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Democratic County Convention

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A Democratie County fouvention will be held at the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 187G, at 11 o'clock a. m., to elect twelve delégales to a State Convention, to be held at Lausing on the 24tb day of May. A cordial invitation is extended to Liberáis, Conservatives, and all others, without regard to prerious party affllliations, who are opposedto the extravagauce and corruption of the Republican party, to particípate in the primaries held to elect delegates. Each township and ward will be entitled to delegates as followa : Ann Arbor CityiPittafield, 3 lst Ward, 3 Btlam, 2d " Saline, f 3d " Sol, % 4th " 3 Sharon, Stil " 2Superior, 6th " Í Sytvan, Ann Arbor Town. 3 Webster, u"iisi i 4 York, " Brfewkter, 4 Ypsihvnti Tow„. 4 Dexter, :; pMlanti ( ltyFreedom, lt Ward, Limu, Lodi 4 3d " 2 yndon, J 4th - Mancheeter, 5th 3 Norlhfield, By order of the Democratie County Oommittee. CHAS. H. RICHMOND, E. B. Pond, Secretary. Chairman. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 25, 1876. The harmonious and almost unanimou action of the Nsw York Democracy gives Gov. Tilden the inside track in the St. Louis Convention. The Demooraoy of Michigan like both their oandidate and their platform. Ovs. cotkmporart (Don Henderson) of the Allegan Journal has come to grief as a governor maker. His protege and "favorite son," Col. Stocfcbndge, has looked the field over and come to the conclusión that his business interests are such that he cannot gratify Don by standing for the nomination. The Colonel retires gracefully from the canrass, swinging his hat for Hon. C. M. Crosswell. Sevkral years ago the professors in the Uniyersity made application for a return of that portion of their income tax paid on their salaries, and now the Commissioner of Interna! Revenue has decided that " inasmuch as their salaries were paid out of the State Treasury they were not liable to an income tax. upon so much of their incomes as was derived from such salary." The decisión is no doubt satisfactory to the professors, but " inasmuch " as their salaries were not paid out of the State Treasury the decisión is not much better law than the decisión of other bureau officers generally are. Judge Carter having released Kilbourn from the eustody of the Sergeantat-Arms, the House Judiciary Conimittee proposes an appeal to the Supreme Court. The decisión against the power of the Hose to hold a prisoner for oontempt is an effeotual blockade against inveBtigations, especially where un willing witne8868 are to be examined. The Senate or House ought to have the right and power t hold a refraotory witness at least to the end of the session, at which time it would be early enough to hand him over to the distriot oourts for discipline. A little legislation is necessary if judge Carter's deciaion ie correct. Quite i number oi me w ustern otates nave lready electetl delegates to the Natioual Independent Convention, to be held at Iudianap olis, on the lath ot May. It is conceded that Judge Davis will be the nominee.- Bloomington Leader. Which will afford good and and sufficient reason why Judge Davig should not be nominated at St. Louis, and why nis name should not even be introduced into the St. Louis Conrention as a cnndidate. The fact that Judge Davis will allow the Indianapolis greenbackers to use his name, that he stands ready to stand on their platform and bear aloft their banner, and that he is, no doubt, equally ready to accept the nomination of the Cincinnati Convention, is enough to warn Democrats everywhero to stand from under. Judge Dans is not the inan for the party or the times. The Monroe Commercial learnB that the Hon. Henry Waldron, now serving his third consecutivo term in the House, " is not a candidate, and does n't desire a re-nomination," and proceeds to present as a candidato for the succussion the Hon. Edwin Willits. After biographically sketching its nominee, detailing his services to the party and the public, the Commercial says : " We feel sure that we utter the prevailing sentiment of the Republican party of this ooanty, and also that his claims and those of Monroe oounty upon the other counties of the district are such as to ensure from them a hearty response in his favor." Also, " we believe it is conceded by the counties of Hillsdale and Lenawee that Monroe is entitled to the candidate." Are the Eepublicans of Washtenaw county in the " conceding " business, or have they no oandidate to pit against Monroe's " favorito son ? " As an outsider we are not so certain just yet that Mr. Waldron may not be found in the way of Mr. Willits. The Christian Union, may be a wellinformed journal, but if it is hides its intelligenee " under a bushei," and evidontly would require a very small bushei under whioh to hida it - all. Speaking of the action of the President in vetceing the salary bill, the journal in question editorially says : "Had he signed the bill, into what an ecstasy of groaning the Democratie prsss would havo gone, at the idea of a President who was willing to take f50,000 a year himeelf, but was malicious enough to withhold half that amouitt from the successor which the Democrats hope to elect. We have no doubt that the bill was devised as a trap, and we take genuine comfort in seeing the intended viotim set hi foot upon it instead of within in." As the bill was introduced iuto a Republicon Senate by a Republican Senator, and wa passed by Republican votes, while in the other end of the capítol it was passed with gcarcely a dissenting vote, the " trap " must hae been set by the party friends of the President rather than by Democrats travailing with groan and anxious for an opportunity to relieve themselvss at the expense of the President. The Chrittiaa Union ihould try again.


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