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GLASS TOPS MEHL qR 1 'Vi'ii Kil ■ líTneíil 1 Trut jms% COHANSEYGlS MFC CO MFR'S VfiNDOW GIASS.BOTTLES SC. PHILADELPHIA t.ktua se. i ÊDWARO DUFFY HAS JUST UKCEIVED AN Kntir e New Stock Of goode couöiatint; of Teas, Coffess, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. BoughtinNEWYORKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offeriug them at FBRÏ SLIGHT ADVANCL over New York Oost. Also a foll line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN WE AH in BOOTS & SHOES Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, All of wïiich he ím offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It payn everybody to buy their poods for Caá (Juli and examine ooda and prices, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Good? detivered to any part of the City free charge. EDWARD DÜFFY. " Muynard'e cor. Main and Ann stree Ann Arbor, Mich. PRICES REDUCED. New Excelsior Lawn Mowei f" Í -"'fflri Langst Sme of any Lawu Mowcr in the World. It has been adopted, and can bo sren in practical optnition, at Centtnl t';irk, and all other City Park, New York ; Government Groundt aud City 'nik, Wawliinpton ; Boston Cominon, Koston ; Prospect Park, lïioukhn; and on alraost every prominent Piirk tiirouixliout tbe United States and ' 'fwiada. At the trial held in New York City, on the 2"th itf June. 1874 . the N'kw BXCELSIOB wjih awanlt1) tbe Kir' Prcmihm, Bttvet Üfedal, by the A;n-n' run lnstitu:e( in compeHtion with all the different, luwn mowern made in this country. Pricü Trom to $200. 1580 EVEKY MAÜIIINK WAKRANTED. OHADBORR & COLDWELL ft'F CO, öSTSend for Ciculur. !Vcwlurs[li, X, Y. THE BEST TS ALWAYS THE CHEÁPEST ! GETÏHK Ohartsr Oak Lawa Mower AT O. J. PEASE'8 It t' the 11 ral piif at Michigan state Fair u compólitiOD witli the ExcelsJ n and I'hilodcltolbr ok'fl and V ;to. BEBÍ) DR1 1.I.s ,i akdI'.n GULTIVATOKS, very ohwp M Eteane'a iVire iiaskots, Arches, Plaat Stands, 'l'rllis, Waste Daper A Bponge Basketn, al Peaac's. Or r will oue to order fcny Bfcyle or pattern tteslffifl. A few FÍBST-CLASS SïOVES AT COST or less. The Lever ;nnl alao Peérloss Clothej Wrinp:■r, il Poaso'ti. Th:ti Qrantte Inm Ware tea perfect II PEiASIPa "l"!i ■ I . si "WATER FILTERS Tmj Cbeap, at PEASE'8. Qalvanlxed Iron Toilet Iets, very aurable, al Peaw8. loiise PtratoiHag (jooiN, TIn Ware, Hardware, an! 40 rcnsons for nalng Weed's Cárpet Sweeper, at. 4S. Maifl Si. - G. J.PEASE. HPHE NEWKST AJ ïandsomesi Visiting Cards ra neat osgm AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. THE H1LL FARM FOR SALE. Aflioioing the West line of theUity of Ann Arbor, in townnïiip two Routh of range six east, oomprlsig the rust half of the northeaat quurter of secion ninetcen ; and thnt part of the west half of hf west lmlf of the north woat qunrtor of section wenty, lying north of the turupikd1; in all 00 42-100 ncree, witb Jouse, Barn, an Unfailing Spring of Water, nd about flfty neten wcll ïmproved ; flrst class iind and sitimtion beautiful. Two-thirds of the iiircliaiie money muy remain on the land throe to Ve ForTonn apply to UKO. E. HAND, OrH.J. BEAKES, Detroit. I Ann Arbor. IVitt 1 i W i. 1,1. 1 c iiiMM.N FOK SALK. Alurgeund very woll built brick house, witii two nr inort' lots. Two lurgr framctl hou-s. Also u good sized brick house and írume house ; and fi ttmnll t iJime Iiouhc on a good lot. intendcd for ;uldinp h tront. For sale on luir tonua and a reasouitble credit. Aloother building, loU, and property. EVONET WA.VTKn- So man? wibhing to borrow raoney applj to me that I can reudily obtíiinfor'.rs good sntiafactory inruatments tcu percent, interest. E. W. MOUCÍAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 187fi. 1664 tí K .. 