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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tuesday, March 28. - Señale. - The piocoedings in the Senatc weredentitteof interest. TLree houra werc spcnt in executive sesión on the uomination oí Dana, but uo action was taken. House.- Holman offered a roni.lution nxing tho compensation of wftnct-scs punimonecl before the House Oommlttee at $'2 par dy, aud a inileage ot five cents per mile. iteferred... Hoar tntxoaao4d a bilí to pcriuit the import at ion, freo of duty, of books pnuled in any foreifin Jangua-. Befftired. - Qordön offered a reaolution airectinA tb .indiciary Couiiiiittec Xo iiujuire into th: BZpediencyof jireveitting the uso of the Uuitctl SUtee mails in carryiuglottery advcrtisenieuta. Xaopted, ....Glovcr offered a rewolution instructing s-rKf-aut-ut-arm of the House n(t to dehver i Kfibourae, tho reousaut r;tl egfate pool witm the custody of any persou or any tribunal until tluíurther order of the IïouBe. Adopted. Wednkhday, March 29.- itenale.- Tho Diplomatic Appropriation bil], with tvr-ry item of reduction made by the House reetoredto the old Ktanthird, as panticd The bilí Ua the transfer of ;;ll the Indian trust fundü froiii the iiereonal cutttudyof the Secretary of the Interior to tos osfe f the Uuited HtatCB Trcasury was aleo pansed. Houw. - A reeolutíon wan udopttd authorizing the Speaker to appoiut one additionai member to each of the eommittees on TerritorieK, indian Alffairs and Pabilo Landn from among the de)egate from thbTerritories... .Billa were pawed pro for the expenecH of the adintsslon of foreijjii iïoods to the !('iitemii;il wWbïtloil ; providiug tiiiit imiisrd stiinips k ii ti ï ï bc redeemed wheu prop'Tiy oraaentad ; and (mUmrlalng tbc Secrftary lrt'aury to convert i uto coupun boud flve per oewt, of tli reifitertd bondg iiptpuftry


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