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TUK EAST. new census of Philadolphia, juut taken, Shows a populatiou of SlTl-iS. . . . JoLn Soa], on of the tellers of the Sccurity Saviogs bank, of New York, has bceu discovered to be a defiuilter to the arr.oimt of $C!),000. . Ax explosión cf lire-damp iu tho Nescjuehoing cunea, noir Alleutowu, Pa., last woek, killed tbree mou aud no.riously injured (ve othort". The funoral service of tho lato Alexander 'i'. Stcwart wero soleinnized at bw liouso and at Bt. Mark'i cbureb, New York, on tho 13th uut. Bishop 1'ottor officiated, a?sibteu by a imruber of ofergymen. Tlio floral decora tiona ut each pisco were magnificent. and the orowds in front of tbo house, lbo churcli, and along tho streeta were very great. Tho admfBsion io the house and the church was by ticket, and tho holclwa of thcHo included leaders in sucial, professional aud politica) lile. Govn. Tilden and ltice headed the pall-beueiB. Thk will of the late Alexauder T. Stowart ] becjueatbH all bis property and estáte to hi-í w ifc, Oomelia M. Stewart, aud hor heirs forever, and appoiuts Judge Henry Hilton to act in bebalf of tho estuto aud in managing bis alTHÍrs. As a mark of regard, Mr. Stewmt bocmeathed to Judge Hilton the aura of Í1.000,()ii. He appoints bis wife, Judgo Hilton and VnUiam Liddj his executors. TUe bosinees affaira of the deceased mili, onaire will go ou l.he flame as beforfl ha death, and tho v&rioufl plans of public benefleeuee üiitiated by liiin will be faitl'.fuüy cariiedout. Hobaci fiErai.u's old horaestead in the woods of Chappaqua., N. Y., was recently doBtioyed by lire . . . . iloody and Sankey have broaghttheil revival meeting in New York to a close. Louis J. Jkxnini.s, formerly editor of the New York Times, was arrestod üi that city the other day. in the suit of the Grnphic Oompauy aud hold for bail in L10,000 each in stx suiti for libel, ivhir.U liave boon neadiag agajüet him ia tbo civil courts. Detectives had boen huiitiog for Jenninga ncarly a niontli. He had been keeping extremeiy qotot, with the intention of aaillog for Karope with bis faruüv so as to avoid arroet, THK WEST. Jok Tayloh, engaged aa a guide for Custer's expeditiou againut S.tting Buil, who arrived at Fort Liucoln a few days ago, from wiuter trapping abovo Fort Bufcrd, reparta tho maaeacre by Yanktous, near Littie Booky river, of eeven wbltes ard two s(]uaws. Tho Yanktons pretended frimidship, and often visited the camp. Tbey Snallv caino armed, and at a given signal tircd aud ldtled tho entire party. A second ma-ss meeting of Chicago i owuere ftud tax-payers was held in tho i tion building in that city, on Tucsday ev'ening, April M. It was probably the largent meeting cyo.v held under roof in the West, the i anee beiüg variously estimated at from 2r.();;0 j to86,000 peopl. Ilon. Thomas Iloyue was ! inated for Mayor by acclamation, and ! toes were appointed to wait on Mayor Colvin ! and the town ofïïcerH who were fraudulently vounted in at the recent election, and leqneet thrjB to yield to the will of the people au, i sti] down and out. Speeches wero ronde byHon. John Wentworth, Hod. Leonard Swett, Hev. Itobert Coliyer. and otlier diBtinguished citizens. Tho spirit of the monHter aRtembhige, as reflected in the speeches and reaoluttOBS, indioates a fixed determ'mation-on the part of the people of tax-ndden Chicago to nd Ihempelveg of bumme-r rule, and inaugúrate au era of honest ram icipal govemment. Two more of tho Chicago whisky ring, Freyeinger and Soavore, diHtillere, have been convicted. ]t is reported from Chicago that there are now in the Wefit 200,000 hoad of cattle airaiting the dryiog np of the country roads to ehip to the castern market. The vaiue of this live tstock is estimuted at .