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Chancery Notice. Pi K-iANT to and by rtrtue Í adecree f the C'ircull Court fortheCounty of Washtenaw, ia chancery, made on the Afteen tb day oi' December, A. D lS7-", in ;i cause thereiu pending, whercin ' biirlea J iïowell is complaluaoC and Jacob Kiil-bü, )."iii-n Ëitlebu, James McMahon, ThomM W. :i Hoper.and Anna Maria Ëltlebusara defendants: Nul ir Ís lirn-by niven th;tl l sliall scll ut public M tothc bJghesi biddor, at ton o'clock ín the forenoon, on the I.'tth day of May. 1870, al the Croul or mm uii door of the Court Bouw, In th ct y of Aun Aihor. in taid county, al) those parcela of land kuo it and ilescrïbed as lote efghtj ftlnc, and ten, in block numbor foursouth, n range nuniber two west, in the CU) of Vnn Arbor, 4 'ounty of Waht.'iütu , and State of Michigan. Mareta 28, l7& 1 .v, .(. F, LAWRENCE, Jojim n. '."Ti, Cl reuil Courl Com'r Solh1 Iot ( omp't, Waslitonaw Co., Mich. Chanoery Notic. rpHE Clreuit Court for the County of Waahtem. nu kt - In ( 'hiiiu'uiy. linn'litHi Cru nip, comphiinant, va. Kplnaim Crump, defeudimt. IttmtiBfactorily appearinr to Ihiw Court by atfidnvii aud the roturn ot' the otfidPr on tlie aubprenu iu thla OHiihir. tliat the residonce of the dcfendant is unkuowii, and tlitit wild rlefcndtitit is iiot witlijn the imi diction of thia rourt ; on motion of Í). )thmei. solioitor foi Mm: oomplainAttt) it in orderal (hot 'li defondani eause hu appaaraniM to le antered ti thUoause wil hls thrce montli trom tha flutf of thia order, and in obso of hi appHring ho cnuse anwet to the ooiupliuimnCH hill to bc tilcd in thisatuHo, and i oopy thereod t beserred ■ ■ ■ r r i t 1 .un ml , oi hoi Bolioitör, vithiii twenty duys aftor bom tee on bim, or í in olicitor, of a copy Of tho hUl of ompluint tiled in tliin oauaa and a DÓtioe "f t hij- order; and in defaull t herent' thal the aaid co.-itpl .i íautV bilí be takn ut oonfewed by the said defendant: And it la forther ordered th1 within twentydays the said eomplaln ;int use a oopy of t.hin order to be published in the Michigan Araus. n pubHo nownpapor nriuted in aald óunty of waahtenaw, nnñ tliat the publicafcion continue once eaoh woek for ix Bueoewfre irèeka, oí thai abe oatin n ■]))■ of this order ti be personally BOrrod on the said nVicudant, aoeovdfalg to tlie rule and practico of this court. lnted, Mincli 20th, l7(i. lATfl JOHN F. LAW&BKCB, 1). CbameBi ( 'ïrcuit Conrt Oomr öolioitor for Comp'nt. Waahtonaw Co. Mioh. Chancory Sftïe. PiIISUANTto and ly rtrtue of an order ol the Circuit Court for theCouotf of "Washtt ii. iw, in ehancery, made on the thirty-flrri day of j december, A. l. 17.', in a oaum thereia penaing, h ■ii-in Chariea Thayei la complaixuuit, andL)iish W. Morgan, urvivinj tiuuteeofthe Ann Arbor Land Omnp.itiy, i defendani : ITbth i hexeby gtven, tliat I ahaU sell at public readne to the hiifhet Diddcr. at ten ('(]H k in tho FnwKK&, ou rhc 18th day of Mnrch, 18T6, ;it tbe motil door of the Court House, in the oity of Ann Arbor, all the following described