matter what his condition muy be, in a y cure himscifcheaply, priva tel y, u mi radically. KT" Thia lecture should be in the hands of every youth and evory man in the land. Sent under 8eal, in a plaifi eove opa, to any addrew, poat paid, on receipt of siat cents or two pont stampa. Addrees the publishers. F. RRLWAN & SON. I 1 Au 11 St., New Vork, Post Otnoe Box, 45S6 BLY THE iMJíV Family Singer. 241,679 Soid in 1S74! And 148,852 m#re tlian wcrc ld by il li-KhcHf compctttor. WHILB TUK Wheeler & Wilson aold only 'J.',827 Howe Machine Co. etimated 45,000 Domes tic 22,700 Weed 20,495 O rover & Knker 20,OCO Remington 10,600 And so on down. Ho it apprars from the sales of the different Companies that THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admirers Than all the otbera combined ! MACHINES SOM) ON EASY TE II MS. All partjes buying a Singer and wiahing to exchange it for u Howe or Renunrton within three months can do tto without extra cost. I have also neveral ui-w Howe maeMnw, a Doiru'stic, and a aambei ofteeD&d hand machines iu good order, whieh can be bougut very clioap. Tht! very best Needlos for all machines at 40 cents per dozen. Set of four Hennen and tho QrinoeU Hinder for all machines, S1.00- the best set in the inarket, and aUo attftctinicnts for nearly all machines. 1 L. MilWIM,, Apnii. (1556) 2d door east of Toitoffice, Ano Albor, Mich. -vtütick of UMWWmiT. L. J. Johnson, of the city of Ann Arbor, ïmvinf? made a general nnsigiiment to me for the benefit of all hiscreditors, without prefVrence, I hereby give notice to all persona having claims ag&inat hiui to present their claims with proper statement, and to ill pertonti indebted 1o him to muku payment without delay to me at Ko. 7 South Main Street, Ann Arbur, C. H. RICHMOND AMi?nee. Dated Anu Arbor, Fubruary 7 , 1876. Lñiftw6 WKI.l,r; HOISES FOR Al,K. Alargeand Tery woll built bnek house, with two or more lots. Two large fnimed houses. Also a good sized brick house and frame house ; umi a amall frame house on a good lot, intendod for ad ding a front. For sale on fair terras and u renannnble credit. Aleoother buildings, lots, and property. 1IOM:V VATI-:i--Si. mnny wishing Xoborroto money appl} tome that I can rewtUy obtainfor Ir.utfrs good nutisfactory inrotments ut ten per cent. interest. E. W. MOR(4AN. Ann Arbor. Jan. 8 , 16. Ut4 RAILROADS. MlCtÏÏtiUi WTRAL ttAILROAD. NOVKMBKK 21, I8T5. si 4 ia S „ATioK. a . LLLl_!l.ii?li_ ; A.M. A.M 1'. M.P.M. P.M. f. M Detroit, leave. 5 0(1 1 30 8 50 4 00 5 4" lu un rtayne.IuDCtion, 7 Ï7 11 17 3 32 4 53 6 37 10 60 ; i'l..-iKiti. 8 Si 11 40 1 :í 10 S L7 7 04 11 In ,nii Altor, 8 5?. 11 M 4 3 5 45 7 45 11 ■:; Dexter, ! 20 ' 4 35 6 10! 8 li' - üueUea, 9 40' - 4 53 6 23 8 30, dras I.ako, 10 04 49 00 f r. m i'. M A. M. I Jackson, 1(. :;; I lo 5 4 7 15 9 3" 12 50 j ; a.m. Kaliimnzoo, 2 01 1 S2 12 20 S OS I ChicaïOftrrive, 8 10Í 9 PO i ■ 8 0 I . KAKT. "l BU .!. á i jL!J!_jlM A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M. A. M. Chicago, leave, 0 00 8 S0 5 16 00 P. M. A. M. ! Knlitmazoo. I' 5 1 !i 10 35 2 30 V. M. A. M. A. M. ! Juckson, 2 12 3 42 7 1 12 42 4 55 9 11) Ura Lake, 2 45 7 32: 6 23 Ui 20 (Jbelm-a, 8 1' 8 80' b SOilO 42 ■ Dextai, S 56 S 18 fi 08 10 M Ano Arbor, S M 4 53 8 :i7 2 00 6 28 11 11 Ypailnuti, 4 20 5 10 8 5f 2 20 6 4 11 30 Wiiyne, l I' i ÏS 9 23 2 -IP 7 08 11 47 Detroit, arrive, 5 4:. 0 16 1 19 M oo 12 80 SunÏHys cxcepted. tKatuvday and Huuday ex [ opted. 