'A Por day at home. Simples worth 1&O w Q-V free axiKïüN & Co., Tonlíind, M0. ib:& .Roal Estáte for Salo. TATEOF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw O as. tu the matter of he estáte of Louis K. Buhoz, deeeased. Notice is hereby giv.n, tl mrsuance of an ordei ;raul d to the unaersi Ldministrator of tin: estáte í" said deceaaed, by the Uon. Judgeof íoi the county oí W iaw,ou n. ■■ üintta day „i A .,.:, thére wfll jesol'l at puMIu vwnduo, uj ü,, highsst bidderj al the south doorof the Tuurt House, in tht? ciiy ol Aiui A mor, in the county ol Wa htcnaw in aatd tate, on jVkiiay,thk 'J'hiriikth day of June, a.d. 1Ö70, ai u-n o'clu k in the forenoon ol thal &8J (subject to ali cncumbrancrs by mortgage or ol iorwi existlng ui the tiui: of Lhe duaih of said dei ceasedi, the following dcsuribed real estáte, towít. The north fractíonal half of sec i ton tiumber ii iu towiishi] No. 1 south in range No. 6 east, (exetptti!L' parCel deo'lfl by f'li:irhs Scymnur .(i. W. Dextex bom thfl Dortneast corner), and also lhe triangular plece eonveyedby C. L. öbepard to W..M. Clark, by deed NoTember 18th, ,. D. 1866. ai 1 of record in the county of Washtenaw, being En the west, pari of Beotion Su..' In sald townahlp, contaliaiu in all three hundred and thliiy-bix arres moro or less; al. su the east half oí east halt' of the souibwest quarter of sectioo No. 5, and the east half of the cast half of the northweat quarter of secUop B, all in town i Bouth in cuigfl t east, apa Lalnlnlag eighty aCres more r Iets. Also the west half and the west huif of the east half of lot No. 1 in bloeit No, 4, also lot No. 2 in bloclc Nu. 1, all in range 0 iiortii oi' XI u run street (beiDe the same premlsea formérly occupied by Dor KeTloggaccordiugto the reoorBed plat of the villaje ínow city) of Adq Arbor, i'xc pting a part of lot No. 2 aforesatd, couituenang at a poini on the nvrtb line of said Jot eTghty-pitS Feetwestof tne northéast corner of sajd lot, running thencc east to the cast line of said lot, thenoe soutli on the eait line ol" uid lot srtty-one ivt. theuce northwerterly to the place ofoeginomg, heretofore dewied to Wlllard Roath, ajao excepang and reserving for the use ot said city oí Ann Arbor, for purposes of a street, all that portion of said premisos abore described which la now covered by I)etroit street; also all that prt of the east quarter of lot No. 1 in blüek No. 1 DOrth in rani?e No. tl MSf in said city, which lies wcsterly of Detroit street. Also the following pieces of' land in lots three and fout in bloes three Dortfa of llurou .itrt'ut and in range sfx east; the first is bounded and describid &s Followa : commenoing at the aáríh west corner ol lot numbtr une ot' the subdivisión of said lot three, and running thetice northeastly along the easterly Une of Detroit street thirty-tu-' feet ti a polnt sixteen Ceet northeasterly of the north line of said lot nuniber three, thencê at right anales to Detroit gtredt ODO iiundml fect, thence north twenty-four ü (oiiy-eight fect to the north line of aald lol i h r.