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- Charter election next Monday : polls open at 9 o'clock A. M. and close at 4 P. M. - The Spring term of the public schools of this city will open on Monday uext, April 3. - Johu W. Blakeslee for Supervisor and A. W. Hathaway Eor Treasurer are the Republican noiuiuees in the township of York. - The Democrats of Lodi are in the field their ticket being headed by JBgbert P. Harper for Supervisor, and James Sage for Clerk' - A vacant house ín Ypsilanti, belonging to a Mr. Holbrook, was burned on Friday night last. Loss $500, covered by insuranoe. Incendiarj-, . - Abram F. Barr plead guilty to a charge of 8teahng wood, before Justice Crane, of Ypsilanti, on Monday laat, and was fined fó and costs. -We have a letter f rom J. M. Wheeler, datod Rome, March 5, and reporting self and family well. They expect to reach Paris about April 10. - Eev. H. L. Hubbell arrived home on Tuesday, and we regret to learu that his health has not improyed so greatly as his f rienda and himaelf hoped. - The Boat Club realized only about f 35 from the two dramatic entertainments by the Ellsler troupe last week. The actiug was better thau the atteudance. -On Wednesday the flour wagon of J. M. Swift fc Co., while crossiug the track at the depot, was backed iuto by the way freight, completely deinolishing it. - The Young Ladies' Society of the Congregational Church hold a social this (Friday) evening, at the residence of P. JL. Page, on North University Avenue. - That eclipse set down by Prof. Watson and other astonomers for Saturday afternoon last didn't amount to " shucks," and smoked glass was at a greab discount. - C. A. Chapin, of this city, has been appointed to a first-class (or $1,200) clerkship in the Treasury Department at Washington, and has entered on duty. - The regular monthly inspection of Compauy B has beeu postponed from next Mondav evening to a week from that time. Ou account of the city election there wül be no drill next Monday evening. - John F. Miller, from the pension bureau of the Interior Department, is home on "leave of absence " : perhaps to orgamze the Republican party in Chandler's interest. - N. B. Cole, of the flrm of & Thomas, an old resident and well known to all our citizens, is very sick. His recovery is considered doubtful, though the symptoms were thought more favorable yesterday. -Report says that Prof. Watson has commenced a libel suit agaiust R A. Beal, of the Vourier, grounded, we uuderstand, on an : vertisement oí a certiun order íor sale. Fuá : ahoad. -The bar of the State was re-imforced on Tuesday by the adinission to practice, by Judge Huutington, of 109 members of the graduatin; class. Mrs. Mary E. Foster, of this city, was oiie of the number. - The Republicana having in mind the phrase, " strategy, my boys," have caüed their wai'd caucuses for this evening and their city conveution for to-morrow afternoou. Sunday electioneeriug will be in order. - The Enterprise says : "There is a Manchester man uow at Aun Arbor, serving on the lury of the Circuit Court, who has been married 17 years and has never before been away irom his wife over night." fellow ! poor ■wife! - - The New Birth- its Nature and Necessity " was tle subject ot Eev. Dr. Pierson, of Detroit, discussed beiore the Ghristiau Association of the University on Monday evening. The large audiouce was well pleased with the ffect. - The receut snow stornis haven't been very acceptable to pedestrians, nor improved th6 eondition of the roads, but they are regartled as a god-send to the wheat growers. An old proverb says " suow is the poor mau's manure," - The celebrated Cantata of Queen Esther was brought out in Dexter three successive evenings last week, uuder the direction of Messrs. W. B. Rice and W. M. Ferris. The Xiterary Society received $45 of the proceeds, which amouuted to $150 - Toyama, the flrst and the last of the Japauese students to ñud their way tO our city, left tor home a. few days ago. He was two years in the High School and three years in the Uuiversity and was reputed a close student and conscientious worker. -The National Republican (Washington) says that Gen. Gr. D. Hill, fonnerly SurveyorUeneral of Dakota (that was in the long ago), luis decided to make Washington his permanent home. Wliicli department of the Government he proposes to run is not stated. - The sad report comes all the way from Washington that our old tellow citizen (Jaleb Clark, who never ielt at home out of office, has lost his long held clerkship in the Treasury Department. A more useiul man politically was probably wanted in his plice, and, hke an old horse, he is turued out to grass. Such is the " oagratef ulness " of Republicans. - L. B. Kellogg, brother ot the late Dr. D. B. Kellogg, has established himself in the Fiiti ward, aud engaged largely in the manufacture of Dr. Kellogg's popular medicines. He has just issued an edition of 50,000 copies oí the Michigan Adourtiser, devoted to making kuown the virtues of his medicines. It also contains "A Night with the Spirits " or "Matenalizatiou Veriried," and thia here at home and not in "a far country." - At a regular meeting of the Washtenaw County Medical Society, held in this city on Tuesday, the following were admitted as new members : Dr. Justin and E. Post, Ypsilanti; W. J. Herdman and J. D. Heartley, Aun Albor ; and Dr. E. Palmer. The tollowing (lelegates were elected to the National Asoiiation, which holds its amiutil sessioa at Philadelphia m June ; Drs. Batwell, Palmer, Sager, W. B. Snnth, and Post. - That ' early spring " got a material set back on Friday eveumg last. At midnight thure was a toot ot snow, then a rain, then more suow, and at bre.ik o' day suvoral iuches of ,good tliick slush obstructed the walkts and ■covered the streets, and did n't add to the comfort of. man or beast. Tuesday and Tuesday night another severe snow storm prevailed - a áry snow, blowmg and drifting, and Wedneslay morniug everything had the appearanco ot' ïuid-winter. Whatis "Old lrobabilities " up to? ClIANGES IN THE ÜNIVERSITY FACULTY. - At the recent session of the Board of Regents W. B. L. Je-nny, of Chicago, was appointed Professor of Architecture aud Design; Joseph B. Steerc assistaut Professor of Paleontology and Curator of the Museum ; and Prof. Chee■ver having resigned, Materia Medica was assignod to Dr. ïVothingham. The salary of Demonstrator Hordman was raised to 11,000. Applicaiions for the appointuient of two additunal professors in the Homeopathie College were not acted upon. We have the first issue (ew series) of the Kalamazoo daily Gazette, a twenty-eight column morumg sheet, neway and vigorous. We iiope that it will prove a paying venture. One thing is certaiu it will keep the Republicans stirred up during the campaigu just opeuing. We have uiiintentionally omitted to notice the appearance of the Jackson Patroit in a new dresa, - a dress beautiful and tasteful. Such signa of newspaper prosperity are encouragiug.