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Ebtate oi Patrick Dunnelly. STATE OF Michigan, Countyof WaabtoDaw, ss. At a session oí the Probate Court for the County of yashtciiaw, holden at the Probate Office iii the :ity of Arm Vrl"r. on Monday, tbc teventeenth day of April in the year oüe tbousand eight hundred umi seventy-six. Present, Noah W.Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the uittter of the estáte oí' Patrick Donnplly, ■. . Ëdward Duffy, executur of the Ust wilt and testament ui tald deoeaaetl comes uto court and - i -.-.■ 1 1 :. that lm is now ) re pa red to ren der tiual account such oxocutor. Tliprtmpon it ix onlcrt'd t.hat Wrdncsday, the seveuteenth day ol May iicxt, at leo o'clock In the forenoon, be tauffiied fr gxwninlng and allowing snchaccount, and that the dorJ886Sl legaWes aud 1 ii' i rs at law of said deccased , and al I otber persona iuterested in suid estuir, ai v reoufrd to :i]p.-:tr at a sussioD of .said court, then to be holden at the Proba Ui Office, in the city oi Ann Arhor, in said cnuntv, and show caus-, f any there 66, wbf the saïd account should imt ba BlloVflkl : And it u l'urtlicr ordi-red Lliat said ejecutor gïve nut ice to the persons tntereeted in waid estáte ol the pendency of said account aud the hearing thereof, by causin a copy of this order to )■ [ublished in t IkMtéhtgam Argusv. newspapex pite'ted and vrircnlaiing in said connty, threfl ■uoocoriTO weeks prevíous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1679w3 Judge oí Probate. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for ihe County of Washteüaw - In Cbancery. MartjarcL A. lierry, complainant, vs. Charles S. Berry, defondant. Doe proof by affidavit haring been mude in this cause that thedefcndaut, Charles '6. Berry, resides out f this State and that he resides iu the State of New York : On uiolion of Bakt"í A. Cutcheon, aoltcitorfi Pof complaioaut, it is ordered that the said Charles S. Berry appear aud Miflwer the Wil ofcomplaint In thls cause within threfl inoiiths trom and after the date oí' tliís order: And it, is furlher ordered that tlie complainant cause u copy of thia order tu he piibUshed once in each week, for six weeks in sneerssion, in the Michigan A ryus t a DQwapaper printed at Aun Arbor, iu said coonty. Daled at Ann Arbor, Ín said county. April löth, 1876. J. F. LAWRÉNCE, Circuit Court CotainJastoner, Bkakes & Cutíiikon, Washtenaw County, Soticitoi s for Cotuplainant. Mi sn iü:s Estáte of Neison B. Cole. STATE ÜK MlfHIOAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. At a sesión of the Probate Court for the county of Wntthtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arhor, on Monday, the tenth day of April, in the yuar one ihuunand eijiht himdred and geventy-six. Present, N'oah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estnte of Neldon B. Cole, deoeased On uiid flling the petition, duly T6tlfled of Elizubath H. Cole, pmyin tlmt au admiuUtra tor nirtv be appointed on the estiite of said deceauütl. Thtreupon it is ordered, thal Monday, the -i f leunt h du y of Muy next, at tn Oolock in the torunoun, be asaigned for the hfearing oí aaid jMJtition, and that the hei ra at law of suid dei-.cíiñud, -irul til other peraons intorested in Huid Mdntoi are required to appeur at a session of -uiil OOurt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in tlie city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any