-, Lbence east on said line to the Dortheaat corner ot' said lot three, thepee BOutb flfty-three feet tothe north of said Étbdivisiim, ihent;c vresf on said line one hundred and forty-eeven and one-fotirth feet, thence borthwèvi erly at right anglea to Detroit ptreel Bevjenty and fivi-1 welfthfl fee to the place of beginning. Also the following, coinmencínií at a point sixteen feet Qortheasterly of the soatn line of said lot tour In said bloeit three north, range six east, running thence oortheasterly along theeaeterly Une of Detroit streei fortylx feet, thence Boutheaatrly at right anglee to Deli even feet to thesoutn lino of said lot foor, thence aoilth t weert yfour degreea weel fbrty-eirht feet, Lnenoe nortiiweeterly at right angles to Letroil Btnti ano hpndredfeel to the place ol beginnlng: Dated May ítth, 1S76. ALFBJEDJ. BUCHOZ, Administrator. Sheriff'N Sale. BY VIRTUEof one wiit of exeoution, jsauod nul of and under the 8eal of the Circuit (Jort for the Couiity of Washtfnaw, to m ■■ directed and dclivered, I did un the seventh day of December, A. I). IK7S, lcvy pon aH the right titlc and interest of Charlea Tripp. ' harten T. Wilmo, Wmiam W. Whedon, Harvej (,'oruwell, Georpe i', líosi.-, and Andre .1 Hutherland, in and to ihe foilowiiitf liecribed rea] estáte, situatod in ths (unly of Wahtenaw, tjtateof Michigan, to w't: i'art of srciion twenty-uine, in townsliip two nouth, rang1'1 six etust, and li'-jiinded as tollows. to wit: Commpncing ata point qd the nortb. Une oi Hurón strt-et, an eontïnoed Baierly from the eaat üuü of the viHugc p'at ut tbe vilhipp íf Aun Arhor, (luco hninJrea nul thirty-two ieet f rom the bouthwest corner of ti piece of laud berotofoze deeded by Edwin 8. Cobb ;m] Willimn II. Thompson, and tneir wives, to .Jane Aim Miles ; thencu running eusterly on the south line oi Huro atreet, as ooatinued eight roda ; thence norlheasterly at nght angrlea wiih ■miil north Hue of Huron street one humlred anfl tltty reet ; thenco wcatwardly at riht ajigles t.o ftoid lant inentiüued liuo, nnd parallel to aid Huron street, contlnued eisht rods; thence utliurly to the place of beginning, which ulovc desoribed proper t y 1 shall expose tor sale at public auction to the hitfhest bidder, at the bouth door of the Court House, in the city of Ana Arbor, on tl: e 'J9th day of June, A. I). 187G, at ten o'clock a. m. oí ftfüd flay. Dated, Ann Arbor, May llth. lSTfi. 1582 M. FL BMING, ahoriif ShorirTs Sale. BY YIRTCE of one writ oi exec'-itin, isued out oí and under thp Kul of the Circuit "'urt for the County oí Waahtenaw, to me directed and delivuied, I did on the í'Jth day of OetoïHT, A. D. i;.1"). lévy apon all the right, title and interest of Charlen M. Kiwk ttnf1 luther Tickncr, in and to the iotlowing described real estáte, situtiteíi iu the County of Waehténaw, State of Miohigan, to wit: The bontbsast quarter of t-ection seven, in town four, soutli oL range seven east ; also, tlu east hall oí tiio northeast qaarter of section twelve. in town four, Houih of ronfire six oaat, all in WashttMiitw County, State of Michigan, which iibove deiribed property I sfiall exposé for saïe at publir anotion to the hi.heBt bidder, at tho nouth coorol' the Conrt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 2 lith day of June, A. L. 187(5, at te o'clotid a. m. of Baid day. Dated, Ann Arbor, May llth, 1876. i 583 M. FLBMI NOSheriff. Mortgage Sale. nrHEREAS William Vrfnrickle. of Salem, in the County of Washteimw :md statr oí Michigan. on the twenty-thud day oi' Uec;mtr, in the year ono thousaud eight hundred umi sevenlyluur, executed a mortgage