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Can't something be done about it? We are tired enongh to cry, and it has been going on for "weeks. We got a cord of newspapers in last night's mail, and sat dovra to the task of skimming them over. Being in a " hark-f rom-thetombs" frame of mind we read : " The world is f uil of snares and pitfalls, and the feet of the young are turned into forbiddenpaths; gray-haired fathers weep for the untimely taking oft' of their sons, who might have been savcd by Dr. Jenkins' diamond medical discovery. " We fling away the paper, and take another : "Moody and Sankey, the revi valiste, are stirring the Quaker City from turret to foundation stone. Thousands of people duily assemblo at the drug stores inquiring for Dr. Jenkins' diamond medical discovery." We tear the paper into bits, and hop around and swepp the room in three seconds. Then William slides down in his easy phair, puts his feet gainst the mantel vase, and asks to be soothed : " To raise good onions, select moist, well drained soil, work it mellow, lay out your beds, mark the drills a foot apart, and when comes a warmish day, go to your home grocer and got good solid sets, and Dr. Jenkins' diamond medical discoverv. " We clioked with wrath, and William squeaked out, " Wliy don't yougo on?" " You miserable man, if you want advertiseinents, read, read them yourself. " We take a " Bosting" sheet, and saü ín carefuily ; " As there are two sides to every question, there must be two sides to the school question, and the best intellects of the age staud arrayed aga:nst each other ob this fatefül battle-ground ; but, whilo men debato and disagree upon minor topics, they all assent to the e3tablished fact that Dr. Jenkins' diamond medical discovery " We hope this iattor day essayist will fizzle like the bnclm man. We hope his wife will leave him as Mrs. Vinegar Bitters has her husband. We hope there may be a speciul earthquake under his feet that will open a crack big enough to take in one man. We only read the deaths and marriages now, and avoid the comments 011 them. If some fellowsufl'erer will catch the man and hold him, we'll raise an ariny and march on to Bufialo with his "compositions," andshout them in his ears till he is deaf, and then cram them in his mouth and sew it up, and put his yes out with " medical disoovery


Old News
Michigan Argus