thero be, why the pruyer of the petitioüer sbould not be grnnted : A nd it is furüu' erdored, timt Huid petitiuner give uotice to tlie persona interested in aasd entute, of the peudeney oí said petitiun, and the huariuer thcreof , by oaualfiff u copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Aryui, w mmpaper printed iiiid circula ted in Baád county, (luw succussive weeks previous to Buid duy or hearing fAtrue copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEK, 1578 Judjjeof Probate. Mortgage Sale. liniKUEAS William Vansickle, of Salem, in ■ the County or Wuhtiaw sod of Miehijtii. ou thti tweuty-tliird day ui JJeceinbei', m the year-one thouaund eight bundred and seventyiuiii, executed a uiortHe to Oluey lluwkins, uf the City of Ann Arbor, in suid couuty and state, to secure the payment of coitain principal anti iutexest money thereiu mentioned, which mortgage tm 11,-corded in the Otfico of the Register of Dec-ds for tho Couuty of Waahtenaw, on the tweutyfourth duy of December, A. D. 1874, in libor "il of mortgapres, on pue SSO. which tmid mortgage was astiigued by the .-;ud Olney Hawkma to James üalick, by writteu assignineut, hearing dato the lourth CL&y of December, A D. 1874, and recflïded iu the said Kegister's Orneo lor the County of Wanhtentiw on the '4th day of' Dececiber, A. D. i 374, in líber 4 of UKHigninenttj of mortgugtiu, ou page íü-t : And wherous defauït haa been mude tor more thun ninety duy in the payraent of an iiiátülinent of interest due ou uid murtgagu, by reaaon whereof, nd pursuantto the term of suid luortjiaxo, o mm-h ol' the piincipal sxxm its remains unpuid, with uil tirrcaiügeü uf interest thereon, the option of the mortgagee or his ubtiignee, beeame due and payadle iwmeditttely thereuftei' , and whexQOB the suid uusiguee hudeeliired it his option and election, und dobs hereby declare it hii option, and does hereby elect that the principal suin with all arrouraje of interest on anid mortgage, fthall be considerad duo andpaynbie uow : And whereua thyru is ekiiinud to be due and unpuid on suid mortgage and the note accompanying the uumu al the date of thi notïce, Üve hundred and sixtyaix dollars, for principal and interest ; also in attorney fee of twenty-flve dollarn provided for in said mortgajie should any proceeuinj; be tuker tu foreotoae the sume in addition to all other leal ooit: And uo suit or proceeding having been inatitnted at law or in euity to recover the eaine, or any part thereof, notice is hereby given, that on S:iturduy, the eighth duy ot July next, at ten o'ulock in tho forenoou of that day, at the south door of the Court Huusu in the Cityot Ann ArÍKjr, iu said county (suid Court Houbo being the plac'Ot' holding the Circuit Court for suiil County,, utid by virtue of the power of salo in eaid ruortgage contuiued, said niorltiiige will be forecloaed by snle at public uuetion u the hibest bidder, of the premiues described in aaid mortgage, or so niuch thereof as muy be nece&s&ry to satisfy the i.mount uf printupul und intérest remaiuing unpaid, with the charges of uale and the uttorney fee aforettaid ; which unid prtitiHe ure decribed in aaid mortgage as followa : Tl. use certain ptooee or paroelfi of land, situatedin said city of Ann Arbor, known iind dcöeribod aa follows, viz : Lot fuur und tlie north half of lot flve uf Brown und lim-ii'.i addition to the plat of the City of Ann Arbor aforesaid. Dated, April 8th, 1876. JAMES ÖALTCK, E. D. Kikne, Aasigneeuf suid Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. 