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Lotos J. Jk.nm.nüs, lato editor of tlio New York Times, has 8old hia nkio bliares oí stock in tlie concern to Geore Jonen for $100,000. Tiik extensivo dry gooda house Wood, Marsh & C'o., en Markot street, PhUadclihiii, has been destroycd by firo. The losáis estimated at L500,000. Last fall tho imthoritiea of Ht. Jloriah ComOtery, Philadeljliia, rofuaed to the body of Henry Jones, a colorod man, to be baried in tho cemetory, aJthough Iüh widow owned a lot tiiere. The caso ras takon into tho courts, áud up to tho Supiaiue Court. That tribuual ha jiist deLided that .Tonca or any otlier uogro' bones have the same right iu ceiuetorien aa those of -white folliB. THM VTEST. Sittino Büll ha determined to try oouclunionn with tho United States troops ou the ijucíiUoii of tho obaervanoo of the treaty ro(juirinj? his tribe to remaïn on tlie repciration. Helias eolleoted 2, 00 braves at the mouth ol Powdor Rive ïn tho Yellowötono country, aiu ílefie tíi oombined forcee of Gens. Custer anc Crook, numboiing 2,000 men, to couvinoe him tha tho Governnieut really amonnts to any Oiiüg. Au oxpedition is aJready oa route for tlio ueighborhood or the obstinate redukins, and it is safo to predict that before many mooua are wasted Sittinp; Bnll will cease to be a sittins imny Lu uil luuauty. Tui: Scuato of Iowa has deeided tliat a bushel et osla woighH 32 poxuuis Sergt, Sullivan; compauy F. 4th iufantiy, was reoontly bhot and inst&ntly killed near Fort Fettennan, by "PerHimmon lïill," who claimed somo ponioa wliich were stolen frora Indiana, aud wUich Sullivan, with scveral Iudiaus. was eent by the commnndiug oilioor to reuover. Bill and hi compaiiions eecapcd to the liük. J. D. Pitts, County Cullector of Hickory Cotinty, Mo., Uas absconded with nbout $20,000 of public and private funda. The forgery of notes iu liin private business for large suma is alao diacovered... .Kersaugna, Iowa, was recently visitetl by a tenible tomado, wliich passed throuyh the very center of the towii. goiug in two hanow lüics, tearing down and uurooling bousw, and demoUohing otat-buildings, trees, aml fences. The towii was almont completely wretked. Fortunately no loas of lifo is reportad. ítvM SOUTH. Thf. Mayor of Atlanta, Ga., in accordance with au imderstanding with tho Board of Trilde, the State authoritics and the railway compauies of Georgia, has eent invitations tomembera of commercial boiliee, the city authorities, and members of tho pr;as anti leading business mon, throughout tlio Northwest, to visit Atlanta, on or about the 15th inst., to accopt tlic hospitiilitics of tho city, aud to tate frea exoursions on the raih oads f Georgia, from ïiooga to Ailimtii, Augusta, Port Itojal, Sav&nf uan, Thoniasville, and Albuny, and return. Tho Avkanaas Itcpublicau Stato C'onventiou lias been callod to meet on the 27th of April. ' Charles I. Brent, bookkeeper of fho Fall ' City Tobacco Bank, of Lonhmlle, raised ÍU0.' 000 by ineau of forged drafts and checka, and lijd to Hurope lust woek. WASHINGTON. Mb. Waudell, of Noith Carolina, has preacntod a bilí in the House the object of which ia to restore the franking privilege. The uation'B debt was reduced $3,272,733 durir.g the mouth of Fcbruary juut past. AppenJed is the official statement : Sixper CCTit. boudH $ 984,993, fi:"0 ïtïe pur ctat. bouds 697,88J,7M) Total coln bonds $1,682,884,100 Lwf ui money dcbt $ 14,000,000 Maturcil dcljt 18,182,080 Legal tendera 371,011,844 Certlflcatos of dsposit. ... 38,045,000 t'ractiouiU curruncy 45,120,132 Coin ceröflcates 32,915,000 Total without interest $ 487,091,970 Total debt $2,202,158,457 Totalintetvi4 3í),412,026 Caeli in Treasiurj' : Coln .