$12,000,000, &vd tbis sum will bo distributed Ihioughoiit the West within two montiio Gen. John McDouald, the exUnited S;atc Buperriuor of Internal Kevenne at 8t. Louis, recently convictci of couspiraoy to defraud the refènne, vas last tveci aentenced to three years in the Ponitcntiarv and to pav a line of 55,000. . . . V. O. Avery, late chief clerk in the Iteveuuo bnreim ut Washington, was at the eauie time sintenoul to two years in the Peui'eutiary and il, 000 fine. IS the United States District couvt. at Jefferscu City, llo., last week, tlie following senteneea were paeeed by Judgo Krekel upon perHonB convicted in that conrt of eonr.ention with the whi.-ky frands : John L. Bittniiter, eigimper, of St. Josep! two yesirs 11 tho penitent ary and Í2 30U fiue ; Sainuol Adler and Abraham Furst, di-,tillors and reotiñera, St. JoBsph. each ono yoar in te oonnty jail, and 10,0C0 iine ; John O. Sbeeban, rlUiHer. St. Joeepb, tight moiiths in the county jail from September laat and $1,000 fine ; HeuryE. Hartieg and Ernst F. Barring, brothera, St Joaeph. eich three montlm in the county ja:l and Í2.500 liue ; James E. Marsb, ex-gauger. Kansas City, six moiiths in jail and $l,GO0 fine. Mention bas heretofore beeu made in thifl colamu of tho excitement in Chicago over the frands perpetrated at tiio recent cloction for town oilicers in that eiiy. and of tho public moetings held for tho -purposo of devisins rocasures to prevent the frauduleutly elected oflicers from exerciaing the fuuctions' of the poHitions to which tliey laid claim. The city was excited as ït probably never was before bout au election, and tbrêati of lyuciing the lnllot-box stuffen were fr.cely iudulged in. Iluppily such a qnmmár; rcodo of dealiug with tlio rateáis lias be'en obviated, au we learn ir. m the Chicago pa]ers that the obnoxious crew have beeu gotteu rid of by legal means. At a meeting of the town board last week, called to cauvasa the returns of the election, evidence of the glaring frauda was placed before them, whc-reapon thoy declared ihe late election nuUity," decided that the offices of town aseessor, collector and clerk wore vacant, and proceeded to fill them by tlis aupoint.njcnt of reputable citizens. who 'wero imuicdiately swora in. Thk bteamer Dictator was wrecked at Hanni1 ;il, Mo., one day last we k, while attempting o pass through the draw of the railroad bridge, aceros the Hismesippi at that pont. The boat Bank immediatoly, and witli it ten of the crew. The bridge wa badly damsged During the paet year'ovít Í26, 000, 000 of United Staten laxos have heen colleoted in the Intenta! Jii .trict managed at preeont l.y Superv-iH ti Uatthewe, anti comprehending" tho States of Illinois, Wiseonaiu, and Michigan. SOUTH. A DAMNr. attempt was rccenlly made to rob ; au expross car on tho Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad. As the bain approached Blue ' Jacket, a side-track station tbirteen miles nortb of Vkiita, Indian torritory. a light was dis playod. Whc-n tlio train 'halted s;x or eight robbers, white mou, began exchaugiug shots with thirteeu of a niarsbal's posse who were poeted at different pcsitions on tlio traiu, anticipatie.,',' mi attack. Tl:c robbers mï ro compleiely repnlsed. One was kille! on tlio grouud, two capture,], aud the rest escaped. INTER.VAL ReVKSUK COJiBOTOB l'ATTKIISON, of tbe Meoipbii (Tenu.) district, recently made a raid on tbe whisky crooks in H.inv Teun., aud Calloway oonuty, Kv. Eight illicit distilleries and severa! thousand gallons of raasli were destroyed, and livo of tho guiltv pan ies arrested. WASHINGTON. The President has lately expreesed himself as being opposed to the House bill transfoiring tho Indinn bureau to tho War depai'lmeiit, and liasgoDRuu far m to intintaté tllat if he bill i pfsuti by ConnroïB ho wül veio it Thn Committee of Ways and JIoans lias completed tho MorriHou TiirilT bill, and ordi to be repoited favoraWv to the Hüuho. Tlie tax on cólico, of thrte ceutü a of fifteen oeuta m stricken ci-.t. Tbe conoludiug proviso of the f ree lint has bccu amendcd io rewl as ttíkms : " ProBideO. That alcohol to ! ba exoluaively imtd lor tho manufacture of ! ctliere, ohloroïorms, and vfftetable alkaloid, mado free by this aot, may ,v witbdrawn frjn) bond free of the epecfflc ii)tcr:ial roveaue tax per ga!!ou on qaantities not execediuj KilloiiHai anv ono timo, onder euob rnk, regulati.ju, und b-nds as the Secretary of flie Troasory Bhall preeorlbe.'' It i.i said tho Pro.'