157y Cbancery Sale. 1URSUANT to and by virtue of an order ol the Circuit Court fur the County of Waahteniiw, in chaucery, madeou the thirty-Hrst duy ui December, A. D. 1&75, ín a cause thereiu pending, wherein Charles Thayer is complainant, and Ehjah V. Morgan, aurviving truBtee of the Ann Arbor Land Company, is deiendant: Notice is hereby given, that 1 shull sell at public vendue to the highewt bidder, at ten o'eloek in the furenoon, ou the lath day of May, 1876, at the south door of the Court Uousu, in the city of Ann Arbor, all the fclluwing described lands aituated in fhe City of Ann Arbor, in said County : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and R, in block eeven uouth, range eight euat ; aluo lots 4, 6, 6t 7, 8, 10, 1 L, and 12, in block seveii south, and range nine eiwt ; also, lot 6 in block staven south, range eleven east ; uLso, lot 10 in block seven south, rungo twelvu east ; and also, lots 5,0,7, 8, und 9, in block seven south range ten eust ; alao the south one quarter of lot niue, in hlock even south, range nine euat ; and the triangular piece of land, being about three quurters of an acre, ia the northoufit corner df section thirty-two. Dated, March 29th, 1876. 1576 J. F. LAWHBNCJB, Circuit Court Coxniu'r Washtenaw Co.. Mich. Hheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of executiun issued out of and uuder the sea] of the Circuit Court lor the Couuty oí I.t-nawee, to me directeu and deUvered, I did on the 3d day of January, A. D. hs76, levy uponull the right, title and interest of Jacob F. Miller and Cathariue Miller in and to the folio w ing described real estáte sltuatod in the County oí' Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit: The north half of the west half of the nortneast quarter of section nuinber twenty-nine ; also the north west quarter of the northeast quarter of section 30 except six acres olí" fmin the SOUth end tlu-reof ; also the aoutheast quartef of the soatheasl quarter oí sectiou 19; also the northwesl part olthe east half of the noztheast quarter of section 29, bounded a follows : commenclng u the aorthweut corner of said cast halt' of th' oortheast quartec ofsecUon 29, running thencesoutli forty ro4s, thesce east tu thccenU'rof the Rlver Ralaln, thence north weaterly aloug the center oi' said River Raiin to the north line of said section 29, thence west aloug the section line to the place of beginning, suppoeed t contáis ttftecn aoroa and fon y square ik1s of land : boü iliül parcol ui Land knuwu and deseriljcol u beiug a parce] oí land taken off from the easi sul-of the Plumtiier farm, od the easi aldu j the territorial road, (so eaJled) the weel Une tbereoi being the center of said territorial ruad, sak parce! of land contalnlng one aere of land more or less, and belug b part of th isi pari of the nurthuasi uuartei of wcdou Jü, all in township ftnir south ofrauge fowi east, containinu In uil one bundred and thirty and a quarter aerea or lew, Iu Watfhtdnaw County, ötaU; ol MivhiIgao. Which above deacribed property I suall tli-r luí sale to iUa bighesi bidder, at the sotitb door i theCourl House, iu tlie city uf Ann Arbor. Watihteoaw County, Michigan, on the létfa day of May A. U. 1876, :li lOo'docl! a. ü, ol iald Jay. Datcd, Maroh tfutlt, 1876. UW M. KLK.MlKti, öuerhT. v TATI: OF MICHIGAN, Pourtb Judicial CiiOcuit- Iu Chauoery. öuït pending in the circuit Court for the County oi Washtenaw, in obancery, whereln ñiomai Skuce la compJainant, and ËHther A. Skuce U dcfendant, al Anu Arbor. HiiM'Ttli Jay.,1 March. 