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THE BAST. The National Bank of the State of New York, of New York city, lias suspended. The usual bad effecte of bucIi & failuro are somcwhat neutralizad by tho announcoment that depositore and cuatomers of the institution will lose nothing. Followinö tho examplo of tho Bank of California, the stoekholders of tho broken Bank of the State of New York havo resolved to pocket their losses of capital, and reorganiza on what is lef t. with a more prudent administr&tion. Thk town-hou86 of Norwich, Ct., has been dostroyed by fire. Several of the imnatcs perished in the flames The wonmn's Buffrnge movement is looming up again in Massachusette, the üppor House of "the Legislatura of that State baving, by a vote of eighteen to ten, passed the female-auffraga amondment to the Constitution. THK WEST. We learn from tho Chicago papéis that exGongrofsman aud ex-Uuited States District Attorney Jasper D. Ward has been indictcd for complieity with tho whisky riag. B. B. Webbek, of Linu county. Iowa, is ouo of tho heirs to very largo fortune ia Holland, wortli about f20,000,000. About a month ago ho reeoived notico that the flovornment of Holland had surrenlered all claims to the money, aud that the same will be sent to this country and distributed among the heirs withiu tho present ycar. But few being equal in the line f cousanguinity to Mr. Webber, his portion of the nioney, itis expecled, will reach -f 4.000,000. Sfvekal membors of the Chicago whisky ring, includiug A. O. Hesing, Jacob Rehm, and a portion of tho crooked distillers, havo pleaded guilty to trio soft iinpeachmeut. Sentencos have heen defi-.rred unlil all the pending vhisky-fraud cases have been disponed of Bpringfleld, 111., has been visited by a disastrous cojiflagratiou. Bunn's Opera-house and hreo üdjoining business houses wero burned, nvolving a loss of ahont $170.000 Gen. E. I Merritt, of Gen. Sheridan s staff, who has juut returned to Chicago from an 63pedition to tho Red Cl oud agency, says there is flomegold in tho Black Hills, but not enough to upport one-half the pcople who are alroady thcre. Geu. Merritt thinks the coming spring will find many of those who have gone to the Hilla prostratcd by exposure and disoase, and htterally etarved to deatli. Jf thcy are fortúnate euough to live through the winter, thev cannot move, for tne enow is deep on the ground, tho etreams are frozon hard, and tho only running water found is upon the surface of the ice, which wül not break until June. The distillery of Dickinsou, Abel & Co., one of the "crooked" ones of Chicago, has beon condemned by the United States District Court, and forfeited to the Government The St! Louis poiice the other day made a raid on all the pohcy shops in the city," aud seized uil the tioüots ii.,.1 other proptrty belongini; to thelotH-iy busmoes.... Richard D. Curry, an Omaha coloretl gambler, Las been convictéd of assanltmg with intent tokillEdward Iiosewater, editor f, 2maha Bee' and sontenced to four vears ui the Pemtenüary. 8ODTH. Charleston, S. C, has been ecourged by a disastrous conflagration. Tlie fire broke out in the morning. at the corner of Kiug street and Rogere' alleys. Ne water being in tho ueighborhood. and tho wind blowing a gale from the southesst, the flaraes spread with increditaMe rapidity. Tho firo rsged for eight bonrs, and only stopped for the want of material, lleartrendiug scènes were witnessed duraig the progresa of the flames, aud, to add to tl e confusión, bands of negro robbers sacked every house to which thoy eould gaiu admittauce. Hundreds of persons were reudered homeless and pennilos. The loss is estimated at oit0,000, with very iittle iusuranca The recent snow-storm ettended iteelf over nearly tho entire southern section of onr country and was the hcavient visitation of the kind that the oldest mhabitant eau recall. At Cairo the snow was fourteen inches deep, and at Memphis and pomts farther soath, it ws ten aud twelve inchoj on a level. WASHIJÍGTOSÍ. Geoeqe H. Pendletoh ha explainod to the House Committoo on War Expeuditures the part he tooi; in procuring the payment by the Department of the claim of the Kentucky Central raüroad. ne stated that the owners of the road agreed that te should have 50 per cent. of the amount collected. He succeeded aftcr several moutbs, in getting the claim mountiug to nearly S150.000, allowed, aud had uot paid one cent to Beiknap, or auv memper of hia family, for allowing the claim, but had paid over the proceeds oí tho claim the railrcad company. He said that, as tho administrator of the Bcwers esteto, ho had made a contract with himself, es ?resideut of the Keutiicky Central raih-oad to collect this claim, whereby he received .