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Doings Of The Common Council

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Counoil met in regular session on Monda; evening, with a íull board in attendance. PKT1TI0N9. Of E. B. üklley and others, for street lamp on corner of Hill and Twelrth streets, anil on corner South University avenue and Thayai Street, Sixtli ward. To General Fund Corn mittee. Of M. Pack and others, for street lamp on corner of First and Ann streets, Third ward To same comraittee. Of A. H. Herion and others, for two streel lamps on Wall street, Fifth ward, one in front of M. E. Churcb and the other near west ene of river bridge. To sanie coinmittee. Of S. P. Jewett and others, for construction of stone bridge over west branch of Alleu's creek, on Huron Btreet. To Street Committee. Of D. T. McCollum and others, for an ordinance prohibiting the opening of saloons and sale of liquors on the day of any general or charter electiou. On motion of Aid. Besimer, the petition was laid on table. Of J. L. Davidson and others, for a sidewalk on south side of North street, between Detroit and División streets. To Sidewalk CommitteOf Jas. Treadwell and others, for sidewalk, nine feet in width, on east aide of Broadway, between Wall street and Maideu Lane, Fifth ward. To same committee. BEPOBTS OF BTANDINO COMMITTEES. Finance - Eecommending the allowanoe ot billa on the several funds, in the following amounts : Poor fund, f 184.76 ; general Btreet, $13.00; third ward, 13.50 ; fourth ward, $97.50. Allowed and warrants ordered drawn for their amounts. Sidewalks- In iavor of granting petit.ion for aidewalk on south side of Hill street, east trom tiain street ; also for sidewalk on east siile of Tigalls street, between North and Washington treets ; also for sidewalk on north side of jawrence street, between Thayer and Ingalls treets ; also for sidewalk on south side of Washtenaw avenue, between Forest avenue and Church street. Accepted, adopted and idewalks ordered constructed. Also by same, relativo to the dangerous conition of sidewalk between railroad depot and luron nver; also the oondition of biidga over mill-race near Agricultural works. FEOM CITY OFhCERB. City Marshal aubmitted hiê report for month f April, wbich shows: Amount of aid furnished to city,poor during month, $224.24, divided as follows : lst ward, 133.03 ; 2d ward, 51.02; 3d ward, $53.32; 4th ward, $41.18; th ward, $36 .54 ; 6th ward, $7.78. The namber of arresta made dunng month was 10- for je following offenaes: Drunk and disorderly onduct, 7 ; vagrancy, 2 ; violation of city orinauces, 1. The Marshal also recommended he appointment of a Physician, and th ppointment ot a committee to purchase a uantity of wood to be supplied to city poor. Accepted and placed on file. The Chief Eugineer of Fire Department eported the amouut and condition of tire aparatus belonging to the city ; recommended ;hat at least 500 feet of new rubber hose be mrchased, also a new extensión ladder for ie hook and ladder truck, and that steps be aken for the formation of a hook and ladder ompany. Placed ou file. Jas. McMahou, justice of the peace, reported he following award of jury in the matter of pening street in Fiith ward, between Wall treet and Maideu Lane, near Huron river, to W. Exiuger of $100. Also the iollowing award n the matter of opening au aliey running south rom Liberty street, between Main and Second treets, to Mrs. D. S. Wood, $125 ; J. Kapp, 25 ; J. C. Schumacher, G. Schatble, J. Harrar, aroline Grossmanu, J. Halinle, Thos. Grabe, Mrs. O. D. Fullei, and S. T. Speechly, $1 each. Accepted, and reterred to City Attorney. MISCELLANEOUS. Aid. Page tendered his resignation as Chairman of Sidewalk Committee, Accepted, and Aid. Doty appointed to fill the vacancy. By Aid. King : That Dr. W. B. Smith be apointtid Physician, at a salary of $15 per month - ïncludiug medicines. Adopted. By Aid. Rogers: That the petitions for treet lamps on corner ot State and North treets, and on corner ot Page and Fuller treets, be granted, and the lamps be immeditely constructed. Adopted. By Aid. Besimer : That a street lamp be orered erected on corner of William and Second treets. Adopted. By Aid. Doty: Resolution- that