-ident '.vill not appoint a ; S3or to Minister Sohenckforsoveralweekp. ' Iiumor cicdils him with the intentiou of ing Oen. 8chBck chould the House Committee dn Foreign Affaire make a favorable report in "" case - ïlio Honse Committee on i loriea lua voted to amnd tlie IU makiug New ' Jlexií'O a S ate so a to próvido that tlio eftction ! for tbe adoption of the 8t(e Conetitution Bhall be l.cld in Junp. 1H77, instoail of "notJater than;Jaouary, 1877," a tho Senato proponed. ThiBwill prevent the new State from taliiii" jiait ia the uoxt Presldentiftl clectiou. KKHiKShNr.vnvr.s oí tl. e whisky intcn-ii Wasli)ii};ton. ivorkiug for a reduction of tbu t.ix to half a dollar a gallon. It is not likely lliey ill nuccc(l....TI,e uniiiv. rsary of the ion if I r(8)den( LincolD, April 14, va obsirved au a imbic huliday at the capital. :n. Pabcock han beon indicted by tlie WaBlliogton Orand jury for alleged oomplioity in tbe famoBi ufe-bnrg!ary affair. Iudictod with him, a alleged co-conspirators, aro . orí Harriuglon, lliram C. Whitfly, Ichabod NettldHliip. PhooiM l'. Soiiu-rvillr-. (ïeo. E. a in IÍ is-. alias Williams, and Walter i, nlia-i (Vil.itm Bentoi). Hilea is. undecn u H iitpuce of fvjurtteu years in t.lio W-rinoul ]!■! iU'iitiniy fpr robbing the ISarre bank. : and tho whercabouts of Bontou. one of the burglars who broke the eafo, aro unknowD. It is reported that Harringtou lias lied the country. Vxii'Hi) States Tukasubkh New had a conaultation with the Prctideut the other day. and cousented to continue in ofiiea uistil June 30, tho end of the presout lïacal year. GENERAL. Pbesident Prado, of lbo bouth American Roi'ubüc' of Peru. arrived at Now York last week. lic wül makc a qniet tour of the country and vinit the Ccntcnui&l in May. A coNvicT in tho Vermont penitenfiary named George Miles claims to have been Uie meohani cal expert in the famona Washington safe-burglary affair, and says lic was hired by Habcock and HnfFington to perform the work. The ] lattur. it i proper !os:iy, deny tho .allcgation, and donounco the (tl'e-ger as tlio champiou liar. Dom Pudro, Emporor of Brazil, arrived in New Yoik lant week. Secretarios Finb, Taft., lloboson, Gen. Sberman, Mayor Wickham and othcr oflicialH Hteamed doivn the bay and uoarded tho öteamer bearing the diritingnisbed vititor, for t!:e purpose of cucortiug him to tho city. Tlio Kmpcror poaitively dec'iued :i ]ihlic reoeption, and the committee leit the vessel hortly after boarding it. In the evening the Kmperor and Empreño yiaitod Booth'n Theater, and the follov.iiigduy vii-itcd Moodyund Smikoy at the Jlippodrome. It is etated, as uudcretood at Washington, Ihat chargtt basa b.en (ilcd against Gen, Custc-r by n prominent, arm) ofiicer, and that action wil} bc taVen in the case by k-n. Tcrry. ('n-:! feer'a department corumandof, a3 soon as tho iuformation ün which they ure baael reacbe h:s hand. . . .(ieu. John A. Putter, tho original I California pie neer upon whose estáte gold was discovered, in in vtiy reducr d circumbtanoee. Gen. Shertnan and several Imndred other forty-niuera are petitioning Congress to give him a pension, or rather to repay bim for puppliea and medicino furniabed eick and deutitute minor. Hutter resides at present in Washington. I'Ol.ITiCAl.. Thk Vermout cejgatioo to Cincinnati ia eaid to stand bix fur Dristow, two for Jïlaine, and ! two neutral The South Carolina and Texas delegations are eaid to be eolid for Morton. The '- Idberala '' have isnued a cali