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Ladies' Charitable Union

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At the annual meeting of the Ladiea' Cliar itable Union of tbis city, held March 2d, 1876 the foüowiug offleora vrere lected for the en suing year : President- Mrs. B. Day ; Vioe-Presidenl Mrs. Mra. C. CJ. Clark. Secretary- Mrs. M. B. Gilbert Treasurer - Mrs. E. E. Chapia. The Board of Managers, consisting of ladie from the four churches represented in tti Union, are as follows : Baptist- Mrs. Dr. Hilton, Mrs. S. Crossman Mrs. E. B. Chapin, Miss. II. Spalding. Congregationai - Mrs. D. S. Wood, Mrs. M E. Morwick, Mrs. H. L. Hubbell, Mrs. M. B Uilbert. Presbyterian - Mrs. L. Sackett, Mrs M. Gels ton, Mrs. C. (i. Clark, Mrs. E. H. Lang. Methodist- Mrs. E. Steele, Mrs. B. Day, Mrs. B. F. Cooker, Mrs. C. T. Wümot. SECBETABY'B BEPOBT. To the Officers and Members : Ladies- Another year has passed since we last met as a )enevolent orgauization to adjust the business of our society, and to lay plans for its future usef ulness and success ; and as the eighth year of its existence crowds upon us, we feel as hough we needed to drift out of the current of activa hfe for a while, into one of those litle eddies where the waters hare an opportuo settle, leaving the chips and bubbles on the urface to float on. We pause then for a moment to review the past and to consult togethr in regard to the best interests of our ed society lor the coming year. To-day as we take a retrospectiva glaaee at the past year, ladeued aa it has been with all the blessings of life, let us lift our hearts to God in loving gratitude for his many znorcies and especially for his protcting care which permita us to meet together again an unbroken circle ; and let us rejoice that the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six has dawned upon us with its hopes its promisos, and its opportunities. We might give a true and most pitiful description of the sufferiugs of the poor during the past winter, but it is quite unnecessary, as they are well known to you through the journals of the day and jour individual visita to the desolate abodes of poverty, and alas ! too often of sin. Let us endeavor to go beyond the present surface of things and trace the sources from whenoe such fearful evils fiovr, and we find it almost without exception to origínate in the selfishness, blindness, and wickedness of heart, which induce men to give thelr fellow-men the intoxicating cup. Friends, we ueed not hope for cessation of our iabors as a Union, and as " co-workers with God" and suffering huinanity, until it comes through the Bible way of psace and happiness - the Golden Rule. Indeed, nations must fear God and obey his Iaws, and men and women must make the Gospel precepts their rule of action ere succeeding years will be the harl bingers of hope, and rejoicing to God's poor. Our work during the past twelve mouths has been similar to that of precedmg years - giving food, clothing, and medicine to those who required them - and while alleviating the miseries of their phjsical condition, we have also beatowed that sympathy, encouragement and counsel which their varied conditions demauded, and the recipieuts have ever accepted our gifts with thankfulness. Our committee, in caring for the poor have mide 490 calis, and have distributed 261 very good purtij worn garments, besides a large number of hats, caps and shoes, valued at $180, as also 90 yards of new cloth, several uew pairs of shoes, 20 new garments, 3 new confortables, 2 new woolen wruppers, and several articles of turniture, a large amount of vegetables, apples, etc. ; 40 pounds of meat, and many loaves of bread have also been donated, as well as several baskets of delicacies for the sick. The amount paid out for groceries, provisions, etc, will be found in your treasurer's report. We have also been enabled, by the exertions of our committee, and kmdness of donators, to place one old lady in the " Old Ladies' Home " at Detroit. We have paid $80 and hope soon to secure the balance ($70) necessary to give her a life interest. There has been expended for the sick poor, for food, medicine, and othsr necessaries, $166. And yet we have not done as much in this direction as we could have desired, owing to the low state of our nuances and the small number of ladies engaged in the work: The great need of the Union at the present time is real heart service in the cause of humauity, and this belongs naturally to women. Who will aid us ? We appeal to you, ladiea of Aun Arbor, to come and help us in this beneficeut work. What can we say that has not already been said to induce you to unite your efforts with ours 't We need your counsel, your prayers, and your time and means. Do not content yourselves by simply communicating the condition of your sister-women, but rea;h out oour hands warm with sympathy and love.and unite wiïh us in doing them' góod. I know many will object and Bay they have bo time. Cannot you be frugal and save some golden moments or half-hours devoted to visits, and give them to the Union 't In order to achieve any great or good object, we muat make some saorifices. Sisters, ara we really tollowing that spirit of selt-sacrificing benevolence which Ghrist exhibited and enjoinel upon all his followers. Do we, as christian parents, train our children to any system which has for its end and aim to increase the advautages of those of lesser means ? Do we, as mothers toiling to increase the advantages of our daughters, train them to reproduce these self-saenficing Iabors for the good of others around who have fewer advanlages ? Let us remember that it is only by the Iove of christian women that the resources ot this Charitable Union can be developed and made a blessing to the poor of this city. Although we may not have accomplished all that our hearts desired in the yast year, Btill we have much to encourage us. Let us pass on asking our heavenly Father's blessing upon our efforts. We return our heartfelt thanks to all who have aided us by contributions or otherwise, and bespeak their kindly sympathy and geuerosity tor the coming year. Db. H. J. Hilton, Secretary. March 2, 1876. Emma R. Chapín, Treasurer, In acc't with Ladies' Charitable Union. De. To balance in treasury, March 4th, '75, $45 91 " Membership dues, - - 33 00 " Private douations, - - 118 70 " Proceeds spelling match, April Hth, '76, - - 87 10 ' Thanksgiving collection, - - 35 69 " Proceeds Dr. J. B. Steere's lecture, January 17th '76, - ' - 78 00 $398 40 Cb. Expended for relief of the poor, $256 11 To secure life membership in the " Thompson Home for Old Ladies," Detroit, - - $80 00 " Printing posters, - - 4 00 " Use of Presbyterian Church for Lecture, - - 17 00 " Balance in treasury March 2, '76. 41 29 $398 40 A Caed.- The Board of the Ladies' Library Association desires to publicly acknowledge the generous gift ot ninety dollar8 presented to them by the Garrick Club, as the net procsed of their highly enjoyable dramatic entertainment. To the pleasures of this entertainment the University Sodality contributed in no small degree. The ladies hope that all future representations of the Club may be in every respect equally suscessful. By order of the Board, Mrs. M. L. D'Oooe, Secretary.