lande situatvd in the City ol Ann Arbor, in said Coimly : Lotsl,2t8, 4, r. and H, in blook pevcn nouih, range eightoaat ; alo , 'i, 7, 8, U, l ' , and 12, n block seven soutli, and range nme east ; allo, lot 5 in blook seven aouthi range uluven enst ;, lot, 10 in blook geven íMMith, runjí' twelvc ''ist ; lina alw, hits f, tï,7, 8, and il, n bTocfe 86V( n iouth range tn e;st ; also thfl south ODi 'i'uirter nf lot nine, in block Mvén BOUth, rangi nineeftst;and th triangular piece of land, bcing nbout thrt'o quarten of an ore, in the northst oorneroi seotion thirty-two. Dated, Januury lStb, 1876. 1566 J. F. LAWKENCE, Circuit Court Coram'r Washtenaw Co., Mich. Estáte of Millers, Minors. 3TATB OF MICHIGAN, i.'ouniyul' Wanhtenaw, sa. At aaeaaion of the Probate Conn for ihr ountj of Waebtenaw, holden at üih Probate CM ■■ in ihfi city of Ann Arbor. on Wedneaday, t-b rein y-i:r,nHi day nf Man h, in r 1 1 - yei g i on tand eiglit hiulixi aml rvnity-ix. ('i-MHttiit, Noali VV. íli.iv.-i, Judgpoi Probate. In t.he aittiei f Hip ■■ iat of fWorge Milfcr ftüd ann a)i Mi lier, niiuors. Jacob Kinnri Guardian of saM enlate comes 1 1- cnu 1 1 a mi rcprHOlil-s thul hf Dw jii ■■- gtred tu rende i account as such guardiau. Thoreupon i sorderwi ihatThursday, thc ihiirpiiih day of Ajiril D0xtval ten o'ülock in thr ir -ii'n.ii. r.i ■ ;i . ■iiíui -fi fin exdinining and allowing di Hccounl, ana that tbr next of kin of said iniors, and alt othcr Mrsons ínteicsted in said (- %n are requirad lo appear al saloii of ;i iri rart, then to !-■ bolden at Ihe Pnate re, iu fehfi ettj of Aun Arbor, in hüíiI ouuty, mi show cause, if' any there (■, wbv the aaid coonnt should not be alloWod : And it H irther ordered tbat said guardián riva aotícE to [■- persons interested ín shd estáte t thi' ppnt'iH'y o( sald aócounl and the hearing thereof, by auslng ;i cujiy of thia order to puolished In the ficJtiffan Argut a newajaper prtnted and cin uluiiiK in sumí cíiuiity, iwn succcnsivc wccks previoul o -iil ciiiv i hearfnK (A truc copy.) NOAH W. CHEBVBB, 1B73W2 ratgQ of Probate. Estáte of Rebeoca P. L. Gillespie. QTATB OF MICHICiAN, county of Washtermw, lo kh. At a nesaion of the Probate Oourt for tht Rounty of Wafihtenaw, holden at tlie Probate Office, n the city of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the tweuy-ñTHt dtty of March, in the year one thoutand eiffbt hundred ftnd HPveiity-wix. Present, Noah W. íheever, Judgeof BtolMto. Iu the matter of t.he estáte of Rebecoa P. L. Gillospie, deceased. On readiiiíf and fllin tlie petition, dtily ventied, of J. Luthrop OiUespie, prAying that an administrstor iay be appointed on thel estáte of oaid deoeaied. Thereupon it is ordered that Mondav tht seventeonthdayot April next, at (en o'clock intht foreiiinn., Ín í.hsii "íl for the; hearing of aaid petition, nd that. the hoir at lw of iid (fecfiased, and all othei pei-aone mtei-eMtod m suid estáte, are required to unpear at a wesflion of rtaid court,thn to be holden at the Probate office, in tbe city oi Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the potitioner Bhoulrt not ba rantcd . And it is further ordeitíd that said petitioner give notíce to the persons interesti'd in said estáte, of the pendency ot stiid petition, im! the hearing thereof, by cauHing a copy of thi order to be puMÍHhed in the Michigan Áryut, k n.'WHpuprr pnn1tl and circulated in miid county, t)true HiincesHivtí week previons to aid day ol htwmr {Atruecopy.j NOAH W. CHKEVER. 