'Dnily. WM. B. STRON'O, Oen'l Sup't, Chicago. H.B. LEDYARD, Aast. Uen'l Supt. Detroit. DETROIT, i ANA JKAlliKOAI OOINO WK8T. -1876- GOI1ÍO KAPT. TATIONB. Mili.. Exp. HATIOX8. Kip. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep. ..7:00 6:40 p' Ki I YpHÍluuti ... S:32 7:04 Hankera 5:20 2:05 i Malina. .. Ü:SO 7:10 Hillnlnle . f:45 2:15 BridgewatPr.. 'S:Ui 8:1S Manchentfr.. 8.37 3:5 Manchester. 10:20 8:2ï Bridgewater 9:10 4:17 P. M. Hiiline 1:30 4:ÏÏ5 Hillsdale l:H0 :57 Ypsilnti.... 11:00 5:05 Uanketn. .. 1:15 10:05 Detroit 12:30 0:15 Trains run by ('hiendo time. To take efiect Nov. 21, 1876. W. F. VAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Circuit Court. Circuit Jiulíff íltiii. C'fo. M. HuntinortOD. ï Prowouting Attorner Bobert E. Frazer. I Heporter Thomas I. Daniel. : 'l'hp Hrnt Tmüdiiy in .!.inu:u ; thiid Tilesdily in Haroh; thirrt 'l'ue.lij ir Jura, und fourtli i Ttiesflay in Oetobei . Probnlc ('nurl. Judge of Probate Sojih V. Cheever. P Probate R gister Jumes M vVilloxwin. ftmalar terauxBvetr Mondny. ('ouiity Offlcers. ShtjiitT ..Micbael Dcmiu. Clerlc l'eter Tuite. RegiMter of Ucedi manuel O. Sctmtfer. Treasu er titeplieu Faircbild. Cirouit C„r. CoiB,onm j fJ Ííifciirt1 O. Arma, Edward Duffy, F. K. Itexford. Regular meetings nt the County House un the rii st 'l'ut ■!. iy in each month, nt 10 o'clock a m. ity Officers. Mayor Ëdwnrrt D. Kinne. Recorder ........ il Ham A. Lovejoy. Treasurer Mohos Rogers. Alturuey A MeKeynokU. Maiulml A. Herrón. ) Richard Beahitn. Juiew i Jaa.MoMahon. , Kdwnrd Clark. f 'onrad Kxapf. Buperriso Anton Bisele. ; lieiijamiu Brown. Board of Ediicalioii. President Elihu B. Pond. Secretary fnmei K. Gott Treasurer Philip IJach. Trusteen- C. B. Port er. Patrick Oonovan, M. L. D'Oog-e, Ebenezer Wells, L. 0. Risdon, Leonhard Gruñer. Suierkitcudent of Schools V 8. Perry. C'III'UCf DIREGTOKV. BAPTIST- Catherine strekt, betweea Fifth and División .stnvt-.. Berricesat IOJ a m. md 7 1 m. Sunday School alter mornku " service. meet t uk, Thursdav evenin ;it 7 o'clock. Pastor - Ktv. Samckï. Haskell reddonce, 86 Tbompsoo CONGHEGATIONAL- Cunnrof State and WilÜam streets. Subbatli servlcea at ÏO1 a. m. and 7 p. m. Suiuhiy 9chool al :i o'doclt p. m. Prayer meeting ThuracUky ftveuin at 7 u'clot'k. Pasnn - Rev. II. Ij. Ht'BHKr.L; rwdtenoo, 70 SOUtta B street. (8errioea temporarOy suspended, excepl Suoday School held in the okl C'hureh. CATHOLIC(St.Thomaa)- North Btreet, betweeo División and State. First BÍ4M8 %i 8 a. m. Hiii Mass at 10 a. m. Sunduy School al 'il -. P. IC. VojHTsat 7 p. m. FMtor- Ber. V. J. Van" Kap; resiUeuce, 34 E. Korth strti't. KI'ISCOPALiSt. Andrew)- DlvUiun street, uorth of Catheriue. BiblMth lervlceg al ïm. A. M. and" p. m Snnday School al -' - p. m. Service on Thars iluy evcning and on the morntng oi' nl Holv Days. Rector- Rev. Wvï.lys Hall resldcúce, 29 Ñ. Stat-streel, QBBHAN METHODIST- Corner of Kast Liberty and División streets. Sabbatn services n io'.