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introduocil a bill to regúlate the clec...

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introduocil a bill to regúlate the clections and clective franchise in Utah. Ilottx,'. - l'ort's bill for the preeervation of buffalo f rom wanton dcBtrnction, wbh passed - The House inilulüi'il in a long and spiritea dolíate on the VÍ11 to grant pensions to the veterans of the war of 1812 Banning introduced his Arony Reform bill, by whloh he hop."fi to effeot nu nnuual aavlng of $2,"iiRM! 10. ... A large number of rosolutionn of ininoC importante were iiitroducctl. ThüBsday, Pcb. 24.- Señala.- Tho House biH to reorganizo the Judiciary of the United Statfs was read and referred The bil! oonferrtng exclusive jurisdiction over Indlan resorvatioiiB upon United States Couriii wan dtbatcJ at length and referred ia tho Committoe on Indian Affah-M. Houm.-tA bill was passed to protect the revenucs of tho Patent Offlce. It provides tbat any ofñcer who shall receivo any money tlli-r than híe salarv for any work done shall hv ijnnishable by fino or imprieonment A bill was reported from the Coinniittec on Public Buildings and GroundR appropriating JJOO.nno for a CH8tom-Housc at Memphis. Aftcr a long debate the amount was cut down to $-100,000 and the bill m- rl The dcath of Keprcsontative Sturkweather was annoxiaced, and appropriate oulogieB pronounced. Fmday, Feb. 25.- Senate.- The Sonate passed tho bill authorizing the increaso of ihe amount of 4} per cent. bonds to bc ifieued fi'oiu $300.000,0(10 to $500,ooo.oco, and extendlng the time for thcir paymint to thirly years The West Point Appropriation bill was before the Senate, and a long debate ensned regarding the propricty of the proposed reduction of sularirs. IIouxr.-Tho House refused to ailopt the report of the Conferenco Cominitteo for the payment of the interest on tho District of Columbia 3.C5 bonds, and postponed it for one week SpeaÏM Kerr rcceivod z telegram announciug tbe dcath of his brother, and Coe was called to assume the duties of Speaker pro tem .... A number of private bilis were passed. Satübday, Feb. 2C- Senate.- Not ia sossion HnvMr.-Thfï House met for debate only, BdeU (111.) in the chair. (Speeches were delivered by IUddle and Landors in favor of the repcal of the ltcnmnption act, and by Durham in relation to tho iniprovemeut of the natural bighways of the coxintry Monday, Feb. 28. - Senate.- Sharon, cf Nevada, took the oath of office... A bilt was passed enabliug perBons who have lately acqnired citizenship iu Colorado to vote upon the ncw Oonstitution in that Tenitory, and appropriating monoy to pay tho expenses of a coustitutioual convention .... i'hO West Poiut Appropriation bill wan discussed, and the Senate went into executive sesaion. House-, - k letter was recoivcd írom the Attorney(ïfii'-ra!, iu response to a resolution offered bfmÉ. Lord, calliug for au explanatiou of bis order touching tho tcstiniony of accomphees in the whisky prosecutious. The Attorney-General etatcs that such instructions as he ipsucd were inerely in coufirmation of arrangeuients already made, and that as these intjtructïons and arraniements relate lo niatters now in progres?, the House would readüy sec tho propriety of withbolding special iuforniiitiou rslatiup thereto until the trials are over. The matter was reforred to the Judiciary Committö ?i)le iutroduccci : liy Wnrren, authoriziug the payuieiit to the executor of Henry Wilson, late Vicc-lesidcnt of the l'uited States, a snni equal to the salarjof tho Vice Prepident for tiie uuexpired portion of tho term for which he was elected; by Willis, lo simplify the exi&tiug laws imposing duties on importn, and to reduce tho ratea thereon, also to restore the du ty on tea and coflfee, and to cularge the free list ; by Waddöll, to restore the franking privilege; by Vauee, to provide for stationary Chaplains in tho army ; by Young, a law authoriziug the payment for all cotton seized aftt r 1805 ; by Oliver, to ropeal the law in reference to the jiinoinit for which silvec coin shall be legal-tentler, and to ena.t a substitute th-refor; by Mackcsy, to aid iu the conipletion of the Washington Monttment; by TuftH, for holding Hnited States District Court at Davenport ; by lhillips, for the liquidation of the debt of the Kansas Pacific Hailroad Company to the United States ; by Kidder (pakota), dcclaring the Black Hills open to exploration and settlement ; by New, to reimburse States for expenses incurred in the late rebellion.


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