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_ Sunimer has come at last. „ p. Bch is home again and reports the Cellteuuial a big thing. _ Bach & Abel have purchased the stock o: goods of J. H. Mayuard. - Duffy chauged his ad. last wek and his goods are changiiig hands rapidly. _ Ou the llth inst. Edwin Heuning, lormery of thi city, was married to Tuuie A. ShorJeuburg of Chicago. Kearuey & Gropsey are working up a good jmsiness in the grocery trade. See adrertisejueut. _- Our advertisers crowd our columns this ,TCek. We shall have more room i'or politics next week. - Kiusey & Seabolt are pushing the work on tlieir new store and will drive business one of these days in better quarters. -Th graduating class of the High School na ioolishly resolved to charter a band and go to Whitmore Lake lor class-day exerciaes. - tíach fe Abel have resumed specie pftyiaents, and it is silver that jingles on their counters. They pay out no " sliiuplasters." _-On the eveuing of the llth the postoffice st ypsi'anti was burglarized and robbed : the tkieves getting about $20 in nickels and penales. - Judge Huntington held an adjourned term oí the Circuit Court on Friday and SatrJay last, - hearing chancery cases, motions, etc. -Millen & Son get in a new ad. this weelc. jMobs follows suit, and Faotle invites custom. Tue Aeous ads. are all fresh and the advertisers reliable. _A reunión oí the Third Cavalry Regiment, Mich. V. V., will be held in Detroit, Jlay 25. Members are requested to report at the Michigan Exchange. -The six oared barge purchased by the Unirersity Boat Club ot the Uoguac Club, of Battle Creek, arrived out Saturday, and "practico " is now the word. - A meeting of veterau soldiere will be held at the Armory this evening, to make arrangemeuts for attending the re-union to be held in Detroit on the 25th inst. - J. J. Parshall, of this city, has set out this spring on nis farm iu the town of Ann Arbor, jast east of this city, about 1,400 fruit treea, - uppie, pear, aud peach. -Among the receut deathi at Ypsiluuti are : James Forsyth, aged 81 years, father of deputv-sheriff J. M. Forsyth, and A. H. Bgardus, i clerk iu the First National Bank. - Jeff. Davis, the well-known janitor at the C'ourt House, is grandtather- and the " oentunuml baby" has a great-groat-grandmother livmg, or as the great-grandfather puta it, "a great big doublé grandmother." -Chis. Wheeler, for many years th Michigan Central freight agent at Tpsilanti, has teen appointed general ireight and ticket agunt íor the Detroit, Hillsdala and Southwestern Kailroad, with kis office at Ypsilaiiti. -The freshmeu weie out serenading their professors ou Friday eveniug last, and ucteeded iu palniing themselres off as seniora. Some sidewalk Uiting was also done tbe sanie uight: by whom has not yet been determinad. -Mr. W.. L. B. Jenuey, oí Chicago, tbe uewly appointed Professor oï Aichitecture and Deaign, leotured on Wednesday afternoon (to üü iuvíted audience in the law lecture room), on "Architecture " (mtroductory), and again on Thurbday aileruoon, on " The Uouae and -iteFurniture." -The Ypsilanti Commercial of last Saturda; woitisBS tü beiug " ashamed ef the Rejiui'kaii party of Michigau, if K. A. Beal and W. G. TliOmpflou (the late would-be Mayor oï Detroit) are a fair type of the delégate sent iroiii the other districts of this State to Cinciimati." - Mrs. A. B. Craine, Opera House block, is offering special bargaius in mülinery and ladies summer goüds ior tho uext thirty days. She particularly invites attentiou to her lm stock of Frenen pattern hats. These are oí late importation aiid well worthy of iuspection. G-o and see thein. - A local politician - a ' reformer " - proposed a few days ago to hav Prof. Watson sent as a delégate f rom the Fourth ward of this city, to the Democratie Conventioii, - -forgetting ior the moment that the professor is crediteJ with benig the largest and controiling itockholder in the Corporation which publulies the very Bepublicna Hegtater, as well as ce of the editor's ot that paper. - Willie Beamau and Edüe Burns, two joung lads living in this city, aged some 12 or 11 years, went down to Ypsilaati last Suuday, and duriug the evening captured a horse and csrriage standing hitchd in front of the Catholic Chucoh, drove to this city, stopped over ■aigat, and in the mornmg started ior Whitmore Lake. An oíiicer carne up iroin Ypsilauti Monday morning, they were pursued, caught, brought back, aud committed to jail to wait a trial at the next term oí the Circuit Couat. -On Sunday afternoon last as A.. J. Sawyar, &}., was driving south on State Street, s loose strap got iuto one of hia horse's ears, annoying d fnghtening him. Unable to quiet the an"■1 Mr. Sawyer gave the reina to his wifs and jumped out, in the hope of getting t the lores's head and remoTing the strap. But the Jrantic auimal pulling away from the strap in hortcirole upset the carnag dragging it around with him. Mrs. Sawyer succeeded in getting out at the rear, the curtaiu bemg up, "without aerious inj ury, and residen ts on the treet carne to Mr. Sawyer's aid aud securtd 'te horse. Singularly the carriage was not 'roken.