107w;; Judge of Probate. Estáte of Sarah Ingalls. STATE OF" MICHIGAN, county oí Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Wanhtenaw, holden at tïie Probate Ottice in the eity oí Aan Árbor, un Mooday, the t ltirteenth dfiy of March, m the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-?ix. Present, Noah W. ('heever, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah Ir'_rïtll. On i'-;uiin,_, and rilin thopetition, duly veiifled, ff Michael McFadden, prayiiiK thn-t Joh:i X.fintt. of Ann Arbor City, muy bv uppointed Admipirmtor dt boñit R0fi witli the willfcannexed of snid de04 wed. Thereupon it is ordered. thaf Monduy. th ten tli day of A pi il nuxt. at ton o'eiock in the forenoon, b. atjKivned for th the hea ing of iiid iciitiou, Hiifl that the devioees, leñatees, and heil al law of Baid deceaiicd, and all ot her peraorie mteretited in aid tisi ate, are rcquircd to appenr at a Hfwmon of Mtrid Couvt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arboi , (ind nhow cauce, if tin y thei bet why the pi :yrot die petitioner nhonld not be granled : And it h rurthes orderot) t-hat said petitiouer anvp notioft'tö the persons int'PHfed in' said en tnte, of the peadency of suid petition, and thv henrinu thoreoT, by UQBfntt a nojy oí thll (trdcr te bc [iiblishd in the SfiafoffcM Argn$y a newnl . n j " ■ r printed and ciroulaled in Htud oountv, thiee l BUOCOMlTfl wks prtu-ioiiH ti said day of hc irin;. [A true OOpy.J NOAH W. CHEKVKl;, 1571 Jndpe of Probate. Mortgage Sale. IIKKATJTjT IiHving been mnde ia the condïtïon " f a cfrtaiu mortgape, mado and executed by Willinm I'itzerald and M:ry Fitzgerald his wife, ot' Northtlold, county of YV&sLtonaw, and State ot Michigan, on the nineteenth day of September, in the yearof our Lord one thousttnd eight hundred and Hixty-five, to .John Lynch, of the same place, and reoorded in the office of the register of dceds tor the eounty of Wastenaw atoresttid, on the tenth day of January A. 1). 1H.1, at 3 o'clock P. M. of said day, in líber 3 oí Mortgaes, on page 155 ; wiiicii BtUd mtrtr;ige wan diily nssitned by John Lyuch of the towuship of Northfield, aforeHaid, to Thomaa Earl, ot the city of Ann Arbor, county and state aforösaid, on the thirteenth day of November, A. b. lHfi7, anti recorded in the office of the regiMtur of detxls fur said county on the thirteenth day of November. A. T). 