Í80 000 and üio road 08,000. . . . Killbourno, the' aeut of the Washington real estáte pool, was brought before the bar of the Houso the other day, and, f or ref using to answer eer tain queshons, propoundod by the committee iuveBtigatiUK rea! estáte affairs in the District, was remandod to jail. He was accompanied by Judge Black and David Dudley Field aa counsel The Senate Foreign Affairs Committoe uas decided to report adversely on the nomiuation or Iiiohard II. Dana, Jr., to be Minister to England. The committee was led to this course by evidence that Mr. Dana, some years a?o when edlUng "Whcaton's International Law." plagiarized some of the notos of Gov. William Heach Lawronce, of Rhodo Mand, who had previously edited the same wolk. Whou Dana's name was first sent to the Senato, Lawrenco went to Washington and c immeuced working asainst lus coiifiimatioii. and was mutcriallv alde, it is said, by Ben Butler, an old-timo foe of Dana. Tuk President ha appointed E. P. Derrick6on Coüsctor of Internal Revenue for the First Illinois (Chicago) district, vice Gen. J. D. Wobster, deceased. Thk menobers of Congress are becoming alarraed at the increaaing sickness of Represeutatives and tho coudition of the hall. A chemieal expert has exarained the condition of the ventilatwn of tho House. Ho fomid that wliilo 50,000 cubic feet of air aro required for hea lli, the hall is at present supplied with only 15,000 feet. . . . Hallock, oue of the thieves who some timo at;o etole Í40.000 from the :iv. lias heen coDvicted. Tm: hsenato Committee on Privileges and Electious have began its inveetigation of the charges brought against fionator Spencer, of Alübama. that he Pecured his election by corrnpt means. Ex-Senator Matt Carpenter is couihp] for Spencer. ... A Washington dispatoh aB Maj. Bluford Wilsou, So icitor of the 'lYeaeuy, aud WaHhbuni. Ciiief of the Secret Service have gone to Montreal to endeavor to securd the return of Marsh. Co.vfiunssMAN Fernando Wooc has just had naiTow encape from a painfnl death. Thero ■was aa abecess in his throat which threatened to close the windpipe beforo it broke, aud the Washington fcurgeons had despaired of reaching it. Tho eminent surgeon, Dr. Sayre, of cw Ycrk. wauentfor. andimmcdiattlvundertook the extremaly dangerous task of laucing tb.e abscess from the inside of tho thioat ucitr t!io carotid artory. Tho operation was suceessfii!, but Wood will uecescaiüy lie aü ivalid for from six months to a year. 1'itEKiBENT ( rBANT having guaranteed the witncs.s Marsh au-.l his wife immuuity from prosecution, the pair returned to Washington the olhtr day for tho purposo of telüng ail they linoyi about Beiknap, poBt-tradorships, aud other matters of interest The Treasury Deparrment d last week from San Francisco foprtaen toña (300,000) of ailver, to be set asule m anttcipation of tlio silver redemption of the fractional cui-renov. OKSJ5KAI.. Tue death of Mr. Cari Schnrz is annonnced. iiic diel in Xew York city of puerperal fever, two days aftc-r giving biith to n child. JIon. Bich.uid H. Dana hasi reconsidwed his determination to appear boforo the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs to answer the charge of literury piraoy urpred againet him as uround for tho rejeciion of Ijia nomination to he Minister to (ïréat Brttain. A i.etteb from the Black Hills, iirinted in a si.. Pul paper, ays the extravagant rapoit aébt t- Kostfrn and Western papors about tbe immeneo jieíd of gold are immense fraude. ! .:-. wntf-r eays that Hinco hls etay in (ho hills I e lina vwited alr.iiyit a!J the leading gulche?, and has öotyét HCin a p.iy streak or a placo wb&re bed-reck haa been reachedi Jle aayj Ihere ia uudoubtedlj gold, but poor meu's diigings are scarce, aud if gold is to be taken out itwij] takcut] todo it. Thcre are about ü.oül) men ui ihe hills, and morcare arriving daily, v. liiio mny dugnsted pUgrüns liavo tnrncd their faces bomeward, VOI-ITICAL. Davh A. WatiA has bs en uomiiiatcd for Conly H)e Demócrata of the Third Conuecii■ riet. Tin: D?raoer:ils of Congress held another Onaïioè caucus on tlie emuit g of the 15th inst. Speeches were made by leading Representativcs from ai) èecÜona of the couutry, including Mortison. eèötr, pike. Hooker, Seelye and Payne Tho (IpbI voie wu upon tho'üright ■ aa defeatod. Tbe :r.t voto was r ' ij '■ ., ibhtitute foi the Hriyíit bilí, I thd Briirht bill witn tho ecction f l',.yus: irl relatire to tho partisi repeal oí the Resumption act. This was defeatod. A vote was then laken upon the Payne bil], ! which waa adopted by a vote of 80 j to 12. The moamire agreed upon provides for gradual remiraption by hoarding gold to au amouni; cqual to 3 por eert. of the legal-tender iiotea ontetanding. It aleo requires tlie national bankH to set anide au amonnt of coin cqual to 3 per cent. of thoir circnlating noten, and repeals so nwch of the Specio-Iiesuniption act of Jan. 14, 1875, as designatos Jan. 1, 1879, as the date of resumption Returns of the New Hampshire eleetion frora all but ten towna give Cheney 42.240; Marcv, 37,447 ; Kendall aud scattering. 419. Cheney's majority, 3,347. ïhe Republicana elect nine out of twelve Sonators. The Council stands fonr KepublicaitH, ono Democrat. In tho House thcre are 207 Republicans aud 178 Demócrata. Tho Republican niajority, it is thought, will be 25 or 30 in the House. Tlie vote is increased about 1,200 over last year, boing nearly 81,000, aud it is tho largest ever cast ki the State. The New York State Grjsenback Couvention was held at Syracuse ou the 15th inst. Augustus Schell preeided. Tho reaolutions declare opposition to any ropndiation of the nation's obligation. hut assert that the act of Congrcss of Marcb, 1869. proiuisinf? to pay five-tweniies iu gold in a gros violatiqn of the coutract whereby eaid bonds were issned ; that lesaltender sliould pay tho bondliolder his interest aud all other debts, private and public, including duties ou imports : that the act pledgin ■ resumption in 1879 is a failure, and ita iramediate repeal is demandad ; that legal-tenders ave the Htandard of value, wlülo golft constantly fluctuatea for various reasons. Tho convention recommended tho several assembly distiicts to hcikI delégate to a State Convention, in ordor to select delegates for the National Democratie Convention at St. Louis, and ask thoir admissiou iuto that body as true representativas of the Democracy of New York. A Washington telegram states that at a caucus of the Itepublican Senators tho other day, therowas a geuoral " iuterchango of views respoctiug the general policy that should be adopted iu regard to the large reductions made or contemp'ated by the Houho of ReprOHentativcs in tho customary animal appropriations. Afte r a long discussion ou tho subject, it wan uiiiinimously agreed, as the sense of tho caucus, that the necessary enieiencyof tho civil Bervice would be seriously impaired if a sweeping reduction bo made iu all its branches by tho application of thereported policy of the Houso committeea to ent down nearly all salaries 10 per cent., and the force employèd 20 per cent., and also that the action of the House in proposing to abolish a uumber of our misions to South Amorica, and reduce the salaries of the principal ministers in Europe, is unwise and ïiKIJOlitic. It was therefore agreed that tho Seuate Committoe ou Appropriations should pass upon cach item of rcductiou in tle various bilis separately, and shoiüd recommend concurrence only in thoso roductious which, after separate examination, aro found compatible with the continuanceof the requisito efficiency. Whcrevor such reductions can be made the Kepublicau majority of tlie Sonate will vote for them, but, on the contraiy. unlena similar good rea?.ons can be shown fur cQucurrenco in any recommeudation of the House touchiug a matter of importuce, the issue will be met with unyielding firmnesa." A SHoitT time eince the President Bent to tlie United Scates Senate the name of Mr. 11. P. Derickson to bo Collector of Intornal Revenne for the First Illinois (Chicago) district. On Monday he recalled the name of Mr. Deriokson and substitutód that of Joel D. Harvey. llie Seuate lias connrmed tho nomiuatiou. FOKE1GK. Enolaxd and France aud Gormauy have just been experitucing the unpleasaut etfects of a March cyclone. . Numeroua shipping casualtios are reported, and considerable damage was caused on land. The gale was particularlv violent in Paris and vicinity, unroofing houses, uprooting treee, and playing havoc with telegraph wires. Soveral fatal casualtiea occurred in the city The Frencli National Assembly bas organized by electing Duc D'Audriffet Pasquier president of the Senate, and M. Grevey president of the Chamber of Deputies. The announcement that Japan and Corea were about to go to war was premature. A troaty of peace has boen concluJed between the two countries. A París cablegram gives brief particulars of a shocking railway calamity near Lattertach. Franco. A passenger train, while croesing the river UI, was precipitated into the rapid cnrrent by the giving way of the blidge. Thero were some forty or fif ty peoplo on board, every one of whom periijhed The greal. mauufacturing city of Manchester, England, has had a destructivo couflagration. A block of shipping warehouses was consumed, entailing a loes of two or three miilions of dollare. Kino Ai.foszo of Spain made his entry into Madrid on the 20th of March, at the head of 25,000 troops. Three days festivitios followed, and everybody in the city, Carlist syinpathizers excepted, was happy" aud jolly The number of slaves in Brazil, aceording to recont official returnB, is 1,409,448 Yeauvius is bc-lching fire again The Italiau MiniBtry has been bounced, and a new Cabiuet appoiuted.


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