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Our Railroad Prospects

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The following paragraphs are clipped trom the Toledo Commercial of a recent date : Yesterday the long-pending negotiations between Mr. Crane, the owner of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Baiload, and a uumber of gentlemen of this city, who have interestod themaelves in the enterprise, hy which the road, with all its franchises, appurtouances, notes, etc., are to pass into their hands, were uoinpleted, and a trauater of title virtually took place. A new stock company will be imniediately chartered, under the laws of Ohio and Michigan, and the Vuad couipleted as a narrow-gauge. Until the completiou of certain othev negotiatious, the Commercial is requested tü publish ouly this much. Arrangements have been definitelj' made for ironing the road, and it is expected that withiu a few days all the other details for going ou with the work will have been comiileted Active operatioua will probably commence within a shurt time. Inasmuch as the road-bed between here and Ann Arbov is substantially made, the ties f urmshetJ, and a large number of good subscriptions payable on the completiou of the road, the arrangements ior building of the road liave beeu inade ou very favorable tenns ; so that the road will enter upon ita career with but a very small iucumbrauce, comparatiyely, in tlie shape of a debt. The people north of Anu Arbor are bestirriiig themselves once more iu the matter, and it ia the intentiou oi the novv mauageuient to push the road beyoud lts present contemplated uortbern terminus as fast as possible. We 3uspect that the announcement is a little remiiture or at least a little too defímte. We nderstaud that the contract is conditional, or s held in reserve for somethiug else to "turn p." And we also uuderstand that the purtiasers, whenever the contract with Mr. Crane nay be perfected, will uot bring it to Ann Arior, uuless onr citizens and those along the ine give liberal material aid,- subacnptious to e made payable when the care are running, nd not before. Sueh aid our citizens can aiord to give.