1876. Üpon du proof by affidavit that Ëather A. skuce, the defeüdant iñ the above entltfed cause pending in this Court. resldea -ini of tóe said State of Michigan, and In the State of New York, and ou motion of Babbltt and Emerick, soUqitoni tos oonipialnaot, il is ordered that the ;iil deiendant do appear and ansv ei the bil) oí complaint. tili'tl in the saidcause, within sli waeksfron the date oí this order, else the süi bUl i complalnt shall be taken us confeesed: Aml ftuther that thls order be pubUshed. within twcntydiiys from this date, ín the Sttekifftsn bfout, a tit-wspiLper piinted In the said County i' VTasht:uaw, and be published therein o&ce in each week for six weeks In Baooesslon ; suoh publication, however, slin.ll not be attOessan in case a copv oí tbia order be served ou the Bala defendani pentonally, atleaat twenty daya before the time hereln preeoiibed lor berappearance. Dated this 27th day of March, A. D. 1876 J. F, LAWRENOE A truc coj.y ; attest, Circuit Court Com'r, Pktkb Tuitk, Register. Washtenitw Co., Bauuitt A Emeriok, Solicitors íor Corap't 1576 POR SALE. THE HOOPER RESIDENCE Corner of State tmd Ann atreets. Price, $4,500. Term of paymeut easy. Inquire of ÏRACT W. ROOT, Ann Ajbor, or T. W. HOOPEK, 16 Uunk Block, Detroit. lóTSw 2 SEND 2Sc. toG. P, KOWBLL A CO., New York, lur pamphlet of lou ptufe, coatuiuiug liats of 3,000 newspapers, and eatimatei howiog coat of advertising. RAILROADS. MICFHtiAl ÍT1HTBAL RAILROAdT APRIL 16, 1876. rtOIKG WX8T. :ll_IÍlHli]f A. M. A.M P.M. P. H. P.H. P.H. Jtrtroil.leave, 7 0 l!i Oi !iC 4 00 6 W 9 40 uyne Junction, 7 7 lu 4 8 32 4 53 6 4 iu 48 'paüanti, 8 :!#11 10 8 tl 5 28 7 12 11 14 Auu Arbor, 56 11 27 4 1 6 45 7 45 11 10 )exter, '.' -M 4 S5 6 06 8 10 helaea, 9 40 4 47 S 23 8 '-'S Oras Lake, 10 OS 6 49 8 65 p. M . m. ackson, 10 i" 12 37 1 45 1 15 9 30 ia 45 Kulnmazoo, 152 3 03! 12 30 2 65 Chicago arrive, ! 7 30, 8 PO 6 J0, 8 09 OOINU KAST. L'lillii-d ÍSl il ltm l?l A.M. A.M. r. M. P. X. A. M. üilcago, leave, 600600 5 IS 00 . P.M. A. H.j - - ialamazoo, 10 4') 1 36 10 36' 2 30' P.M. A.M. i. M.! TacksOQ, 2 12 4 00 7 00 12 40 4 55 9 50 iras l.ake. 2 46 7 :(0 : 6 23 10 20 MM, 3 1( 7 56 6 50 10 42 Dextei, I : 8 13 6 08 10 5i nn Arbor, 3 52 6 16 8 36 2 00' 6 28 11 13 ï'l.Mbuiti, 4 14 6 28 8 50. Ï0 6 4811 28 Wnyne, 4 52 . 9 25 2 40 7 08 11 60 Detroil, arrive, 5 43 6 86 1 15 3 30 8 00' 12 30 Mumifiya excepted. iyaturday and yunday excrpted. 'Dinly. H. 1). LBDYARD, öea'l Supt., Detroit; ti. C. Wentworth, (en. Past. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD. OOINO WKrfT. - 1876- OOINQ EA8T. TATION8. Mai.. Exp. STATIONH. Kxp. Mail A. M. P. M. A __ _ „ Detroit, dep... 7:1)0 6:00 " Ypnilanti.... 8:35 7:15 Bankera 6:00 2:30 Salino 9:20 7:45 Hüludale ... 6:30 2:45 Bridgewatcr. . 9:45 7:57 Manchester.. 9:15 4:18 Mauchoater. 10: 8 8:00 Bridgowater 'J:45 4:38 p.M. ! Saline 10:10 4:55 Hilladale 1:15 10:00 Ypailunti.... 110:55 5:211 Rankere l:S0 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6:25 'f raius run by Chicago tiuie. To take ellect , April 1B, 1876. W. V. PARKER, Hup't, YpBilanti. 1876. 