to Olney Ilawkins, of the City erf Aim Arbtr, iu siiid county and state, to secure the puymcnt of cfrtaiu principal and interest money therein meationed, whi;h mort gage traa recontad in the Oilice of the Kepis ter of le-.ltor the County of Waahtennw, ou the twtu'v - fourth diiy of December, A. D. 187-1, in liber 61 of mortgages, on page 280, whieh sntd mortgage was aaaipaed by the said Olney Hawkins to James Oalfek, by writtt-n assignment, beaiing dte the twtuty lourth day of December, A D. 1874, and recorded in the eind Register'a Oöice lor the County oí' Wiwhtetuiw on the 4th day of Detiember, A. I). 1874, in liber 1 of assignments of mort gag es, un pago 465 : And whereas deftiult ha been made tbr more than ninety daysinthe ptiyraent of an instalment of iuteretit due ou saia inortgage, by reason whereof, und pursuant to the term s of said mortgage, so much of the piincipul .suin as remains unpaid, with all arrcaiajie.s of iuterest thereon, the option of the mortgaec or hia aayU'iiee, became due and payable immediately themafter . md wheroau the said assignee hadeclared it his option and elección, and does hereby declare it hli option, and doea hereby elect that the principal auni with all arrearage of inlereut on said mortgage, ahall be considerad due andpayable now: And wherea there is claimetl to be due and nnpaid on siüd mortffagtr and the note accompauyiug the same at the date of this notice, tive liundred and sixtyaix dollars, for principal and interest ; also an attorney fee of twenty-iive dollars provided lor in huid mortgageshouldany proooedJOK betkto forecloae the saim: in ádditlou to all other leal cost.n: And DU Buit or prftoeeding having been in stituted at law or in equity to recover the sam e, or Nky part thereof, ntitice i hereby giveu, that on Saturday, the eighih day oí July next, at ten oVlock in the Eorenoon of tbat day, at the souih door of the Court House in the City oí Ann Arbor, in said county (sitid Court Houe buinj? the plac-of holding the Circuit Court for said Oounty), ind by virtueof tho power of salo in eaid morijrage contained, Bind mort(tage will be foreeloaed by a sle at puhlic nuction to the highest bidder, of the premises deaeribed in said mort gage, or bo much thereof ns may bc necesHivry to tsatiBfy the t.monnt of principal and intereat reiuaining unpaid, with the eharfejeH of sale and the attornay fee aforesaid ; which Baid pitmisos ure desoribed in said vaotlgage as followK : Thóse öertftin piece or pnu-els of Land, tsituatedin aaid city ot Ann Arbor, known and deBcribed as follour, viz : Lot íuur and the north half of lot five of Brown and Baeh's nddition to the pint of the City of Ann Arbor aforesaid.-Dated, April Sthf 1876. JAMES (íALH K, E. D. Kinnk. Aaignee of said Myrti;HKt:. Attoraey for Asííjíih o. tó78 Chaucery Notice. PURSUANTto and ly rtrtue of adecree of the Lrcuit Court for the Coimiy of Wtabteuaw, In chancery, nmdt; on tlie tiiteenth duy of December, A. I. i-T.', n a cause thereio pendiux, whureiu Charle J.'lluwell Is complaluant, and Jacob Eltlebus, Loulsa EiUebus, JameMcMahoD, Tbomas W. lïoopor, and Anna Maria Eitlebus are defeudasts : N"otice Is hereby ffiTèn thatl sliall sell at. public Benduetotbe ainMBt bidder, at ten o'cfoókin the forenoon, on thelSth day of May, 1876, at tUe Front nr BonUl door of Aurt House, in the i'y oi Aun Arlior, in said rmjt?, uil those parce-] ollarul kiinwii uid described as loty elght, nine, and ten, in block number foursouth, in range number two west In tho CHy of Aun Arbort'CouDty ot WashtODaw, and State of Michigan. Marcb 33, 1876. 