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Cause And Cure Of Hog Cholera

Cause And Cure Of Hog Cholera image
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Probably the direct loases of American farmers have been greater in hogs the past two or three years than in any other kind of stock, or m any farm erop. A correspondent of the Oincinnati Oazette discourses on the origin of hog diseases genei ally, and gives a remedy which he has found effective : Among some of the causes which produce cholera may be mentioned extreme and sudden changes; long hot and dry weather, as in the year 1874; long dry and cold, as in the years 1874 and 1875; followed by the imprecedented rules wliich feil during the summer of 1875. These rains caused an extremely rapid growth of grass, making it "washy," innutritious and defectivo in the qualities calculated to excite the secretions; and producing biliary derangements and congestión in an already over-taxed liver, that had suffered from an unparalleled long, cold winter, forcingthe blood from the surface, unequalizing the circulation, and centering an undue fimount of the internal viscera of the hog. Another cause is found in hogs occupying one field or pen from year to year, without cleansing or plowing under the Rccumulated filth, haying the ñog constantly "rung," denying him a taste or smell of fresh earth, or the use of an instinct that teaches him, in bilious derangements, to soarch for bugs, worms, or vegetable roots, the natural excitants of stomach, liver and bowels. Another cause is scanty feeding, rnuddy, stagnant and filthy water, obliging them to allay their thirst often from the drainiug of their own discharges. When the disease flrst made its appearance, a few years ago, it was characterized by many symptoms resembling cholera in the human being, even watery discharges, emaciation, and rapid waste. lts most usual form now is lo3S of vitality, emaciation, and dryemirTsuSp'e0fi"WTWm5Í!IL'X.&P charges ; with an inflammatory state of the liver, sympathetically affecting head, throat, and lungs. JPreventive andEemcdy. - One pound of madder, one pound sulphur, one pound resin, one pound saltpeter, one pound black antimony, three ounces assafetida. Pulverizo and mix well ; feed three tablespoonfuls to flve hogs, three times a week, in a little salt, more bran and ashes. Oommence feeding bcfore the cholera gets into your neighborhood, and continue until it ceases from the same, and if, during the time, and bef ore your hogs are properly medicated, one should take the disease, immediately remove it to a dry pen. Give ono tablespoonful of this mixture in one gallon of 'water or table slops, once per day ; and in order to make the cure doubly sure, take one-half pint of soft soap, one tablespoonful pine ter, one ditto lard ; warm and mix welï, and drench the hog ; and my word for it, it will cure ninety-nine out of the hundred. If you will treat the first one or two in this way, the disease will spread no further. And you remomber that as fast as the disease spreads, or in ratio to the nuinber infected, its malignancy increases, until it will almost defy control. If the season should be wet, keep your hogs on short timothy pasture ; if dry, on the best growth clover you have, and these are valuable helps. Sweet milk alone is said also to be good.


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