Real Estate Sales
The following trausactions in real estáte havo been recorded in the office of the Register ot Deeds during the past week . Joseph McMahon to Goodrich Gonklin 80 aciee off nurthwest quarter of sectiüir 2G, Sharon. $6,800. Erastus P. Masón to Johnson and Ira C. Backus, SI) acres off southeast quarter of section 33, Scio. 5,200. Harrisou Vinkle to Nelson J. Allport, part ot the uortheast traotioual quarter of seetion 31 Lima. Í3.000. Harrison Vinkle to N. J. A.l!port, the north halt of lot 3 in block 6, Dexter. $2,500. Peter B. Ingalls to Epaphras A. Mattesou, 53 ucres off northwest quarter of section 13, Au ii Arbor. $2,300. N. H. Wina.n8 to Tas. B Gott, house and loton West Hurón street, Aun Arbor. Y2,000. Daniel B. Sllrith to Williiim Gage, 22 acres ofl' uortheast quarter of sectiou 35, Superior. Y1,700. Ueo. W. Basom to Samuel H. Rogers, 20 acres off southeast quarter of sec;tion 2, and 20 acres off section 1, York. ïl;600. John Bluin to 1). E. Doane, house and lot corner of Fifth and'Packard streets, Ann Arbor. 1,400. Albert K. Clark to J. B. Davis, lots 5 and 6 in block 7 south range 12 east, Land Company's ad.litiou to Aun Arbor. Í1.400. Wra. Allison to Chas. Fosdick, part of the southwest quarter of sec. 28, Pittsfield. $1,060. S. R. Winchell to Jane Corson, lot 13 in block 7 south range 1 1 east, Land Company's addition to Ann Arbor. $1,000. Jonathan Kiugsley to David Kingsley, 16 1-4 acres off southweat quarter of section 7, Northfield. l,000. Oliver N. Smith to Lucius E. Tubbs, part of lot 1 in block 10, Dexter. $900. Thos. Fuller to Wm. A. and Geo. A. Fuller, 40 acres off' northwest quarter of section 7, Dexter. $600. Catherine Winters to Christopher Klein, lot 23 feet in width off lots 56 and 57 in block 5, Ctudsea. $525. Delevan E. Doane to John Bhrm, 40 acres off southeast quarter of section 6, York. $500. Thos. L. Ward to Geo. Lindeu6chmid, lots 12 and 13 in block 11, Manchester. $500. Geo. Lindenschmid to Mary Rommel, lots 12 aud 13 iu block 11, Manchester. Í500. John Hober to Geo. W. Turnbull, lots 2 and 9 in block 2, lot 1 in block 5, and lot 10 in bloi.-k 10, viüage of Harford, township of Lima. f400. John Clancy to George Lendauer, 3 acres off nort.heast quarter of section 29, Lima. Í2I5.
Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Joseph McMahon
Goodrich Conklin
Erastus P. Mason
Ira C. Backus
Harrison Vikle
N. J. Allport
Peter B. Ingalls
Epaphras A. Matteson
N. H. Winans
James B. Gott
Daniel B. Smith
William Gage
George W. Basom
Samuel H. Rogers
John Blum
D. E. Doane
Albert K. Clark
J. B. Davis
Charles Fosdick
S. R. Winchell
Jane Corson
Jonathan Kingsley
David Kingsley
Oliver N. Smith
Lucius E. Tubbs
Thomas Fuller
George A. Fuller
Catherine Winters
Christopher Klein
Delevan E. Doane
Thomas L. Ward
George Lindenschmid
Mary Rommel
John Herber
George W. Turnbull
George Lendauer
John Clancy