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James Vick, of Rochester, N. Y., authorizeH the offioers of the State Pornological Society to offer in his behalf the tollowing premiums : For the best collectiou of cut flowers, $20 ; second best, $10 ; third best, $5 ; fourth best, floral cbrouio. The offer is made to amateurs only, and the flowers are to be exhibited at the annual fair of the society. They are not to be made up in bouquets, but exhibited separataly and nained, the object of this being to award the premiums to the flowers, and not for tastfful arrangement. Mr. Vick also authorizes the oflicers of every county society in Michigan to offer one of his floral chrotnos for the best exhibition of out flowers, and he earnestly hopes for some grand exhibitions of the " alphabet of angels." The Citizen of April 29 contaiiis the following : " Thi has been a light month at the State Prison, only twentytwo new convicts haring bon recsived. Against these receipta there have been seventeen discharges, one pardoned, and one sent baok for a new trial, making an inorease of four, the month of March closing with 824, and 828 now confined. The pardoned man wan Henry G. Sparks, and the new trial was granted to Henry Nugent, of Grand Kapids. The following is the monthly statement of the State treasurer for April : Amount on hand March 31st, $1,196,870.30 Beceipts during the month, 104,748.12 Disbuiaonieuts, 93,792.90 Balauce, 1,207,826.52 At the examination of candidates fur a Naval Aca.lumy cadetship at Flint on the 27th uit., there were 10 compotitors trom different parts of the Sixth Congressioual District. Th prize was awarded to Horace B. Audrewa, of Flint. The New England aalt works, looated about three miles trom Kast Saginaw, were dostroyod by fire early eu Hunday morning. The works were burned down a little over a year ago and new ones had been ereoted and the manufacture of salt was about to b coinmenced. Loss, $7,000. There was au insuranoe of $3,300, of which the St. Paul Insurance Company held $1,800, tha balance by the National, of Hartford. The buildings were set on fire. William L. Littlejohn of Bridgeport, Sagina w county, had some difficulty with a negro named William Thomas, and was shot by the latter with a double-barreled shot-gun. The shot took effect in Littlejohn's head, face and shoulderi, destroying his left eye, but not fatally injuring him. Thomas was at once arrested and taken to Saginaw City for examination. Th shipmenta of lumber from the Saginaw JEtiver during the month of April, foot up $4,000,000 foet, against 5,500,000 feet last year. Of salt, the shipment8 amounted to 89,000 barrels.


Old News
Michigan Argus