1S67, in liler iiumber one ol si'nraents of inortfrHgeB, on pape i02 ; ano afralo scaigned by the cftid'lhoinaH Karlto Caroline M. HijiittH-inin, of the city of Aun Arbsr, aforesaid, on iho twenty-third dal of Deoemher, 1R7Í, and recorrted in the ottlcc f the registe r of deeda for fluid county on the twtuty-seventh day of Denember, A. t. 187Ö, in liber tnimber ive of asRigniiii'iits of mortífíiís, on paffe thirty-thrue, and that tafm now :laimed to be duo and unpaid on aid inortgage the nnux of four hundred and ninety-two dollars, inoltldtltg aroHsonable attoruey's or solicitor'H fee for torecloBing the same ; and no proccedingtt in lw or equitv havinir been had 10 recover said Hum of money or any part thereof , tfaerefore, notice i hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortsrage contained, 1 .shull kcII at public auctiuu Lo the bidder on tb' i wfijty-flíth day of March, A. D. 1876, at two o'clock in tin' n f tentoon of s-aid day, at the front door of the court houge in the cit of Ann Arbor, COUnty Of WtiHhtt'naw and Stateof Mi hignn,(that beinif the building in whicb the circuit court foi said county ia held,) the premises deacribcd in said mortsuye. nu being uil that tu rtain piece or parcel of land knwn and deoribed h follows, t-wit : Tlm eiiHt halt' of the louth-west (juarter of aeution uuniber thiee (3), in township nu m her oue(l) south iu r;mi,'o number six (fij eaat, heiug in Northtield, in the county of Wftshwn&w, and State of Michigan, contal uiiig eight. y aoxet af Inttd. more órlese. Dated Urceinber 27th, I87S. CAROl.iNK M. HKXNTEQT7IN, AMlgnde d( mií1 Mortaee. John K. Go rx, Attorney for the usBÍí;n;e o( aid Mortagee. Auanled (he HiIiot Iledal al Vienna. o E, & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., S91 Broadway, i'v Vork. tU]j]. Metropolitan Hotel,! tlaiiiif.iduK!-, Importrrs & Uealers In 0HE0M03 and FEAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, ALBtratR, GraPHOSCOVFS, ANI) SriTABLE VïEWS. Photographic Materials. We ure Headquartors for everything in the waj of KTi:KËOPTIEO!VS & fllAGIf LA1VTEBKS, Boiug muuufactnvera of the HT0RO-60IEKTIPI0 LANTERNÍ, BTEREO PANOPTICOX, UNIVB-RS1TY 8TBEEOPTICOW, ADVERTISKR'S STEKE0PT100N, ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LAN'TERN. FAMILY LANTERX PBOPLE'S LANTKJiX. Kacli style being the bant of its classin the market. o Catalogue of Lanterns and Sliilew with diiectionw for ufting sent ou applioation, Any enterprwing mau eau muke money with a Magk Lantern. 1571 WtfTCnt out thifl advertisement for reference.o 1876. 1876. SPRING STTLES. W. WAGNER HAS JU8T OPENED THE FIXKST STOCK OF sÊB H Hl m Si Bki K JMB' CLOTHING To be Ion nd n Ann Ailiur. COOipiislllff all the NEWEkT 8TYLE8 AND PATTEBNS, Whicfa he m ofleringal prtoes that DEFIES ALL COMPETITION. All who are rressed with the hard timos and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. M v stock of Piece Gi-oods Will be found oomplote and oontains uil the NEWE8T DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FT3RNISHING GOODS. 21 South Main St. Ann Ahboe. THE HILE ARM FOB KALK. Arl.ioining the West line of theCity of Ann Arbur, ■ in townnhip two Houth oí naga ni'x i-aat, eomprisiuK the east hnlf of the northeast guartev of ( tion ninfteen ; imd that part of the west Imli of the west hnli of the northweBt quuitrr oi Beotioo twcnty, lyi"K north of the (tiiu]iike : in all ! 