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The Michigan Argus

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FUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. In the tbird Btory of the brick block corner of Main and Huron Btreeip, ' ANN AKBOR, - - MICHIGAN. Ejitrance on Huron Rtroet, opposite the Gregory Hourc. ELIHU Et. 3EO2XTI7 EDITOR AND PÜBLISHER. Terras, 2.00 a year, or W1.50 lu adva-jCe EATES OF ADVERTgiNQ, , K S $i S'v m isTo T S 3%q aros 2 M 2 50 ' "1 50 6 00 8 00 " Öó 15 column 3 50 I 4 Stt 5 7 s0 K 50 15 00 5 „o iSmn 6 " rf 00 6 t 12 00 20 00 30 00 6 criuSn -1 T 00 10 00 24 00 38 00 icolum I,' '2 00 12 15 00 20 00 30 00 55 00 lfommt _.„ [UMgllS ooj 18 O0J2_O0 35 00 60 00 100 00 i-welve lines or less cousidered a square. Carde in Dirtctory, not to cxceed four linee, $4.00 & .year. Business or special notices 12 cents a line for the itiret ineertion, and 8 cents for eacli subsequent insertion Marrig and death notices free: obituary notices 8 cents & line. Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing their advertisemeuts quarterly. Addiüonal changIng will be charged for. AdvertisementB unsccompanied by written or -verbal directions rtil bc publisued three months, and charged ooorUiURly. LeRal advertiBinR, first insertion, 70 cents per folio ; 85 cetib) per folio for each snbsequent insertion. aa jioetjioHerneut is added to an advertiseinení,iífcK4 whole will be cbarged th6 eame as the flrst LUR6Hllït)n. JOB PRINTING. l'ampblets, Posters, HandbillB, Circulare, CardB Ball TicketB, Labels, Blauks, Bill-Heads and otber varieticB of Plaiu aud Fancy Job Printing executed vith promptness, and in the best possible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus