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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, March 11.- Seríate.- Tho Senate bilí to amend the reviecd etatutee so as to permit national banks to organizo with a capital of $30,000 til towns irreapective of popu!ation, was stricfcen from the calendar and indennitely postponed - Logan picwinted apetil on of 3,000 ex-eoldier aaking for t e paspag? . i a biil for the equaüzation of bountit-B híuu'4 r to the one passed by the last Coijgreas,. ..The Sánate passcd the bilí redueing the aalary of the President íroin $S0,0CO to $25,000. The vote on the questiou waa as foUows : Yeas- Allison, Bogy, Ouristiancy, Claytou, Conkling, Cockrell, Dawes, Feriy. Ooldthwaite, llaniilton, Harvey, Hitchcock, Kernau, Key, Logan, llcCreery, McDonald, Maxey, Mornll (Vt.), Morton, Pattersnn, Stevenson, Thurwan, Wallace, Wh;,-te, Wright2G. 'Xayn- Bayard, Boutwell, Cooper, Davin, Dorsey, FreJInghuyKcn, Ilamlir. Howv, rngalla, Jone (Fia.), Joues (Nev.), McHillan, Mitehell, Paddock, Robcrton, Sargent, Sharon Spencer, Windoui, Walton - 20. House- Kasson offered a resolution, which was alojited, instrocting the committee on Public Buildings to examine iutothe causea of the bad rnntilation of tho Hall of Repreaentotlves, and to direct such Improvements tnereín as may be fotind expedlent ío Lnerease Uie jmrity of thc Hlmospuere. Keveral inembers ventilatcd their opiuions upon tho '' murderous atmosphero" of the hall, and the alarmiug incrcase of illuess amon members as the rfBttlt of the bad venfllatfon, and it was pretty generaliy agwid tint soinfithiug must be dono to remedy the (vil immcdiately, even of the cost was very largo.. - KparkH, from the Oommlttee on Indura AHairB, reportad a substituto for the bilí to tran fer tbe ludian liurenu from tlie Interior Depaituicnt to the ft'ar Deparlineut. A loug and somewhat heated discusiou took ilaco betveen juííililxrB oí" tho ludían Comniittee and the Military Comniittee as to whicll of tDCBC committeea had thc more legitímate jurisdictiou of tho matti-r. . . .Thtireton, from the Judiciary c'tinnuittce, reported a r.eolution callirig on tbe AttorneyGeneral for copie of all letters, telcgrams and I)aper cskiug for iüo removai oí Judgc Belford, of Colorado. Adoi)ted. Wkcnesuay, March 15.- Senate.- Wright, from the Commiitee on Claims, reported advereely ou certain claims for damages arisinR from Slnrkh'h rai'I, aad akul tfiat the oomiuutee be lmchnrged fruiu further cousldi ratioa on the subject. Agreed to Allison, rrom the Committee on Indlan Affair:, ri-ported, vUh anjendmenta, a bilí providing f or an agr cmeut with the Sloux Natioo iu regard to a poitlon of their reserráilons, and for other pnxpoaea, Uvuse.- The House ppent nearly the wholo day in general debato upon the I,egislative Anproprlation bilí. The Bpccches took a wide range, and had little relation Eo tho Bnbject matfi r Kaulkuer offered a resolulion tnstrnctlng the Corr.mlttj'e on Fon ign Affalrs tolnquire lato tEcpowersconferred upon . }': Stcinborger au a Special Agent or Comnxlasio&ex1 to the Saraoan or Navigator Isltods. Adopted A very siKniiicant feature of the House procecdiugs vrasthe a:'tiou of the Approiriatkm Committee rc■pecUng tlic Honatc amondmonta to the WkI Point bilí, xhe Koupe non-oonoarred In all tho twehtyseven Senate amendnienbt, but decline d to a for a conference committee. This eeems to Indioaté that the IIoubc will ref use to rocede from it poition on the bilí, and will peek to forcé thc H( nate to recousider its amendmentB. Xhcrsday, Marnh 10. - Senate.- Windoin Ín. troduced a bilí to establish the Territory of Pembiua A resolutiou was adopted cnlliug on thc 8ecretary of the Treasury for a statement o-' tho annual product of gold and filverta tho UnitBTÍ atetes l'ri) 1K1.1 to 1H7B, the amount in other parts of the world for the same poriod, and au ettímateof the amoaut ín this country ut thapreflent time The bilí to regúlate the CODnÜng of voíck tor President anl ic -Vresjdr-iit u oiscussed by Chriptianey, Thurman, Morton, I'rí-liüghuyBOn. Howe end Johnston. Hmte. - Ihe House adopted the resolution calling upon the Attormy-RcmTal for all letters and papera relating to tbe remora] of Judgè Belford, of Colorado Tho House devoted some timo, in ! mittecof thc v. i ole, oonsldratlon of the bulto ' i stipply uie deliciency intiie Printing and Êngraving ' Bucean ..f the 'l'roasury Department. Youhk. from tlic 8nbCommittee on Vcntilatiuu of Hotue made report to the effect t!.at it was Lmposrtble to foro Inte the Sousa a Buffident upulyof fi -i airforthe Bupplyof coo penous,and wuh it : renolution toexoluaefiomthe gaUerietall jjerMunn cxcept thosc who h;ve the privilege of the reporte' aud diplomatic gallerloB, and snch as may be ! mütedoiieards of members. AfUr debate, tin i.port wa lYcoiiiiiiitted. . . .Landcrs (Ind.) offored a I resolutiou to restore thc elective Koernment in thc District of Colombia, Mosdav, Slarch 20.- Srnate.- Wriglit rose to ! a personal cxplanation. It was lor the pnrpo donying a nowspapcr report that lm had in hls service a private secretary paid tor by the ííovernnjent. The bill to Kiipplv tbc il.lVirnrv ($150,000) for fedtnir the Sioux Indiaus wai Jtassed . . . . The Bemts npent some tiuio in dlsuumlug tho hui i vuliug for nu agrerment with the Sioux Natiou iu i regard to the Jilac-k Uill, and the ill regulating the ni'idn of counting the votes for Presidftllt. MoJ jt-ti"n was taken on eithor ïj:i bui lhAfn'. - Banning and Sayler presented the ' ttona of various distillers of Obio, Kectucky, ] ana. and Illinois, protestini; agalnst uny chango in t lie present plan of ooüeoti&g taxes Tho most important feature of the House proceediugs was the introduction by Atkins (Teuu.) of abill ropealing tho Ki.'Kumptiou act, accouapanied by a motion to suspend the rules and pass the bül. The motlop wan rejected- yeas, 109; nays, 10H;uot Uvo-thirds in the afflrniative. Tlie following is tin vote in detail : ÏKAS. Ainwworth, Fort, Olivoi', Anderson, Kranklin, Phelps, Aahe, Fuller, l'hillips (.Vto.), Atkins, Goode, l'hillips (Kan.), Baker (Ind.), Goodwin, l'oppleton, Banning, Clunter, Rea, lílaokburn, Hsmiltou (Ind.), Beilly, John, Bland, Harria (Ga.), Keilly, J. B., Bloimt, Harris (Va.), Rice, lioone, Harrison, Kiddlc, Uradford, Hartbridge, Robbinii, (N". C), liright, Ilartsell, Kobinson, Brown (Ky.)j Haymoud, Savage, liurohard (S'Í8.),Hays. Sayler, Oaboll. Hercf(rd, fc'cales, Ciüdwell (Ala.), Hiwitt (Ala.), SUeakley, Caldvell(Tenu), Holman, Smith (Cía.), Campbell, Hojikius, SouUiard, Cannon, nmise, Sparka, Cale, Ilunter, Springer, Oaulneld, Munton, Stevcnson, Olarke (Ky.), Hurd, Stone, Clark (Mo.), Hyuian, guili) riymrr, .Tcnckes, Tucker, Cochrane, Jonep, Vau Vorhes, Cook, Jones (Ky.), Vauce (O.). Cowan. Kelley, Vanee (N. C), De Bolt, Knott, Waddell, Debrell, Landcr (Ind.), Walker (Va.), Douglas, Iíowíh, Wallacc (Pa ), Durham I-jnde, Wcll (Mo.), Eden, McFarland, 'Wliitthórno, Egbert, MeMahon, NVilliauie (tnd.), Ellls, Milliken, Williams (Ala.), Evans, Morgan, Yeates, Kaulknor, Neal, Youna- 109. Forncy, New, NAYS, Basby. Hendco, ltobbins (ra.), BaKley, O. A., Honklc, Sanipson, liagley, O. B., Uewitt (N. Y.), BchleiUrr, Baker (S. Y.), Hoar, Sohuuiaki r, }iallou, Hoge, Bdüye. Bauke, Hookcr, Singleton, liarnum, Hnbbell, Smaie, Bass, Hurlbut, Bmlth (Pa.), Beebe, Joyoo, Strait, Blaine, Kehr, Btonger, Blair, Kiuiball, dtowell, Iïliss, Luuders (Gonu), ïarbox, Bradley, Lapham, Thoïnpson, Brown (Kan.), Leavcnworth, Thornburgh, Burehard (UI.) Luttnll, Towuseud (Pa.), Caswell, Lynch, Throckmorton, Ohittenden, March,1 Taft, Conger, McCrary, Walker (N. Y.), Cox, McDllI, M allace (S. C), Crapo, ilftcalf, Ward, Cutler, Müier, Warren, Denison, Morcy, Wheelor, Dunnell, Motir.e, Whitehotse, Durand, Mornaou, Whiting, EameH, Naeh, Wilke, !■!', Norton, Wlllard, Karwell, O'Brien, Willlama (N. Y.), Fo-t'-r, J'agc, Williams, A. 8. Frceman, Payne, (Mich.), iruat, Kerco, Williams (Wis.), Fryo, Piper, Williams (Del.), Gurñeld, Plaisted, Williams, W. ]!. HfUi Potter, (Mich.). Ii.imüton (N.J.), Powoll, Willis Hancock, Pratt, Wilson (lowa), Hardcnbergh, lUndall,' Wood (Pa.)- 108 Hathorn, Reagan,


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