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The Michigan Argus

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PUBLISHED EVER? FRIDAY MORNING' ï.n fhe Uiird story of the brick block corner of Main and Huron etreetR, ANN ARBOR, - - MrCHIGAN. r)utrance on Huron street, opposite the Gregorv House. IESIjIHTX JEt. 3EO3TI, EDITOK AND PUBLISHER. Term, L3. 00 a year, or #1.50 inadvance. RATKS OF ADTÏRTISING. Bpíok. 1 w. 2 w. :i w. f, w. :t m. Tïnjfyïar 1 square. . $ 7B $1 25 $1 50 ft 5o!$3 50 Í5 00 $8 00 2 squares. . 1 80 2 00 2 50 Z SO H (H) 8 00 12 00 3fquares.. 2 00 2 SOj 3 50 5 00 7 50 10 50 15 00 l-5c.ihunn 3 50 i OOj 4 50 0 00:10 00 15 00 25 00 l column 4 00 5 00; 6 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 ■,- column 5 00 7 00; 8 00 10 00 15 00 1i 00 38 00 4 colnmu 7 00 10 0(1 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 55 00 I colunic. . 10 00,15 00ll8 0022 00 35 00 60 00 100 00 Trelve lince or less conaidrred & sqxiare Cals ia Directory, not to elceed four lines, $4.00 L year. Bul-mess or Bjrpcial notices 12 cents a line for the first iiiBertiou, and 8 ceuts for eacli subsequent inoertion. HarriaRe and death notices free; obituary notioes 5 oeöts a line Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changiug ♦ heir sdvertisemeuts qaarterly. Additional changIng wül be otnrgvá for, Advertisementa uuaccorapanied by written or verbal directious wlll be püblislied three months, aiil cbard accordingly. Legal advertising, first insertion, ttï ceuts per folio ; 35 cents per folio for eitU Subsequent insert ion. When a pofttponemttnt i s &dded to au advertipenient, the whole win bi tb;irged the same as the firnt iuserüou. JOB PRINTING. PamphletB, Posters, Haudbills, Circuiars, Cards, 'liall Tickets. Labels, BlankB, Bill-Heads and other ' vavictief? cf Plain aud Fancy Job Printing executed v, ith proniptueaB, and iu the best possible Btyle.


Old News
Michigan Argus