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Around The Farm

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The cabbage is a goou erop 10 iuihs for cattle food in fall and early winter. It thrives on good corn land, well manvvrcd, and yields 20 tons per acre. Thb London Live Stock Journal says that in the London doiries Hhort-horns are vory largely in nse. In f aöt, pure brtd short-horns and their crosses constitute the principal souíoe of the metropolitan milk supply. Thksb figures of short horn sales may be left to speak for themselves; but it is impossible to avoid the suapicion that purchasers will not in the long run get the best of the bargains.- Pall Mali Gazette. A Nova Scotta farmer wlio stmt a sample barrel of apples to the fruit exposition at Birmingham, England, bas been informed omcially that, "though there -was an exceptionally good show of Euglish appleo, bis fruit beat them all in size, ana wero very iair ïuueeu iu wiui . Ip any family will, for a season, keep n acoount of the value of the products usod from their gardens, at the price at which they are furiiished at the nearest grocery, they will certainly be astonished at the ainount they have saved, aside from their inwensed freshness and quality. Get a quantity of empty barrels and I boxes, and during the coldest time in the winter put a few inches of water in each ; the evening, when cold is most intense, is the best time to do this. After the water is frozea solid, fill up again, and keep on doing so until the packages are f uil of solid ice ; theu roll them into the collar, cover them up with plenty of straw, or tanbark and sawdust, and you will have good, pure ice cheap, and the erop safely harvested. - Prairie Farmer. The Süientiftc American is responsible for the following: A horse was taken to a veterinary snrgeon recently to be oured of a corn in the foot. In paring the corn the operator found a worm about í of an inch long, 1-16 of an inch thick, and sharp at each end as a needie. One end was black and the other end white. The black end was nearest to the sole and the white end was in the flesh. After removing the worm and burning with nitric acid the corn was entirely removed and the horse permanently cured of his lameness. The preference for colored cheese is one of the strangest commercial infatuations we are acquainted with. The Yorkehire people, slirewd as foxes in things generally, have a notion that plain cheese is not gennine, for some roason or other, that it is not so rich as the other, whereas it is really the colored cheese that is not genuino - that is, actually adulterated with annatto to produce the deep tint which they unwisely prefer. If these good people were to toste just a teaspoonful of annatto, such as is usea to color cheese with, we venturo to predict they would eschew colored eheese for the future. However, Üiis fallacy is gradually being extinguished. - London AgricuUvral Gazette. No plakts ever grow without seeds to start frota, and no animáis come without i parentage ; we have no spottaneous j trees and plants, nor any spoutaneous cows, pigs and geese. Tne fact that many seeds are minüte and inconspicuons, and when mixed with the soil are not seen, and do not ge-rruinate until brought up near the surface, has led some superficial observers to think they grow without seed. We know of some plants, the small seeds of which scattered through the spil do not constitutie a millionth part of its bulk, which, when circumstauces favor growth, will spring up and cover the whole surface. - Country Gentleman. COST OF A BüSHKL OF CoKN Mr. J. Hapgood, of Shrewsbury, who stated 1 _ -_- . i1 a J C wniniti rr ï"" nY í" M íí Tl POT lus metiioa oí raisiug cuiu ui me mcciring of the State Board of Agriculture at Haverhill, Mass., and showed some remarkable samples of his corn, has furnished us a statement of the cost per acre. Jlr. Hapgood raises flve or six crops with ono dressing of eight cords of baru-yard mauure, and henee he charges but one-quarter of the manure to the corn erop. His statement is as follows: Plowing tbrce-quarters of a tlay with a swivol plow ï 3.75 Xwo corda mauure at 19 18 W) Kireadii)g mauure nnd liarrowihg .... J.-0 Furiowiog aud lading mauure in iiill 6.00 Seed ainl planting 3-" Oultivating and hoping ono . llarvcsüng aiul hutikiug 8. IK) Total HG.75 Deduot threo tong etover at $8 'U.W v, t ,-,,-i $'22.75 Not coat Pi ïicld eighty-oiic buBhols t $1. Cost of raising, per bonhei, twcnty-eight ccntn. About the Home, To KESTOitE the appetite, take half a pound of valcria root and makc tea of it. Take a wiueglass full at night, on going to bed. ïhb surest reniedy for chapped hands is to rmse them well after wasbiug with soap, and dry them thoroughly by applying lndian meal or rice powder. Delicate Sponoe Cake. - Use the Whites of ten eggs, one and one-half tumblers of flour, teaspoonful of flour, teaspoonftd of creara of tartar, balf a teaBpoonful of salt ; lemon to snit the taste. Bake about thirty-rninutes or more. Soap-bubulbs. - ïliere isaright wayof rnaking soap-bubbles, and tliis is it. Dissolve a quarter of an ounee of Castile or oil soap, cut up in small pieces, in three-quarters of a pint of water, an.l boíl it for two or three minutes, then add five ounoes of glyeerine. When cold, tliis flnid wiil produce the best and mont liiKtinR btifebies that can bo blown. TMa i is commended to the juvenilo Isaac Newtoi)8 who wish to find ont for themselve i the thickuess of the filma of soapbublles. Honby Kecipe. - White or brown suga:. 20 pcunds, soft water 6 pounds, puro bee's honey 3 pouuds, creara of tarter 80 ! graina, essence of rosea 24 drops. Mix ' the abovo in a brasa kottie, boíl over :i eharcual Cru livo mimite, take it off ; MM wbites of two oggs well beaten ; , when almost cold add two pounds moro ' bee's honey. A pint of the docoction of i slippery elin, of t!ie consistency of ' cream, will improve the honey, if it be ! addod whiie cooling. Backkd KkhíI'uddino. - Hoil one coffee.cnpful of rii- in jul on.ugii water to ' absorb it. When ueaily don1., uid ono ' teacupful of antis, Mire tablespoonfols of flnely-chopped suet. Set it aside to oool when it has boilert for ten minutes. Wlien nearly coolcd, add two or three eggfi, well beaton, and turn the wholo into a pudding dish, grating nutmeg over the top of it. Bake in a slow oven foi Kalf an bouf. lintter eau be stibstituted lm tiïe stiet, and the eggn can also be left out, oï cmly oüe nsöd, but without them the pudding will bc vcry plain. When a teaepooufiü of any medicine is prosmbed by a physiciaii it shoiüd be böino Jn mind tliat tho quantity meant ís eütlal in volnme to forty-nve drops of puro wateï ft nixty degrëCS Fahrenheit. It is a good plan io meas ure off this amount in water in a small ■wine-glaas, and mark on the latter the exact heiffht of the fluid. Tina wiU give an accttrate and convenient standard for f uirire use. Tcaspoons vary so much in tiiüe tliat there kl n very wide margin of difference ín thcir tiontaining capacity. It is Tvell to remember, also, that four teaapoonfuls equal one tablespoonf ui, or half a fluid ounce. A wineglassful means four tablespoonfuls, or two fluid ounces ; and a tcacupful, as directed by cookery books, indicatcs four flmd ounces, or one gill.


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