1575 J.F. LAWRENCE, Joun Éf. Oott, ('iivnit Court rom'r Sol'r tor Corap't. Waabtenav i o..Mlofa. Ghtinctíry Sale. pUEÖÜANTtO and by vimiu of ai order oi a tlifc Circuit Cour;, lor the (Vmnty oi Wiiöhtenuw, in chancery, made on the thiny-firnt ■ December, A. I). Ih75, in a cause then-in pending, whèrein Cfaurlea Th-iyer in complainant, and Elnah Y. Moïlmii, surviviiiL! tru-tec ol the Ann Arboi Land i'ompiiny, i Notice is hereby ijiven, that I hIïüU ell t public vetidue to the iiiy;})t!.st bidder, at ten o'cloek in the fnrcnoon. on the 13th duy of Muy, 1876, ut tbe south door i the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, all the fcllowiifr dosoribed lflods eituíiíiHl in the City oí Ann Arbor, in fs;ii County : bate 1, Ü, 3, -1, .", ttnd E, in block geven aouth, runge eight cast ; nUo Lotfl I, 5, i, 7, B, 10, 1 !, and 12, iu block soven south, Hiid range, nine eat ; ulsu, lot í in hlock even south, range eleven ' ; alnas lot lü in block seven south, xauue twelve east ; una álaq, lots 5,0, 7, 8, and 9. ík bToefc nèti n south raoge ton enst ; also the south onc quurter i f lot oine, m block .even outh, rango niue cast ; and thu tiianular piooe of land. vliout tliroc quortera Of au acre, iu the northoaBt corner of dcction tlurty-iwo. Datodt March 2tuh, 1876, 1576 J. F.LAWBENCB, Circuit Court Comm'r Waahtenav Co., Mich. POR SALE. My store next door to tho Now occupioil liy ('. A. l.ewia. One of the best MoaUon in the city. AUomy State St. Froperty Of threu .Stores, hic.ited at Coliegu tutjum-c- uortliwcst corner. Also my Family Morse, (arriagc and Hari;ess I hrtve decided to ell the ubove property and rill make priow lusuitthe tiines. Tliis piopeity isciear ot all iucuuibrance and titles perfect. I mean bwineBS aal expert to leave the city. Jnjuire of W. D. SHITHi ttate Stuet, Ann Arbcr. Ftbruury 15, 1876. -JiulSTU RAILROADS. MIClílA CE5TB l BAlLROAbT APRII, lij, 1H76. GOlUii VVKUT. . Á l o _.L1_O1L A M. A.M 1.M. P.M. P.M. F. u. Dotroi t , Ieove, 7 00 1 ■ 03 2 50 4 00 C nn 9 50 Wityne juuclion, 7 ;"; lj 41i u ïïj 4 5.') U 47 10 48 Ypiilanti, 8 SI 11 It :: 51 5 S8 7 12 11 14 AnnArbol, 8 6 11 27 4 13 5 45 7 45 11 30 !' 'O 4 35 6 08 8 1: . Cbelsea, D 40 4 47 6 23 8 28 , Oran Lake, , 10 08 6 49 8 55 . Jackson, 10 L7 I'i 37 5 Ir. 7 15 9 30 12 } P. M A.M. Kiilumuuo, 1 52 3 1)3 :io ï (5 ühicngoarriv, 1 7 30 1 8 OOl 6 50 8 00 OOING FAHT. ■ítíUililíl-! a o ? ■! S5 'O f. s .♦ a A.M. A. 5Í. I'. M. P. M. A. M. Oblongo, lenve, 5 00 6 00, 5 16 9 00 I p. M. a. m. . Kuluuiazoo, 10 4' 1 36 10 2U 2 30 F.M. A.M. A.M. . Jackson, 1 15 4 00 7 00 12 40 4 55 9 60 Untas Ijüse, 2 4ii 7 30 6 33 III 20 Chebwa, :; 10 7 56 ' b 50 10 42 I Dextel , 3 25 8 13 6 08 10 55 I Ann Arbor, 3 52 6 16 8 30 2 00 6 28 11 13 Ypsilnuti, , 4 1 6 28 8 66 2 Ï0 6 48 11 28 Wiiyne, 4 H 9 25 2 40 7 08 11 60 Detroit, arrive, 6 45 6 26 10 15 S 30, 8 00 12 30 'riunduys excepted. Saturday and Sunday excpted. IDiuly. H. B. LBDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wkktwoktii, lien. Pasa. Agt., Chicago. ÏETROIT, HILL8DALE & INDIl ■' ANA EAILROAD. QOINO wj;st. - 1S7C- OOINO EART.J STATIONS. Mui.. Exp. STATION. Kxp. Mail, Detroit, dep. ..7:00 6:00 A. M. P. M. Ypulanti.... 8:35 7:15 Bankers :00 2:3? ■ Saliuu. ... 9:20 7:45 ' IlillsdKle ... U:30 .2:45 Rridgewater.. 9:45 7:57 Manchester.. 9:15 4:18 Manchester. 