100 42-100 neren, with House, Barn, an UnfailingSpring of Water, And bout flftjr aoves well lmpiovinl ; Hist clanM land nnd situotion btautiful. Two-thlrds of the purchnne money my remain on the land three to ive veara. Kor terms apply to GEO.K.HAND, OrH.J. BEAKES, ÜBtroit. I Aon Arbur. IJlitt I jWliJJX; HOV8JB8 FOK SALE. Alargeaml very WflU bullí bnpfc home. with tWO 01 niim lo's. TV(í traint-.I QfAueS. Also tgoodqUed bnok houttt aad frame houn; and ;t tmall frame house on a good lot, mtended for ad(Iíiíít a front . Por sale on rair turma and a reasoottble credit. Aiaootíiei bQltdinOTt lot, and proper tv HOIVEY VATi:s. muny wibhing tofcorr mm. -y npplj to me thal I cao readily obtniníor Undcrs good mitisfactory invt'stmentKv tu peí teñí miirt=6t. K. W. MOKWAN. Ann Arbor. Jan. 3 , ! fi. icti4 JEND25c. toíi.P, ROWELL .% ('O., Ww York, O íor pjtmplilet of ion pnífe, oontainlng lists of :í((nhí nevspapen, Dd btimuio 1k ing oost ut uUsltldlii(, RAILROADS. mCÍHHy CENTRAL RAIIROA. NOVÏMBER 21, ..MrJO . ". . TATIONh. - . 5" gg" ! Hli . M. A. M f I. P.M. p. w. p, M Detruit.leave. . .. I (0 5 1 1,, uó Wuyne (liu;i ion, 7 5j 11" 17 ■ ■ ■ ' 4 53 (i 37 1(1 JHI V IMÜaiUl, 8 3J -i : I 7 U4 11 in viui All...]. S 5i 11 66 4 18 ." 46 7 4S 11 2; x ei, ' ie i 35 fi lu 8 1D , CIlPlS. :■ " -- ' :..i 1123 S 30 , uriu J..ui!, H. W , C4S 9 00 . r. m p. m a. v. (Bck.son. lt. :',; I 10 5 " 15 80 IS N A.M. Kaluninzno, 2 05 S :í 1 26 3 3 Ohiciu'oarrive, B 10 C 7 00 OOINO BASTi A.M. A. M. P.M. F. M. A.. ühicneu, lHve, íll 8S0 5 16 9 00 P.M. A. M. Kalamuoo, 1" 60 1 22 1" Ï3 2 30 . P.M. A.M. A.M. ■ Juekson, 2 1 3 4Ï 7 uO L2 42 4 55 9 5(1 Uke, 2 JO 7 32 6 23 1" K Chelsen, 3 1' 8 (10 . i. 50 1" fi llextei S :"■ B 18 C OS 10 5} Aun Arbor, i 4 ó.i 8 37 2 (l 6 28 11 15 Ypsilanti 4 -jo .. lu s .... ! 20 48 11 M Wiivue ■ í '8 !l 23 2 40 7 08 11 4i Detroit, urrive, fi 4 6 II 10 19 8 'SuDdnya excepted. IBatuiday and thmday execpted. i Dftily. I VM. H.S'1 KOXO, i'i ujj't, Chicngo. 11. li. I.ICI)YAltl), At. (ien'l Supt. Datrolt. ITROIT, HÏLLSUALE& INDI. I ' ANA RAR.ROA1). fiOISU WEST. -1876- OOINO IÍAÍT. statioss. Mai;. Exp. tationh. Kxp Detroit, dep... 7:05 5:40 " Ypxilnnti ... S::S'_ 7:10 Bun s;.lh,... 9:M 7:40 Hillsdule .. t;:;" Bridg water.. 9:85 7:57 Manchester.. Ï:ÏS . :",■ Mauclieittr. 10:'J?, 3:1') Dridpwater 9:r. p. M. Saline 1O:2. 4:M I FTillsdaí 1:'O IfcW Ypsilanti.... 11:1 .. Bmikers. 1.15 10:06 1 14:3 S:ll Ti ni un ruu by Chicago time. To take eflect Nov. 1, 1874. W. K. PAKKER, Svip't, Ypiilanti. I EDWARD DUFFYJ iia JrsT BEOEIVBD AN' Entire New Stock Oí goodn conitiiis of Teas, Coffessj SÜGARS AND SYRÜPS. Boughtin NEW YORK fnm' first hands FOR CASH, and is offeríng them at VÉT SUCHT ADVld over New York Oost. Also a f uil line ui LADIEtj Bpd QSMTLEMEN1 W E A B in BOOTS & SHOES, All of wliich he ia ofTenng VERY LOW FCR CASH. ït puy M everybod) to bu j Cali and exBinine Jtooda Ltl pi ■■■ i b, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTIOK Goeds dfliveféa t. :iïiy pari of the Cliij free o KDAVAIU) IMFFY. " Muyri;ud'( liloek, cui. -Muin umi Auii Ann ArKor, Mii h. Hl Y THK rtW Family Singer. tM1.i?iSüli isi IS74! And 148, SSS KiXt tllllll l rc fc.illl b) its iityiivsi competilor whii-i: tii; Wli.