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The Clerk's Salary

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Under the lieading of " Supervisors," last week'i Conrier gavo place to "A Kepublican of Scio," askinginformation to bö used against Supervisor Johnson, of that town, in the coming election - that is if he desires re-election. The point is Mr. Johnson'8 vote " in the matter of public printing and raising Poter Tuite's salary." The Gourirr replies in a long editorial rixiiig the rcsponsibility of the increase in sitlary and the " diversión " of certain printing from Repubiican control upon Mr. J., aa it was expected and desired to do. A correspondent - a prominent Democrat conveisunt with the facts - calis our attention to the matter in the following ommunication : Mr. Editoe: 1 think it. important that Hip tax-payers of Washtenuw County shouM know how thatlittle "Ring irorlt was organizad anrt pactially busted. I allude to the raiimig ol the County Clerk's salary and the Oluott {G.ourier) printijlg of the larga mimber oí the Board of BupervisoT prcfeewhnga. The last Courier, I understand, comes out with a iieavy gun ou Johnson, -ui !Scii (see paier). Whlle Johnson was doubtleiw coyniimt ol the ame, he was notthe head center. The Salem, Northfield, Sulme, Augusta, and Liuut Supervisors wtie in it, and 1 think the Supervisor ot the 5th and 6th wards 01 Ann Arbov. l'hgame was to throw the sop of $200 increitse of salary to the Clerk, to appuaae any unkmd teeliñgs he might hav on aSflotont of tekiag the preparation aud printing of the pi infis awny from him, and to btiud the Demonraiic members ot the Board to the rpal plan. The additioniil tax upon the tax-payen ot the county ior the morease "f the C&rk'a ilary, already the beat paying office m thu oounty, should not be eliarged upon the Deinncruto minority. Neither should the Coimer be nllowed te give the people to iinduistaud that Johnson, of Scio, is the only Hupublican memher wlio should be condomued nnd punished lor this ain, while othev. whci were tne pnrhe movei-s in the little arrangement, seek, by livertiug attention, to esi:apc. They sinally failed in their scheme, and slionld bo eipouedWrite them up iu the Arous. H. We understand the matter in this light. Certain Repubiican Supervisors put their wise heads together - perhups, as our correspondent evidently thinks, at the instigation of our C'vrier niend to withdraw oertain printing from the coutrol of the Clerk. To' smooth the way, they agreed - no Democrat be ing present and the Clerk not having asked it - to increase the Clerk's siilary f'200. Puruant to the plan a resolu tion was prepared and put in the hands of Supervisor Leiand, of Northfield, makiug J. D. ülcott, of Augusta, a committeo to "Buperintend and secure the publishing of the proceedings of the Board in pamphlet form," - 1000 copies, and nothing eaid about the lowest price or bidder. This ou the 29th of October. The re8olution was adopted without a yea and nay vote. At the afternoon session of the same day Mr. Brown, of this city - in pursuanee of previous arraugement - oft'ered a resolution fixing the salary of the Olerk at $100 a month - an increase of 200 a year - which was adopte!, also without a yea and nay vote. The uiotion was a surprise both to Mr. Tuite and the Donioorats - but of course the Clerk didn't object. On the next day- the 30th of October, as the proceedtngs show - Mr. Kobison, of Sharon, unwilling that the Clerk should be snubbed by taking the printing froni his control, or that Beal should bag it under a resolution which asked no bids or made no restrictions, moved a reconsideration of the vote of the precediug day, giving it to Mr. Olcott to dispense, which motion was carried by a vote of 13 to 10, Messrs. Ball, Johnson, and Shurtleff (Republicans) voting ycs. Messrs. Krapf and Wheeler (Republioans) did not vote. Mr. Robison then moved that 500 copies " be printed in paraphlet form, at the lowest price possible, under the supervisión of the Clerk," which was carried by yeas, ltt; nayg, 7, five Republicana voting yes, viz : Messrs. Ball, Hatch, Johnson, Krupf, and Leiand. These are the facts and the Republicana can inake the most of it. The Cincinnati Commtreial rejoices in the report that Blaine is disposed to withdraw frotu the Presidential oourse, and that the New England Republicans (or some of them) ttre organizing to promote the nomination of Bristow for l'riisident, with Charles Francis Adams for the second placo. It says " it would give any honest Republican a germine thrill of satisfaction to put a ballot with such names on it in the box." Would n't the ticket look better turned round 'i - Adams and Bristow. But as the combination is n't at all likely to be inado either end to, the Commtrcial will only be peruiitted to rejoice in antioipation. The " honest Ropublicaus" alluded to don't control nominating ponventions. The caucus managers may be compelled to tako Bristow, but the " second place on the ticket " must be a bait for the t'other t'ellows. It will do the tax-payers of this city and county no harui to carehilly study the communication of "Tax 1'a yer " in another column. He has couijúled his figuros trom offioial sources, and unless they oan bo suceesRÍully ex]lained away, one of these conclusions is evident : either the towns have been growing poorer and poorer for a series of years or great injustioo has boen done to ihis city, for there has not been that relative inurease in populution or wealth here which the figures indioate. We leave the Aküus readers to solve the problem for themselvu.


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