Local Affairs
-The uext sussion of the State Medical So ety ot Homeopiithists will be held in this city 1'here was a aharp, white froat on Tues jav moming,- Out no iujury to fruit is reported. -A tlnee year old child of John K8ck died ■nddenly ou Tuesday, after a sickness of oniy j iew hours. -We learn that Morgan O'Brien, of the tovinship of Webster, lies daugerously sick „f pneumonía. - Henry Matthews, the Huron street butcher iurnished over 500 lbs. of ireah meat tor the Forepaugh show yesterday. - Anu Arbor is to have a skating link : it ,pill be instituted at Smith's Hall, on State street, next Mouday eveniug. -The Young Peoples' Society of the M. E tBurch will have a strawbeny aud ice creara testival next Wedueaday eveuing. -The scholars in the public schools residing in the Fifth ward are to be excused on "Decoration Day," - Tuesday next - ïf they desire tol. -At the recent anuual meeting of the -'Woman's Board of Missions," heid at Pontiac, jli-s. H. L. Hubbell, of this city, was elected Secretary. -A strawberry and ice cream festival will be given by the youug ladies of the Presbyteriui Church, Friday eveuing, June 2ud, in the cburch parlors. . - Sonie of the departa ents of the ward schools were dismissed yesterday on account of non-attenclance ot scholan. P.ousou : Foreuaugh's show was in town. -The Couit Yard Croquet Club has commenced operatious again, which will probably gire a number of persons a chance to " put in their work " fer the sumuier. -Black Silks and Grenadines : Ladies before tnying Black Silks or Grenadines, should look at the new and choice arsortment just opened at Mack & Schinid's. -ün Monday John Jacot) Koek, a Washington street saloon keeper, contributed $14 to the general fund of the city tieasury, for keepiiig his saloon open on Sonday last. -Patrick Boyle, of Northfield, died in this city 011 Suuday last at the boarding house of Mrs. Wm. Walker on Miller avenue, of congestión of the lungs. He waa 51 years old. - Read the advertisement in this week's paper of C. hlitin & Sou, and then go and see foryoureelt what you can do, but we will guaraiitee they are sclling cheap or else they muid not say so. -Miss Pease, whose card appeared in the Abgïïs columus last week, proposes to give lessons " on the Piano Forte." Those important and limitiug words were omitted by the compositor. -Ou Saturday last an employé in the meat market ot John G. Gall met with au accident, while cuttmg some meat, the kmfe suddenly slippiug struck the palm of the thumb and iuflicted a severe wound. - An advertisement of some property in Toledo says it is located near the terminus of the Anti Arbor Narrow Guage Kailway. We are happy to learn that ONE end of thut road has been t'ound.- Dimdee Enterprise. -On Mouday last one of the lawyers oí this city had tive garnishee summonses served on him before breakfast, being called out of bed hy the gentlenianly officers. And it was n't a good day ior gariáfchee business either. - Company A of this city bas received an inritation from the Adrián Light Guarda to lisit that city and particípate in the coming Fourth ot July celebration. lts ncceptance will be determitied at the next meeting of the compauy. -The Battle Creek Journal says that the kiíge "Waupokisco," purchased by the UuiTOStj club of ths Goguac club of that city, "isastaimeh boat, has a fast record, and wül Bídoobt nrnke the Hurón river boil in the kaiisof the Umversity boys." -Mise Hattie Sykes, of Bellevue, Eatou unty, who attempted suicide a year ago laat September, wlule a student of the University, died in the iusane asylum at Kalamazoo on the ljth inst. The physicians who made the post inortem exainination attribute her death to the p'stol shot, the ball uever having been tracted. - David Sjierry, an oíd and respected resident ot this city, died on Saturday night last o! paralysis, aged t4 years He has resided m this city about SO years, having emigrated frora Middlebury, Vt., and for a number of years was engaged in the furniture and underukiug business. His funeral was held Monilaj afternoou, and quite largely attended. -The Coldwater Rejmblican says that Prof Frieze was in that city last Priday, for the purpose of examiniiig the condition of the city schools and the graduating class in particular astotheir qualifications for admissiou to the Umveraity on diplomas, and that the profesntspokein the highest terins of the schools, duiiiymg them among the three best in the State. -Mis. Baitholomew Smith, formerly a resident of this city, died at Owosso on Sunday tat. Her remains were brought to this city Tuesday, and taken to Saline on Wednesday lor intermeut, accompanied by a delegation f the Masonic fraterniny of this city. She 11 be renieinbered as being the widow of the traveling agent for the late Munson Wheeler, while engaged in the bakery business here. -A senous accident occurred t the iurnitoe factory of J. Keek & Co., in the Second rd, on Tuesday morning, caused by the burstiog of a smal] emery wheel, which was "inning at a high rate of speed. One of the 'yiag pieces struck Henry Neuhoff, a work""D at the wheel, in the forehead and fractnring hia skull. The injuries at tirst were 'hought to be fatal, but yesterday his coudition was considered more favorable. - By recent military order issued by the Adlutant General ot the State, several chauges B the letters of companies have been made, "oí a new regiment created. The State troops w consist of three regiments ot eight comPies each. The First regiment is composed f the following companies : Company A, Aun iror ; Company B, Adrián ; Company C, Tecmseh ; Company D, Monroe ; Company E, Hudsou ; Company F, Hudson ; Compauy G, Jksou ; Compauy H, Lansing. Col. W. H. "ïthingtou continuas in command of the First regimeut. -The declaration in the libel suit of Dr. S. H. Dougla6 against B. A. Beal, was tiled in the ce of the County Clerk on Monday last. " is a long document, containing eome 30 Iges of legal cap. Tliero are eight counts in "" declaratiun, seven of which are based on rticles published m the Courier recently. The last couut charges Beal with publicly say'"g upon the streets of this city, in the prese"ce of several persons, " I want you to unierstand that I say Dr. Douglas is a defaulter. He íb a d- d scoundrel, and any man that de'eDds him is a d - d scoundrel." -Tlie McLean County (Pa.) Mtner, of the 'l'li inst., records a large sale of " valuable '■raber and mineral laúd " at auction, the contoling bidders being H. W. Hogers, Esq., of 'nis city, and Kobt Kiug, of the tormer place, "ie Minor says : "The bidding was neithei 'fickless nor spirited, and a bid of $2,000 made Mr. Rokers the owner of 2,000 acres of land til worth $10,000. We cougratlate our jovial lichigander acquaintance upon his eutrance '"to tnu rauks of the htud-holders ot McKean cunty, with the inestimable privilege of pay'UC hia biennial taxes on uuseated land at an assessment of two dollars au acre. But the ld is reully well worth four times the amount paid for it to any man able to hold it a few years." Wo have heard of people being " lanc poor."
J. Keck & Co.
Court Yard Croquet Club
Battle Creek Journal
Ann Arbor Narrow Guage Railway
Old News
Michigan Argus
Dr. S. H. Douglas
Henry Neuhoff
Patrick Boyle
Mrs. William Walker
Mrs. H. L. Hubbell
Mrs. Bartholomew Smith
Morgan O'Brien
John Keck
John Jacob Koch
John G. Gall
Henry Matthews
Hattie Sykes
David Sperry
R. A. Beal