$70,039,772 CurreiH-y 9,529,404 Sjv.'oinl df poaitö held ior rei'.' luptiim of certifleatis ofdepoeit 38,046,000 Total in Treasury $ 117,010,176 a-i S Debt Iprs casli in the Treasury $il 18,233 039 Dccrensc of debt during Jamiarr 3,Í172,'733 Decroase aince June 30, 1875 13,728,41 'J f Bonda issued to tho Pacido Railwav i CompaniCB, intere-st payable iu lawí ul money: Principal outi-tanding 64,628,572 Interest accrued and not yet paid. . .. 946,6 j Interest paid by the United States 3U.141,f13 Interest repaid by transportatioa of inallB, etc 6,324,317 1 Hfïlance of interest paiel by tlie United StateB 23,417,195 A. Wasui.voton dispatch annouDces that the i House Appropriatioa Committee havo vütualiy decided uot to malie auy appropriation to meet the dcficieney in tho Bureau of l'rintmg and EDgraving, so as to resumo the printing of i fractkmal currency, but to report a resolution to the House expressiiip; the opinión that thê time has come when the Secretary of tho Troasury ought to begin ïiayiug out ailVer inatead of fractiotial currency. The Piwidont, immediatoly upon the retirement of Oen. Belknap, appoiiited Secretary Kobcson, of tho Navy, Actiug-Seoretary of War. TiiF.cimeof the late Secretary Belknap ivas !' discuseed at length iu Cabiuet meeting the otter day. The President ia represented to bavc boon vcry decided in the matter, and dirocted the Attornoy-CJeneral to examine tho etatutes and have oriminal prooeedings : tuted at once, and push all pronecutiona 'nbicb the law called for witli the utmost vigor. This will involve the prosecution of Gen. Belknap for accepiing money for an appointment, of Marah for bribery, and of Tomliunon as acceatjory after tho fact. A MKMiij5U of tho Committoeon Expenditurea of tho War Department ia authority for the statement that the Committee aro óf the opinión that before it geta tbrough the pont-trading sale.busiuess it will be ablo to Bhow tliat Secretar;,- Delknap ia worth at least ?250,(IOO. There i-i ijo donbt that the salo of poat-sutlershipB ha been a systematized bu-iuesa, tlio suma paid for privileges of tlü3 kind ranniug fren 4500 to L25,000 a year Anotuer object likely to bo iuTestigafed by tlie Clyoior Committoe íh the marnier of letüng contraots for bendstones lor H-wliers' gravee, for which an appropriation was made by Oongreas. It is aaid tho lowest bid by f63,000, made by á Tenuemeo lirm, was rejected, and tbc contract givou to S. personal friend of Belknup's Upon the order of the Secretary of tho Troaaury, the Becrot Hervice Agentn tho other dny aecured the arrest of Oapt. Ci'aig and G. V. liryant, of Colorado, charged ivith haviug conapired to dcfrau;! the Govcrimeut oí Jt23.000. Thw Bum ■as )aid to one of theae ïneu on accouiit of tho Iohs of mults and iviigon train, w'nicli nero alleged to have baen stolen by the bidiaoB. ïhe claim íh said to have been entiroly CTOokl. Hox. Bicuak! II. Dina. Ju., of MassachueettH, ha been appointed by the President as Minieter to England, iu place of Gen. Schenck, reaigned Th iiumber of wordü pent by tho Western Union Tclegrapii Compauy on tho niglit of tlie Bolkni'.p impeachment haa only been once exceeded iu tbe history of Gongrosf. That exceptiou was ihe night that the Heoret Credit Mobilier evidence wan made pnblio. It compriHed 125,000 vrords. The dispatehen sent from Washington, to the presa, dcscribing the IJolkuap impeachment, amoiinted to 111,000 words. tmüa'. QÜNEKAL. Ex-üknatoh Btewaut, of Nevatla, cliaracterizea Lyan'H testimony bcl'ore the Iloiwo Committeo on ÏForeign AfTairM, in relation to the Mine Kcandal. aa a tiaane of falaehooda. He asserts that Lyou. af ter having accc]trd a largo sum' of money as a compromiso, . " sold tfliort " on tlie stock, and reeortod to lúa damaging