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üraudjia Cuatidler settles $"0,0(H) on every one ot Engene Hale s babies ; ;here ore tliren of them. Millions in it.. A touohing tributo to tho popular trida in respeot to the Uovernment h kiforded in the nauiing ot a jtnuliar irand of Houtbon whisky " White UoUsc." Last yeax the town of Wintor, Cali"orniu, wasa whtmt field, and aorop wan ;athered f rum it. ' ïo-day it has twelYe iundred mliabitaiits, and town lot are worth 600 Such is the terror which the WhiHkyKing jjroseoutions have innpired in the bosonisof Western ditillcrs that whisky is now selliiifj at $1.04 a gallon. The oost of production, with the tax added, is $1 ■;. 11. lí. Halleck, who has boen on trial tor implication in the theft of f47,(KM) from the United Stutes Treasury last spring, has boen found guilty by a Washington jury, and seutonced by Judgo Oliu to tour years in tho Albany penitentiary. Mrs. Charles L)ube, of Malden, Ont., got 15 frorn the Queen for her industry in producing tripleta in February, lsT'i. Thus enoouraged she last week drew two of a kind. She has borne tifteen children, including ttiplets once and twins four times. Williaui fSchrall, who started from Denver early in Januaiy in a light spring wagon drawn by two horses, on bia way to the centtmnial, pussed St. Josepb, Mo„ last week. He is traveling oisurely, and, he saya, " getting a good riew of the country." Julia Ward Howo has appearod before ;he Judiciary Corumittee of the Massaíliusiitts Legislature and mude a plea n favor of having the luws relating to walking apply to males a well as tómales, especially for the beiter protection of modest wotnen and young a;irls in walking the streets. In the auit ot the ohild Josephine Ash tgainst Henry Astor, non of William B Astor, for dauiages becaus of injuries whieh he inrlictod on her by throwing ber froui a ehair and crippling her for lite, tried at Poughkeepsie, the jury warded her $20,000. The court allowed $1,0(10 additional to the plaintiff t'ol OOHtS. Tho PostmaBter-Grneral has received the folluwiiig letter trom Chillioothe, ( . : " I would like to obtain a situation in the uiüü dppartment of the Noioto Vally Railroad, now in the courne of i;onstruction and which is uearly 00111pleted. I will jiay you $100 Jor the position. Cau aiso furnish good WOUrity as well as tho best of referencia." In the HUnmer of 18)0 liarían Case, the collector for the port of Sinituky, Ohio, stole $'22,000 iu guvemmimt tunds ;ind ran away with the wife of hit dputy collector, Iïuury Fruncís. Kor y.eara notliing was heard f the tugitives until a few weeks ago, when they wore found by a missiouary in the island ot Ceylon, where tho faithless wife was just at the point of deatu. New Haven ís preparing for a great celebration of the Fourth of July, and will ask for $1,500 trom tho Legislatura in addition to thn $1,")00 already uppropriated by tha city goTernnuint. A grand stand is to be erected on the green, and more than 10,000 school children will occupy it, Hinging with instrumental accoinpaniment. Xhere will ulso be a grand parade. The Hou. R. H. Dana does not think it worth while to bother the Foreign RelatioHte Committee about his nomination to the.Knglish Mission. His frinnds say that the President is indignan t at Ben. Butler for his personal interference with the nomination, and that Butler's rocent visit to the White House was of short duration, the President plainly indicating that he did n'l wish advice i'roin such a source. The Vicksburg Heratd speaks thus hopifully of the approach of spring in Mississippi : Crocusea, buttercup.s, and hyacinths are blooming in the garduña, pear and peach trees blossom in the orchard groves, the grass grows green in the fiolds, tho forest trees and shrubs are donning their vernal girb, and'balniy spring is getting horwoik in ivll over this soction of country. A New York Timen spocial says (he Committee on Ezpenditurea iu the War Department discovered that the Quartennaster-General's office bas been pay-ing Mosers. Coles & Brey for tho use of a patent for the preveutiou of moths in ariny clothig notwithstanding it was proved useless and the uppropriatiun for it left out of the army bill last winter. Capt. Allegood, who reported against the patPnt was removed. The reports of devastation by wind and flood in England, France, and Belgium continúes. In London and neighborhood, roofs, skylights and chimneys were blown down. The rivers Chervell, Tone and others overflowed the country for miles about. In Paris the Seine has iisen to a great height, inundating the suburbs, flooding tne country for miles imiiiiid the city, and causiuy great los and Huffering.


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