the Marïal be iustructed to enforce all the ordinances f the city without favor or partiality. Adoped. By Aid. McDonald; Resolutiou - that the um of $200 be appropriated f rom the general treet fund, for grading and graveling of Deroit street, provided the balance of ths exeuse be paid from Fourth ward fund. Oq motiou of Aid. Kiag, the matter was reterred o Street Committee to report advisability of uch tppropnation. Aid. Besimer offered the following : Resolved, That we as Alderinen believe the nioi cement of the ordiiiance relating to victaling housès and saloons ought in all juetice nd equity to be equal, and with favors to one ; therefore. Resolved, That in justice to the above class f citizeus and tax-payers, the Marshal be aud s hereby directed to omit the collectiou of the municipal tax on the business of retailing iquors or intoxicating drinks or beverages, ntil the tax due the city from victualmg ïouses is paid. Aftur a warm discussion the matter was reerred to City Attorney, to report what power he Council have in the preñases. Bond of A. A. Terry, C.ty Treasurer, in sum f $80,000, with P. Bach, P. H. Abel, Aretus )unn, Wm. McCreery, Nathau H. Carey and leury Krause as sureties, iras preseuted for pproval. Approved. By Aid. Besimer: Resolution - that in case f arrest and sentence of persons to the Deroit House of Correction, the Marshal be diected to cause thöm to be taken thereto by the )oliceman making the arrest, ïf practicable. Adopted. E. B. Gidley made demaud for payinent of laim presentad to Council some months since, and laid on table, for services as memher of he Board ot Health for the year 1875. By Aid. Rogers : That claim of E. B. Gidley be taken from the table. Lost. The following boolcs have been recently added to the Ladies' Library: Voyage of a Naturalist, Climbiug Piants, and Expressions ot Emotion in Man aod the Lower Animáis, by Darwin; Lights and Iusights, by Mrs. Whitney; The Puritana and Queen Elizabeth, by Dr. Hopkins; Royal Road to Fortune, by Emily Huntingtou Muer; Ö9m of India or Sketches of distinguished Hindoo aud Mahometan Women ; Memoir and Correspondence of Caroline Herschei, by Mrs. John Herschei ; Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo, by Dr. Honry Riuk; Winter Sunshine, by Jbhn Burroughs; Atnong my Books, 2d series, by Lowell; Discourses on Arcnitecture, by Violet Ie. Duc ; Foster's Life of Swift ; Life of Lord Macaulay ; In His Name, and New Crusado, by Edward Everett Hale ; Witch Hazel by Miss Warner ; Why we Laugh, by S. S. Cox; Misunderstood, by Florence Montgomery; Madame Theresa or the Volunteers oi '92, Waterloo, The Conscript, The Invasión o] France in 1814, The Blockade of Phalaburg, anp The Plebiscite, by Ercmaun Chatnan. Ths following appointments bave been made from the graduating olaas of the High School, lor June 23d : Josephine Armstrong, May Bronson, Nettie Cornwell, Emma Garner, Aimee Martyn, all of Ann Arbor ; J. G. Allen, Aurora, III. ; A. W. BankR, Ann Arbor ; J. D. Cailahan, Mina, N. Y. ; C. Fyke, Stryker, Ohio; D. A. Garwood, Cassopolie ; C. H. Ureathouse, Uniontown, Ky. ; L. B. Hunter, South Lyou ; Allen B. Pond, Ann Arbor ; C. J. Reyuick, Caro ; K. E. Kudd, Ca6sopoli3 J. W. Smith, Eaton Kapids ; W. F. Whitinan Chicago, 111. It happened to one of tb. Tillage aldermen laat Friday, and was the result oí absentmindedness. He loves a qulet pipe after diuner, and was enjoying one when he wal urgently calied to go and put a new sols on a neighbor's boot. Hastily disposing of hia pipe lie starled. While passing along the street he feit a " bee " sting him. Wondering how a hee got ap his trowsers leg, he clapped his hand upon the spot, when he feit a sensation resembíing the stinging of several large sized bees. He also smelied a mice ot mature growth. He put his hand into his pocket and drew forth his hghted pipe. It was on one of our principal streets and there were houses to the right of him, to the left of him, in front of hirA, and behind him, but the fire in his trowsers could not be endured and had to be cured. The ends of that under garment were speedily brought to Iight, and burat into ñame as thy were exposed, but the fire was put out. No insurance. Be careful where you put your pipe.-