sturie iu order to deprecíate the value of tbe abares au euablo hun to ''cover his shorts." Pbok. í3n.r,T5ix has writtcn a letter in wliich he charges Lyon, the witness who testiöed in the Kmma Slino investigation, witb perjury. . . . uou. cxpcoc# s inoiidd )u iew lom, i-nuaaeipbii tmd Washirjgtap have uudortaken to raise a fund of $30,000 to rcimbnrse him for the expeiwe Rttouding bis late trial at St. Louis 1 riends t Oen. Bolknap insint that Mrs. Btlknap ii alone roapoKsible for hisfall. Tliey Hny tbat tlie trao Btoiy iö thia: Wbcu Mre. Bo)knap, tböü Mrn. BowerB, tompted by tbo ambition to rival tbo g:iy dames of our eapital, swcoptcd tho Marsh bribe aiifl daed lier influoucc with her sister to secure the pnrehased ofllcc, sbo couccaled froin the Eotretary all of tho niquitons tranuaotions. After, when be becomo ilrs. lieJkna]), theSecK;taiy was mwle to believo tet the'2Ü,000 that cañe to her from the polipy nu her tonner Iujmband'slife haJ been intniHteil to Mr. Marsh, who bad bot n very sncceHMfuI in its inveötment. He bad increasèdlt to $100,000, and tbomonoy sbe reoeived was froiu tbat source The witncs, who teutihed to Bolkuap's bribery bcfore ihcüouHo cninniittoe, bas fled to Canada. ATTOItNEY-GK.NKllAI. FlEBBEPOST lia WlíttOU a longiby letter explaining that famons letter aboat wUnef&eg in the whinliy cases, aud tlio ?nwmier by wbich it roached tbc uewspapors. i-, Bolf (li'fí-ii1. the Attoiiu;y-Goneral bas been - i'cil to " Ikv down" on Babcock. Of tbat thore vrere but two copies- one of which waS rüailed to ti.eDÍHtrict-Á.ttorneyat SULoíiík, í I ie otbor to the Fixisident. It waa Hiibso(uentlj- discovered tbat a copy of the lotter wau furiimhcd to a Washington reporter bv Storm, one of Babcock" eoniiBol. How did Storm gctit? Dyer lid not divitlge il. Then t must havo been íumfahed from the rromdeut'a offico. So said Oio Attorney-General. Tlie frpKidcnt had not ehown it to any one, and so confrouted tho Attorucy-Geueral with tlie irivato eecretary. Tben Babcock coufesued bat he )""d siirroptitioüsly tekeii the letter from the President 8 private )iapor9 alid given it to Stores, wbo bad it telegraphed far and wido. l'ULITICAI.. A favoraiilk report haa been made ia the Sonate oa the bill fixing the salary of the President of tho United States from and af ter the 4tb of Marcli, 1877, at 25,000, and it haa been replaced on tho calendar .... A meeting of Now iork workinffnien waa held laBt eek, uiider t!io auspioes of the Legal-Tender Olab, at which resolutions wore adonted domandinc that the policy of gpeiio fèsnmption bo abandoned, "and thal -the reatoration of grocnbaokn to }ar (gold) be brought about by promoting tlio industries of thepeople The Connccticut Republicaiw have nominatod tho followiug Stilte ticket : "Goveruor, Benry C. lobinsón ; Lieutenant-Governor, Frederick J. Kingsland : Secretary of State, Franela A. Wa]kcr;.Treasuier, Jeremiftb. Ouiey; Comptroller, Eli Ourtis, Tl'o;plat?orm declares in favor of free ficUoolu nud a coiu currency. Tlio proferenc of tho CouTention ior Marshall Jewell as a IreBidontial oandidate vra indicatcd, but the delégate were left uupledged to any man. The Kepublioan Convention of Ehode Island ia csCed f ox March 23. The Deniocratio Caucue Flnanee Conimittce ' of Ihollouno have agroed upon a bilí to be auppoïteU by the party in that body. The ' measuro ia entitled " a bül to privide for the ' gradual reaumption cf specie pnymeiit," and ia a modillcation of the bill offored by Mr. Payne,of Ohio. By ita ijrovisions the dato set for reaumption - Jan. 1; 1879 - iu further extended. Geouoe H. Pendljston deuiea the story that ho paid money to Slrs. Bolknap to aocure the payment of a claim to the Keutucky Contral