for a conbiiUatiou to bo held next montli in Philadi'lihia. It boara the names of Cban. l'raucia Adanis, Cari Fchurz, David A. Wells and others. i . . . .Xiinooln ötatue, aid for exchiHivelvby contributiona trom colored peoplo, was unveiled on I Oapitol hill in tho prosence of a vaet audience. Tho oration was delivered by Fred DouglasB, and a poem was read by Missltay, colored A Washington dUpatch aays repreaentatives of : the Uuion Pacific and Central Pacific raüroads wil! presont to the IIouso Cominiitee for consideration a propositioti for tlio settloinont of their affaire v.ith tlio Goveruinent very similar to that already bef ore theSenate. Tueir pro] - sition is to givo a eertain uumber of aeren of land bai-k to thu Government at.íí2.5U an acre this land lying weet of the lOOtb meridian. To tbO araount ansing frcni tliis retrocewjion j of land t'.icy propone to add that tlio Goverument now owes the compauy on account of transportaron, aud tbcu pay into tho treaeury aeufheient gum hunually to próvido aeinkrog fund to meet tho bonda aud interest at turity, tliia sum to bo fixed by the Secretary of the Ti eaurv. FORBIGN. Accoedinq te ::ite Enropean advices Busmau interventiou in Tnrkish affaira is amoug the probabiüties The Madgeburger Zeilung a}H it is ineoütcatablB that the Czar hae declared hib imention of abiiicating bh eoon aa IiiiBeian interests neceB;itates war. . . . lt is said the cmigration from Ireland for 1870 will be the mallest bince 1851 The Universitv of Pragne bas prohibited the atteiidancè of women at their medical lectui'es. A theatï of peace bas been made betweeu tbe Rcpublic of Liberia aud tho revoltiug tribes. . . . A heavy rain-storm prevailed ibr ughout EDgland and Irelaud on the night of the l'ith of April.. . .Late advices frara Algiers report a suïous eupagement betweeu i Frenoh troopgnndinturgentünear Constantine. j The latter, uumbeiiug 4,(00, were completely routtd, with ;: loée of GDü killed and wounded". The Frönoh loas email An idea of how tbey deal with bribe-taker iu Qreeoë may bc gaiui il by ft ricrueal of the followiiVg telegram from Athene: "The Higli Conrt of Juntico bas ' sentenccid M. íialassoponloua, a fornipr &[inUI ter of EcdcBiastical Altaira, to one year'.-i im rrisonment, deurvation of politieal rglit !nrmg threo years, and to give the 10,000 bereceived as a bribe to the p;or-house. M. Nikolopoulf-fB. a former Minister of Justice, was senttuced to ten month's imprieonment. Tho Arch' iehop of Cüphalonia was fiuod $10,Ü00, the AvcUbishop of Vatros, $1,400, and the ArcUbishop of MeüBene Y4.000, being doublé ; the amouuts they received as bribes. All were iiupeached for corruption and eimony." Tnm bas been a buccobbíuI revolutiou in Ilayti - Gen. Dominiqne, tho Prosidout, haviug been viitualiy driven from power by the force of si m. But revolntionf), HkebiliousdiseaseB, are very commou down tbere The plague is spreading iu Asia, and apprehensious aro feit that the divadfnl inalody luayreach the Levant, and thence pass to Europe. A Fniíjícn official decroo has beeu iatsued aunouucing a universal exhibition of fine arts, to bo held in Paris, in 1878, uimultaneoimly witii the industrial and agticultural exhibitions alrtady amiounced. t. . Negotiatious which have been poudiug for some time between the Goverument of Alfonso and tlio Vaiican have beeu brokenoff, the Madrid autliprities informiug thone at liouae that Spain will abide by the concordat of of 1851, oxceptiug only that ciause which gnarantees religious unity A large demonetratiou in favor of the liberatioa of tlio Tichborne ciaimant waa hc-ld in Hyde Park. Londou, a few daj'B ago. ... A seriouá politieal riot. growing out of a Honie-rule demonstratiou, occurI red iu the city of Limerick, IrelanJ, the other j day. A largeuuoiberof peraons wero wounded, I Bome, it is feared, fatally.


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