-a. h. and 7 v. m. Sumlay Sohool al 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday eventng. Pastor - Rot, Kkkd. l-'s-ii isi.ri: ; residence, Aun street. LUTHERAN- Covner of Kirst anl Washington streets. Sabbatb st;rvices lti'j ., n.and 71., p.M. Sunrlay School ai dose of moro ing er Ice. Prayei meeting Thursday eventng at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Rev. H. Bkcthrr; residence M Flfth street. METlfODIST BPIBCOPAI Cornei of Siate and Washington streets. Öabbatfa services at 10% a. at. tnd 7 r. m. Suinliy School ;ii closeof moruiag service. Pmyer meet Ing Thuraday eveningal ï o'clock. fouDg péoplW in -iM Ing Stinday evoiilftg at t t'clock. PtisLor- Rov. 1. N. ëlwoos; residence, 46 Washington streét. METHODIST EPISCOPAL [Colored- íonrth ítrcft, north of Pontiae. Sabbatb services :it 10] a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thuixiay evenïng at 7 o'clock. Pastor - Bev. Chas. H. Ward. PRESBYTERIAN- Corner of Huron and Wvistam streets, Berrlces at 10j o'clock ..m. and 7 p. m Sunday School after raornlnc Ben i ■-. Prayei neetlng Tnarsday evénlng at 7 o'clock. Toung teopler meeting Sunday evenlns si 7 o'clock. !;iM((r - Rev. F, T. üiiowN ; n si loiiee, SI Bast Ldborl f street. I'sitarian- Corner of Aun und lüih sireets. Sabbath sorvicos at jo1 a.m. snd 7 r. m. Sunday $cho4l atter morntng service, stmirni -. clasH al 2.4" p, i. Pastor - Rkv. C, H. Bmiohah ; residonct', is Eost Ann street, ion Ij tiikkan - Cornac of Wasblngtoo and :"ifth stroeU. Sabbatb services :it 10} L a. m. and 7 m. Runda y School si close of uoonilng service. 'rayt'r meeting Wedooadny cvenlog al 7 opdoek 'aatur ttev. il. Belmbk : resideooe, Ann street. sti ].i;nts' CHRI8TJAN aSS(M CATÏONMei-1 Ing in Inivfi-ity ('li:iicl at Í o'clock A. H. i'ii iinihiy, (. (."► o'doCI P.M. OS W't ttncsdny, and '.:[." opdoek p. m. "ti í'ii.iiiv mí each week. Beading Room ui' the Associatioii opi-n on Bbnday from 2 tOÖ P. M. MM III IKS. ANN A.RBOB COMMANDEUY, No, 13, K. T.- Junes Boyd, K. "., WlOtena a. Lovejoy, Etoobider. Itegular conclave the iïim Tuesday event&g oL eacta month, at 7 ó'clock. WASHTENAW ('HAPTKR NO. 6, EL A. M - Jus, l'4iyi, II. 1'.: WtlUun A. Lovejoy, re. Repuiai CunviM ation the Monday evt-niiiK on or betore the full of the moon, at 7 (rdoclc. GOLDEN BULE LODGE, 2iv. F. A A. M.- ,T:n i;,mih. W, M. ; Charles A. Chapín, Sec rotary. Regular ComiuunícatioQ the WcdDeaUay eveuing un itr before thü full of the 7 o'cfock, FRATERNTTT LODGE NO. 262, F & A. M.- Juhn 1. Little, V. M. ; Charlea K. Hlacock, Sec. lïeular ('oiumuuicaliun the WVdnesihiy eTODÍDg uu ur afler the ïHU ut' tin1 tiiutui, il 7 o'elock. ANN ARBORENCAMPMENT, NO. 7. I.o O. F. A.B. Schmidi, r. 1'.; Chulos H Mafily, bcrlDe. Meeta Bral and third Friday of iach month. WA8HTENAW LODGE NO. , I. O. O. F.- D. Allmaiidimior, N. G.:N. B. Covert, Bec. Meetfl Friday eveuing of each week at 7Va Oxlook, ANN AKI3OK LODGE, KQ. ffi, I. O. of G. T.- J. Spraguc, W. C. T. ; Sytrester Arnwtroog. W. sMceu every Tiiewlar evening, at 7 o'elock. 'ANN AliltOR KNKiHTS OF HONOR, NO. li. -James lïoyd, Dtctfttor;C. 8. MI lien, Grand Reportar. Regular meetings on the MCOnd and last Tuesday ereninHof eatli munth. p 1NSEY & ÖEABOLT'S BAKERY, OROCERY -ANDKLÓUK &. FKKÜ STORK. We keep consrnntly nn nitnrï, BREAD, CKACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE asd RBTAIL TRADE. We hall hIbo keep a aupply o( DELHI PLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'8 BEST WHITE WHEAf FLUWB, RVK FLOUB, HUCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORNMEAL, FEEU, &o., Sco. At whleale nd retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS onatantly on hand, whit'h will be hoM on as rea■n ible terms as at any other house in tliie city. Caah paid for Buttei, K(?g, and Country Vrof nee fenerally. nar Ooods delivercd to any part of the city with ut extra charge. K15ÍSKY Sc SHABOIT. Aun Arbhr, Jan. t. 13'. . lf4