University Notes And Gossip

-Prof. D'Ooge gires th regular monthly diicourse in University Hall on Sunday next, at 3 o'clock F. il. - The Alpha Nu Society - the oldest society in the University- proposes a re-union atthe coming commencement in June. - " Now and Then " is the subject of John B. Grough's lecture at Univorsity Hall this evening ; but Gough will always make his auditors laugh until their sidas shake no natter what his subject. -The Mendelssohn Quintette Club will give one of their entertainments in Univereity Hall, Friday evening, March 17th. The members of this club are : Wm. Schultze, yioliu ; C. N. Allen, violin ; Thos. Kyan, viola and clurionette ; Edw. Heindl, viola and ñute ; ltudolph Hennig, violincello, assisted by Alex. Heindl, doublé bass and 'cello, and by a soprano. All these persons are well known to the musical public, so that any praise of their particular mcrits would be superfluous. Thoie who heard this club when it was here three or four years ago, will see that it has beea increased by a doublé basa, the increased affect of which all lovera of music will justly value. The new member, Mr. Allen, was formarly leader of the Beethoveu Quintette Club, and is une of the most accomplished artista in the country. - At the regular meeting of the Studenta' Scieutiflc Association on Saturday last the i'ollowiug onïcers were elected for the present semester: President, E. W. Coi win ; Vice-President, V. C. Vaughan ; Secretary, Miss Louiae M. Reed; Treasurer, F. H. Kimball ; Curator, C. C. Beecher; Executive Committoe, President, ex-officio, Bryant Walker, and A. A. Bennett. Messrs. John McDonald, Geo. S. Bishop, and E. K. Hubbard were admittod to membership. Papers were read by Bryant Walker, ou the " Anodon," illustrated by charts, - the " Anodon n being a " genus of lamellibranchiate bivalves, as the fresh-water muscle, having no posterior teeth at the hinge " ; and by Charles Grimwood on the " Adulteration of Alcoholic Liquors." Mr. A. A. Bennett read the scientific nws of the week. The meeting was an interesting one.