-I. r '. ilowu M.n.hi[iM Co. rísliimiled I ■.' Qomestie a-2,Tü Weed Grovtr & ltaker 20, Remingum IB.tM Anu so wu iluwu. Su it tljpt-rtrH from tbtheditferenl : ■ Imt THE R)N(iliR Has More Fricnds and Admiren TtlHTl rtll tilt Utïlt-ls C.llnl'i! . '. ' MACHl.NKiS 80LD ON i:SY TERMS, AU piirtifR bliyini.' h HÍBBA Mul v.-hiue t it tor :i Bowe ai Remlngtu .litliin three monthacan so witht ui extrn noat. I llave alsO BPV( ; i] ut H tic :unin of aecond ban iu guod order, tiii-lt cao " The v.-ry heul v Jlea ■ per dozen. Set of four Heiiimen and the (hionfU Binder forll maohlnes, M,00 the b i iet in the tuarkei, and ateo attachmenta for pearly all ma'tlilll'S. i i,. o'xiji,!,, Agent. (1.".56) 2d door enst of PostofHoe, Ann Arbor, Mich. FOUND AT LAST7! A S":isJiiiij-Machiue tlutt plfeaso everytKMly. Oalkins' Champion Washer Doevita wotk ipdckly, without iojaring the 1'nbric oi ljrcnkiis oii buttons, mul oompletea t worki fjoui thf onastlaou to n raii oarpet ; m simp] ii child en:: it, mul :i enaUy handled a a oominou vringar. SATrSFACTlON (ÏUARANTEED Ur tht umuvr lel'uuded. Ciill :iud et a circular and se thr Wdshcr aml try om . I liave one tlial I uppn.pi-iate itpccinlly to tlmt nse. uid will end it to your home and o&U foi it agaic il jrou are ooi eonvinoed that it is jut THE PERFECT WASHER And wish to pinchase om-, or try it fairther, uil riirht. Wahtefl n trw Live Ag'tsto Canvassthe Comity Also. .i ri'-:ionill' party io ha'ndle 't hom In ; iibititi. Siiliüc ami iii'xter. U. J. PEASE, HarduarcTin, tiiul l'uinisliitlC IvOOdMa (Vl52fi 46 Souiu iHuiu ?tr-.-i, Ann Arbor. MAN HOOI) How Lost. How Restored ! Just publislitd, u new (iitiouof lr. CulverwelPn Celabral ii i shu on the ba i cube 'without taediciEieO o; Bfksmatq] St-minnl weukness, Invtilmitary 8ioiJ :1 incapacil ■ . peoimenta bo mttrriáge, ero , aieo, Coneumplion, l'.jiilt iiii'i Fits, Inuuood by ftell-muulgenco or mxiuJ txtntwsHnoe, & . lfc# Vricf., in .: ie tii .i envelopè, only six ceutti. The celebra ted tiutJiur, m lliis admn i cleurly ttemonatratee, from a Liny ,., tul praoi loei th& the alurmiiig oo ol selfítbtiKt muy be rodi ulij cuit-tt wjti;out liu the dun:iv Of iutrvil.ii lii-.'.lailic 01 tilt JipilllcatlOU of the kniit ; (X)inting' oil a in i oí cure it unce simple, oortflin, huO eífeotual, by meana of which everj suffer e r, do m itter irbat bis ooudition tniiy be. may cure hfmse fcheaply, prlrately,! nú mdicallv. B3T Xhis Jecíurcshonld be in tlrf liands it every yuuth and eveíj man m the land. vinder seul, iu a plnih uve o;a, to ny iulbtea, pot ijhícI, un receipt oi sis oente or two post stampa. Addrcaa the mblishcre, F. BRÜOMAN te SO. 41 Aun St., New Voik, l'ost Office Uo:liMNE JOB PRINTING auo at the F AHGU3 OFFICE.


Old News
Michigan Argus