10:18 8:00 Bridgewator 'J:45 4:38 P. M. Saline 10:10 4:55 Hilladale 1:15 10:00 Ypailanti.... '10:6S 5:J0 Banket. .. 1:30 10:10 Dutroit 12:30 G:2i TrainK run by Chicago time. To takeefiect , April 16, IS'Ai. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. The TwoJBqss Plows. THE OLIVER OHILLED a A l K These Plows axe to-day the tiro Boes PTowa -)f thecouDtry Theytakebo bacic Beat foi aaything cal led ;i PIow. Xliuv din'[ go a beggiug Eoi tomen ; theygei tato the b'atfc a of farniens without bttng forrñd on1 n six or eight montïs time. ■ U'Ih-h tii -y - thcy itay, and thai is a sufficioni recommend ■'? anv Plow, I simply ask anj fei ntcr, whethcr he raote 16 buy a cultivator or ooi, ti step in and examino the GORHAM &. BUCKEYE SfJi! CULTIIATÜRS ! and jiui'!' for himsi-li', ns i(. wiU cost liim nothing, ;iii't I will wait on hini wfth pica They are ar:ned Tor both corn and fullv. . give the teeth any aDgle yon choose, to tutu oiiiili to or trova the corn plant. Cali un il see tlu-m : for yourselves and you wil! (■■ better saüfied than you will with auythiug I c:tn aay uu papt-r. i I viirious kind èf ono-horse cultivaxorSj snit, watei lime, and all kinds of Fielfl and 0 arden Seeds, I am still agfnt for stveral diil'Tenl kiudaof tlii' ï.- iiiK machines, aoioii Wo I'in-, with ■ arator, with ten and AIso, tli; linitlu ('rock Vibrator, with mounted power. 1B79i M. HOGERS. twardrd (he iliíhts! llcdal at Vicuña. E. & H, T. ANTHONY & CO. 501 itroadwav, rw Vork. (Opp. .Mctropiiütim llotil,) ll:iinifirliirrr, ImpoiUis & Dc.-Jrrs in CHROMOS and PEAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, ALBUMB,0nAPH08C01'E8, AND SUITAHLK VlK%vs, Pliotographic Materials. We are Heudquarters for everything in the waj ot' 3TEKE0PTIC0NS & niiilC l,lTEkS. Boing raniiufactnrers of thc MICRO-SCIKNTIFIC LANTKBN, WTEREO PANOPTICON, UNIVEKS1TY -TEU.1OPTT' ON', AUVERTISER' STKKEOI'TICON AiETOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN. ÉAVÜjr T.ANTERS PEOl'LE'á LANTKKN'. Eftch style being the best of its cIímss in the market. Catalogues of TjaDterns and Slitlea with direutiuuH for ufling uent on appliention, Any enfierprimng mnu oêM nuike money with a Miilíic Lanturtl 1571 Siiycut out tbis advertisement for referenee.öi Swing Machines i i - - - l ' THE SI1TGER, : NEWDOMESTIC, And the HOWE, ;i severa] tf} Secoud-Hand Machines at the SEWING MAOHIN1 OFFICE, Ann Arbor. im Needies for all Machines The very best thai arcma-lf, hii1 attadiments and larts ït'V in-aily all lüacbiucs. S1NGER MACHINES Rspairrd bctt'T tluTf ttiun anywhera else in ■. ü'y-ui lAachfnc donï work well, (rade ne t li ii does, or haTe t repalred. au ma■li ;iii boM Ou easy paymeutai i nc oiiiic Socsnl door eaat of Poxt l l'in-, Ann Arbor, .tlicb. I 1,. (RIMVriI,, Atiinl. p EORGE W. CROPSEY, Lataofthe Brmof Clabk Cropsky, and A. Kearney, huo of Texas, ander ïlnu name of KEÁRNÉT & CltOPSEY, Have establlshed themsolvea 't Ko. 33 Souili nam St., Aun Arbor, ;m.l propose to do a general Grocery Business They will also kr.,, CROCKEBY, ÖLA3S and ■ W(h'iii-:n w ai:i: dafull lino of üüMESïXi uid 1 UUEIGN FliüIT.S. They have fittc-d and furnished A First-class Kating Department, Where Mcal can be liad at all hours, or board 'by the week. C usli ii1 for Hmter, lCjrg, nnd all country produce Uood promptly dellvered In auy pan of Mie city. Remember the plaqe. 33 Nu ii tli ülain ütreet. KKR.M;Y &CBOPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 187G. 1580


Old News
Michigan Argus