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Morton's Platform

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The twenty-one loíg and heavy resolutions of the Indiana Bepublican Convention wero drawn up by Senator Morton, and therefore constitute the platform on -vhich he stands ás an aspirant for the Presidency. To be sure that there sheuld be no binndering, he left Washington, and was within calí of the convention wliile liis programme ai)d his nomination were put through without discussion. This platform declaresagainst amnesty for the seven or eight hundred diafranchised Confederates, and seeks to perpetúate the prejudices and passions ïhu the people of both sides and the aoldiers have sought to bury forover. In this respect Mr. Morton is consistent with his record, for he of all the Republican leaders has been most violent in proscription of the South, most inimical to reconciliation, and most unscrupulous in defeuding the carpet-bag thievea and logues who have ruled the reooustructed States. The Kelloggs, Spencers, Olaytons, Dorseys, Wests, Pattersons, and that clasM of knaves, wlio have enjoyed tho confidence and favor oí the udministratioa and been sustained in thoir usurpations and plunder by federal bayonets, owe their flrst debt of gratitude to Grant, and their second to Morton. The former gave them office, honor and rewards, and the latter has defended their outrages in the Senate with a constancy and zeal that entitle him to be recognized as the chnmpion of the carpet-baggers. Among the dull platitudes in which this platform abounds, attention. will be j attracted to the declaration on the finanj oial isaue in these words í " Twelflti-Xfe believe that it is the duty of I the Government, in furnishing national currenj y, so to regúlate it as to provida for its ultímate rêdemption in gold and silver ; that any attempt j to basten this more rapidly thau it shall be I brought about by the Iaws of trade and com merce is inexpedient ; therefore, in our opinión, so much of the so-called resumplion act as fixea ttic time for the resumption of specie payments should be repealed, and after such repeal. the ourreucy ebould remain undidturbed, neither contracted nor expanded, we being asaured that finanoial troubles of the country, when relieved from interfevence, will be speedily and permanently cureil by the cpetation of the natural Iaws of trade, and by preserving that course of polioy which the Kepublican party has conatantly maintained, of steadily looking to an ultímate resumptiou of specie pavments." Mr. Morton has returned tp his flrst love for greenbacks and recanted his reI cent pretended conversión to hard money. He would change aw suddenly again, if a new inducement was offered. When the Shernian sham was concocted of resumption on the lst of January, 1879, the fraud could not be well concealed, for the act itself provides no mean for its own execution. It was a device of party to tide over the Presij dential election, and was carried through a caucus in which the hard and sjft ! money advocates agreed to play a false part. When Mr. Sherman was interrogated as to the practical features of tb e bill which he reported and fathered, he refused to answer, because any frank exposition would have drawn the flre of the inflationists, and thus have exposed upon the sj)ot a disgraceful deeeption on the country. Mr. Morton, Mr. Ferry, Mr. Logan, and the cheap-money advocates, sat dumb in their seats by a preconcerted plan. Mr. Thurniau, Mr. Bayard, and othor Democratie leaders, proved that the scheme had no vitality and no intention to carry out ite irofessed object, and that instead of giviug any relief or approaching resumption, it would disturb business and postpone specie payments. All these predictions have been literally verified, and the fraud stands revealed. Mr. Sherman and the Republican managers concocted this scheme with the sole object of using it foraüassing political purpose. ïhey succeeded in misleading the friends of honest money, and in invoking the aid of capital to carry the Ohio election last fall. Mr. Morton stumped that State, and, to give support to this scandaleus intrigue, affected a chango of mind. Nbw, when the act has failed in any good efleet, Mr. Morton coolly abandous it without a chango of face, demands its repeal, glorifles greenbacks, and says the " policy which the Kepublican party has constantly maintained is that of steadfastly looking to an ultímate resumption of specie payment." He is a vcry prominent leader of that party, is fully indorsed by his State Couvention, iiud is presented as its favorite for the Presidency. Of course Mr. Morton does not stand alono in these views. He is backed by a largo and influential following of his own party in and out of Congress, is will be discovered whenever a test shall [ be made on the repeal of Shermau'ssham. This is the way in which the great public interests aro trifled with by demagogues, who care nothing for the ; suiferiñg and sacrifices caused by parti san legislation. During ten years of peace, with the entire Government in their hands, and majoritits of two-thirds in Congress, the Republicana never took one practical or honost step in the direction of specie payments. Last year they got up a project designod to deceive the country, and having served that turn, they now demand the repeal of their own measure.


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