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Democratic County Convention

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A .Democratie Coiinty Conrentton will he held at the Court House, In the city of Aun Arhor, ou WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1876, at u o'clock a. m., t elecl tirelve delégate) toa State Convention, t" be beid ai I.ansing on the Mth (i;iy Of May. A cordial invitalion is extended to Líbenla, Cons rvativvs. ;uhí a!l others. witlinnt renard to previnih i;irly attiüiations, vhO are opposed to tbe extravagant1 and corruptiou of the Republioan paiiy, tu in ilti' primarles held to elect lícU'ijatfs. Eácbtownship and ward wlU beentitledto del egates a (bllows : Aun rily - l'tttield, t lat Ward, :; Balem, 4 i, " :; Saline, Sd " :; Sci 6 4lh " í! Shai S r,tli " - Superior, -í lili] " 2 Sylvall, L Ann Arbor Town, :; Webster, I AugUSt, 4 York, í BrUgewater, ■ ípallantl Town, l)(-xl.-r, 8 Ypsilariti í'ity - Preedom 4 lst Ward, 2 l.ima, 3 2d " 4 I.ikIí. t 3d " ! I.yiidon, S 4th " 2 Ilanchester, 6 6th " ! Norlhtii'lil, 4 Ity order of the Democratie Oonntg Connuittee. CHAS. H. KICHMOND, & B. Poso, Seerelary. Cbainnan. Dated, Ann Arbor, April in. 1876. " ioxoiiance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise : " that is the luaxim wbich seeius to have guided, governpd, anf regulated President Grant during the geven long years he lias oceupied the i'xccutivu mansión. He selected bis ñrat Cabinet otticers in sneiuing utter ignorance of their qualifieations (unleas wiser than the great political work out8ide of the White House and Wash ington), throvred dice or tossed pennies lor foreign ministers and consuls who have disgraced the country they were sent abroad to serve, and has lived on in blissful ignorauce, or the innocenco of Ah Sin, of the " ways that are dark and tricks that are vain " ot the Jiories and Belknaps and Babcocks, the Peíanos and Robesons and Williatnses, and the other Miembers of his official family, whether of " high or low degree." And now, to crown all, he puhlicly eoniesses to the world his child-like ignorance of the provisious of the Constitutiou he has sworn to "preserve, protect, and defeud." In his recent brief message vetoing the bill establishing the salary of future Presidents at the old rate of $25,000, - a salary which sufficed and satisfied Washington, Jtfferson, Jackson, Lincoln, and the ether Presidente sandwiched in between, - he twice speaks of the salary as fixed by the constitution, without stopping to tliink that it so fixed and established by that document Congress was without power to either inciense or diminish it, and that he had illegally and unconstitutionally pockcted $25,000 a year for the last three years. Such ignorance may be bliss (to the President), but it reflecta disgrace upon the nation of which he is the temporary htiiiil. Was the message submitted to Figh or Pierrepont, or any other Cabinet oflicer 'i That's the questiou. We ARE inclined to take very little stock ia the organized eftbrt to bring out Judge David Davis, of the United States ijupreme Court, as the Democratie caudidate for President. In the limt place the Suprenie Court should be entirely and absolutely divorced from politics, and its meinbers should be considered as ineligible to any elective office as if so declared by the Constitutiou. When a member of that court takes the Presidential " craze " he should iuimediately lay down liis robes of office, and contest the nuiuination as a private citizen. In no other way can the purity of that court be preserved, and the confidence of its people in its iinpartiality and integrity retained. Il Justice Davis may enter the list for the Democratie nomination, Chief-Justice Waite or Justice Strong may accept the glove he throws down, and a scrub race be inaugurated in that hall which should be sacred against either the rivalry or bitterness engendered by political dissennion and strife. In the second place, Justice Davis is not known as ideutified with the DHinocracy, and after the experiment of 1872 thoughtful men will hositate long before indorsing any proposition which may be tortured into a repetition of that unfortunate mistake. Democratie votes are to be relied upon for victory in November, and the caudidate must be selected with a view to securing the Domocratic vote, - the entire Democratie vote, - and after that Republiuan recruits. We do not think Justice Davis that man. A conference has been called to be held in New York on the lóth of May, ' to con8Íder what uiay be done to prevent the national election of the centennial year from beconiing a nare choice of evils, aud to stcure the election of men to the highest offices of the republic whose character and ability will 8ati.fy the exigencfes of our present situation and protect the honor of the American name." The letter inaking the cali is signeii by William Cullen Bryant, of the New York Eeening Punt ; Theodore D. Woolsey, late President of Yale College, Conneciicut ; exGov. Alexander H. Bullock, of Massachusetts; Horace Wuito, of Illinois; and Cari Schurz, of Missouri. If these gentlemen medítate another Cincinnati Convention, and the forestalling of the two political parties, they will niake the samo mistake made by the " Liberáis" of 1N72. The times are not ripe for a new orgauization. The eoniiug battlo is to be fought out by the two old parties. If these men- all Eepublicans - have lost confidence in the Kopublican party, as all thoughtful men either have dono or are fast doing, they should shake hands with the Democracy, aid in shaping the St. Louis platform and ticket, and in that way drive the Republicana from power. There is no other promising or sensible method. IN THE Belknap impeachment case the replication of Belknap and the rejoinder of the Managers have been filed. Yesterday was the day set for the actual commencement of the trial.


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