Iïailroad, and has asked to be allowed to testify bef ore the Clymer Committee of Congreua First gun for Brietow ! At tbo Iiepublican Territorial Conveiition of Wyoming, held at Evanaton, last week, delegatea wore elected to the National Convention, and resol utions adopted instructing them to vota for Brlstow ; for President. FOKE1GN. An Erjglisn trading ressel wasBeized bysome Spauish coast-guards tho other day, abont fivo miles from Gibraltar i but the prize crew were ovcrpowcred by the Euglisbmen, whfl brought the meichantman, witfi all on board safely iuto tho f ortress Reporte of the floods in the Ilnugarian eection of the valley of Üio Danube, nliow tho devastation to be of YRet exteut and most distrcueing in its oonsequencefl. Two thoiisand peop!e in a BÍDglo city are houselos, aud a hundrod largo manufactories iu Mow JPesth have been deetroyed. The Bufffng amoiif; the houselesa and impoTetiahed poople is terrible. 4 W W m m m % A Cádiz telegram say3 a proclamaron has I beeu publiehed thero declaring that tho Kiug, his brave aitoy and Government, with tho patriotic co-operation of all partios, havo put an pnd to the civi i war in Spain. Fifty tíiousand Spauish soldiers will immediately go to Cuba, io put uown ido insurrección in uiat imi&uu. . . . A London diapateh announccs that Ru'jeia has incorporated Khokand aniong her poseeBBiona. Gen. Scobeleff han bocu appoiutod Goveruor ol tho now produce, to which the rumo of Fcrghau in given Advioes have been reecived at The Hague announcing the death, by cholera, at Adieeu, of Gou. l'ol, commauder of the Dutch forces. The marriagoof Prof. Tyndall toMiss Louis Claude Hamilton took place March 1, at Westminster Abboj1. Tho ceromony was performed y Dean Stanley. Thomas Carlylo, l'rof. Huxy, Dr. Hooker, and Sir F. Pollock were rcsent In repairing the direct cahle at sea ie ahip Faruday discovored evidence that it as malicioualy cut. Thoro were marks of iree er foiir blowe with a hatchet or ax. The London ÍTour, of March i, has the foljwiug : ' ' We understand that a writ returnable i tho Queen's bench vraa served upon Mr. chenck, United States Minister, yeoterday, at be instance of the Erama Mine Corupmiy. 'he writ waa eerved as 3Ir. Schenck was onterng the train at Eastou Station. Mr. Schenck cferred the ollicer to Lord Derby." A London dispatch saya Don Darlos arrived t Folkeatone f rom Boulogne af ter a two houra' ough passage, during which he suffered from .ea-aickness a great deal. AVlieu leaving the iontheaatern Railway Station for London, a alge crowd assembled. Some cheered and itlmrs hiSHei and groaned. His arrival in' ;he metropoli created no excitemant whatever. A. cablegram from Contantinople anlounces that tho Sultan of Turkey has ;riiiil the inBurgents complete amneety. B9fugee8, upon returning home, are to be mpplied by the Govornment, with materia! for the reconstruction of their bouses, and with jrain for eowing. It ia alao atated that all tithea are to be remitted for one year, and other taxes for two yeara. Several of the inBurgent cbiefs Uave isHuod manif eetoes rejecting the reform proffered by Turkoy, calUng npon the great powois for the guaranteed independonce of the iusurgent provincea, and appealing to Servia and Montenegro for asnistance. Aleekt Gbant, the noted London fhiancier, pronouncea Jamo E. Lyon's abont tho Emma mine awindlo a sheer fabrication o far ns it relateB to liim, and lias announced nis inteution to visit Washington and pereoually testify bef ore the Houae Committee Three young men. named Rynis, Nezley and Edgar, while in the woods near St. Johna, N. F., one day last week, were overtaken by & snowstorm, and perished.


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