187G. SPRING STYLE8. W. WAGNER HAS JUST OPENED TUE FINrEST STOCK 01 CLOTHING To be tmini) In Aüd Arbor, comprisinji all tho M:VKkT 8TYLES AND PATTKRNS, Whiili is utlering at prlMB tliat DEFIES ALL COMPETITION All who are nressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. My stock of ]?iece Grocds Will be found complete and contains all the NE WEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FURNISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Aubok. AuarUt-d Ilic Hhjtiml Tlcdal at Henna E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO, öil Braadway, fiew Vork. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel,) flanufaeturers, Importrrs & Dealers In CHEOMOS and FEA1ÍES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Ai.üumh, Qkaphoscopes, and Suitablf. Views. Photographic Materials. We are Headquartera for everything in tbe waj of STEREOPTICONS & .n.Hilt' I.lMKinS, Hcing mauufactnrers of the MICRO-SCIKNTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO PANOPTICON', UNIVEK81TY STEKEOPTICON, ADVERTISKli'S STEREOI'TICON, ARTOPTICOS, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'8 LANTERN. Each style being tbe best of it clasuin the market. o Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with direc tton for usinL aent on application. An y enterprising man can make money with a Lantern1571 l3Uut out tliia advertisement for refurence.Ji POK SALE. My store next tloor to the Now occupied by C. A. LewÍH. Une of the best locatioua in the city. Alao my State St. Property Of three Storea, locuted at College entrunce- northwest corner. Alaomy Family Huixï, Ivfflip umi Harness. I have decided to sall tlie nbove property and will mtike price to uit the tunea. This property isciear of till innumbriinfu: and litlt-H perfect. I meun bu.HÏnutiH aal expoct to lcave the city. In-' quirt of W. I). SMITH, State Street, Ann Arbor. Februnry 15, 1876. :ün157U lANHÖÖF ïïow Lost How Restored ! Jut [mblwhetl, n new t'ihtioii oí fr, Culver%ri I'h i Vl1n&l4'it lOMMUy on the hadicaL OURS (Without inudiciin'J ol Sl'KitMAiom.Hti a ur tíemi&al wuukuutM, lnvoluntury Beminal Lobmbi imjHitt-ncy, muntnl und Physlcal ïiicapttcity, lmuediuieuts to morriafe, etc. , uUo, (,'oiisutnption, tïpiUmy niid Kit, imlucuJ by elf-indul(fencu or M ■Hlll iXllUVHgilIICt-, CC. WÜT ji souk'd envelope, only bix cents. Tho rt'lebratetl uutlior, m this admirable Euuy, clearly dpmontrHte, from h thirty yMn1 BHWMI tul pr.iciice, tlmt the ttluiniiufr conHuence ol' selinbuMtf may be radi' allj curtd wit",uut the the dauyt.Tovw uae ui intern. il medicine 01 the applicittion uf the kuift ; poiuting out a iiile of etire ut once HÍmpk1, ocrtftln, ttnd ulïci'tïinl, by meitnB of which ever y üulterirr, no m-ilier wlmt biaooucUtton uny Ih-, n;iiy cure hiiuseitchuujily, privately, . nd radioslly. BrjT l'Jiia lecturetthould be in tlie handa of every uiith and evory imtn in the lund. Sent under se!, in h plaii enve'opo, to any adIress, ]MiMt paid. on receipt ol aïx uents ur two pont 4 tam pa. Addretttt the pitbliuhers. K. BUUUMAN & SON. ll.tun St., New Vork, Post Offico n.ix. I 'r $40,0ÖÖ WKLL LOCATED Toledo Property, FOK SALE OR EXCHAXJE. Will omvthird payment, Hcal Estáte in iiin Arfoor orvicinity, ttither farms, tiuilr lands or ïouses and lots, Balante of pnyiuents on the Toledo roperty will le pasy. Is locatcd near terminus of lie Narrow Gauge Railway, Wolcott Bros. Toledo, Ohlo, January 7tb. 1564


Old News
Michigan Argus