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Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT havíng been made in the eouditions of a mortgage, executed by Goorde W. Brown and Mary E. Brown, his wife, to Öheldon Tomlinon, dated the twentieth day of April A. D. 1871, ind recorded in the Office of the Register of Jeeds íor Washtenaw Oounty, Michigan, on the ecoud day of May. A. D. 18T1, in liber 44 of mortgages, on page 52, by which default the power of sale therein contained became operative, and no proceedmg at law or in equity laviug been intituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage , or any part thcreof, and the sum of twenty - hree hundrcü and eighteen dollars and ninetyline cents böiug now claimed to be due on said mortgage, and forty dollars as an attorney fee as irovided m Baid mortgage,: Notioe is therefore lereby jiven that baid morteage will be forecloaed by a sale of the premlses therein described, or aome )art theieof, viz : All of the followiug land, com[nencinfi twenty rods west of the southeast corner of section twentynine, thence west on south line of eaid section iourteen rods, thence north parallel vith east lint: of said section, to the suuth bank of he River Ruitsin, thei.ce along said south bank in a ïortheasterly direetion to a point twenty rode west of the east line of said sectiou, thence aouth paralel with the eaHt line of said ttection to the place of etrinning, coutaining one acre and one third of and, inore or leun ; Also, the following descnböd liece oi land , on which a flouiing mili now stands, lamely: coniineucing at a point twenty-five and one iftli rids noithof the south line of said section .weuty-nine, and Lwenty rodö west of the east line of said aectinn, thence north parallel with east ine of uaid section eleven rods ; theiice east parnlel with the south line oi said section nine rods; henee south parallel witb the east line oí aid section eleven rods, thence west parallel with south line of said secticn nine rods the place of beginning, containiüg niuey-nine rods of land. And further with the ast described parcelo! land isgranted, bargained, oíd aad remieed the right to build a dam on the iver Raisin, and to ño w back or up said river to :he west line of said section twenty-nine , and the irst i ight to draw aufficient water to drive two runs f mili stones and all the necessary niachinery lor crinding aud ñouiiug purposea. TUo above grane argain, sale and remise of water power is expresy made subjeot to certaia restrictions and ritfhts aadü in a deed giveu by John W. Rice and üary i. Kice, hit wifu, to Miohael Kappler, dated the fteentn day of November in the year one thousmd eight hundred and sixty-four , and recorded in he Reister'a Office for Washttnaw Couuty, iu libero? ot deeda, on page 161, all oi said land bemg n township number three south of runge three ast, iu Michigan, at public vendue, af the south oor of the Court Home, in the City of Ann Aror (that bein the place of holding the Circuit tourt lor said couuty), on the twtmty ninth day of uly, A. D. 1Ö7G, at oae o'clock iu the afternoon. Dated, May 3d, A. D. 1 876. ABBY H. T0MLIN80N, Guardián of tiheldou Tomlluson, By Attorney. .Mortgügee. Estáte of John G. Miller. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 3 ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the jounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofic(i in the city of Ana Arbor, on Tuesday, the ixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand ight hundred aud seventy-six. Present, Xoah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the mttter of the estáte of John G. Miller, eceased. Ajina G. Miller, executrix of the last will and estament of a.d deceased,,comes iuto court and epresentfl that she is now prepared to render her nal account as such executrix. Thereupon it is ordered that Wednesday, the ourteenth day of June next, at ten o'clock 'in the örenoon, be assigued for exanrining and allowing ueh account, and that the devisees, legatees and ïeirs at law of said deceased, 'and all other wboqs interested in said estáte, are requir(1 to appear at a session of said court, then o be hulden at the Probate Office, in iie city of Ann Arbor, in said jjouaty, nd show cause, if auy there be, why tne said ccount should not be allowed : And it is irtUër ordered that said executrix give notice to ie persons iuterested in said estáte oí the penency of said account and the hearing thereof, by ausiug a copy of this order to be published in the lichigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatïig i ii said county, three succcssive weeks previous o said day of hearing. (A true coyy.) MOAH W. CHEEVER, I583w3 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Nalson B. Cole. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for tht ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oilice, n the city oí Ann Arbor, on Monday, the rifeenth day of May, in the year one thouaand ight hundred and aeventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Jiidge of Probate. In the matter of fche estáte of Nelaon B. (Jole, eceascd. On reading and filing the petition, duly verirled, f Elizrtbeth H. Colé, praying th;it a certain intrument now ontlleiuthis Court, purporting to e the last will and testameut of iaid deceased, may be admitted to probate, ' and that she may e appointed executrix thereot. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday tht twelfth ay ot June next, at ten o'clock in tht forenooit, be signad for the hearing ot said petition, and that he deviHtPH, legatues, and heirs at law of said deeased, aud alt othei persons mterestod m said etttate, re required to np-pear ut a sesión oí said court, tht'ii ,o be holden at the Probate office, in the city ot Arbor, and sliow cause, if auy there be, wliy the prayer ot the petitienes should not be T&nted . And it is iurtber ordered that said M'titioner give notice to the persons intorested n smd estáte, of the pendency oi suid petition, me! the hearing therf.'of, by eausiug a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Árgux, a uuwspuper printed mid circulated m aid oounty, three auccessive weeks previous to suid day oi heannp. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEKVE1Ï, lí;íHw: Judae of Probate. Chancery Hale. 1UR8UÁNT tv and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the county of Wtwhteaaw, In Chancera made on the 21st day of March, a. d, 1876, in a case therein pending where Edward I'. Evans is complainant, and Augustin H. Etotchkin aud Sarah Hotchkin are deiondauts: Notice is hereby giveu that I shall sell at public vundue, to the bigheat bidder, it ten o'clock in the forenoon on the flrstday of July, a. d. 187fi, at the front or üoatb door of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, all the following descrlbed pareds of land to wil : Being t!i' east half of the ea-st half of the Mxithwest quarter of seetíon fivc (51, township tuur sottth of range slx east, contaiuiug forty aeren be ilu' Main1 moreor leas: and also the east half of the west half of the southwebl quarter and the weel lialt' of the past half of the sou th west quarter "i aeotion nuiuber flve ()i township four south o] range six i6j east, in salcl county of Wasbtenaw containiog elghty acres ot Land more or less, iogether with the K e red i tam e uta and appurtenasves thereunto belonglug or in auy way appertainlnK May 17, L876. J. F. LAWRENCE, "Circuii Couii Oominissfouer, Wahtonaw Countv Michigan. r. B. Urant, Solicitor for Compt. lÖSStd üssignees' Sale. A Ijl, penosa ha ving claims against John H Mnynurd are roqueted to present then) to the aitéfindgned aaslgneesj imdal] peraona owingsaid John 11. Maynnnl will please cali ut his formcj place of banness and setue, Wo ottbt for sale the bliek store fornn-rly oocapied by John H. jMaynard iiiAmi Arbor. Also store nirniture, ainong wbich are several pairs o; oalea. E. WELLS, ) Ann Arbor, May 17, 1876. 1583wö Mortgage Sale, DEFAl'LT havingbeeu made iu the conditions of acertain mortgage, made and executed hy Jane A. Grilñth, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, to Sullivan 31. Cutcheon, of said place, dated February the eleventh, 18(i9, and recordod in the Office of Register of Deeds of Washtenaw County, Michigan, in liber 40 of mortgages, page 499, on same day it was executed, which mortgage was assigned by said Cutcheon to Mary E. Foster, by deed of assigninent, recorded in liber three of assignments of mortgages, at page Io2, in said Register' Office, and there beiug claimed to be due at date of this notice, on said mortgage and the acconipanying note, the sum of sixtéen hundred and fifty dollars; also an attorney fee of tweuty-flve dollars ; and no proeeedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is hereby given that under the statute, and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage conbained, I will, on Satuiday the 22d day of July, A. D. 1876, at 11 a. M. of said day, at public auction, to the highest bidder, sell, at the south door of the Court House, in the city oí Aun Arbor, Michigan, (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court fox said County of Washtenaw), the premises described in saíd mortgage, or so much thereof as shali be necessary to satisfy said amount with costs and expenses allowed by law. Said premises are describid as follows : The west half of lots seven and eight, in block four south of Hurón street, and range eight east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the right to cross and recross, with teams r otberwise, over a private alley twelve feet wide, ofFfrom the north side of lots seven and ten in said block four, aforesaid. - Datcd, April 28th, 1876. MARY E. FOSTER, D. Cramir, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney. 1580 Mortgage Sale. IITHEREAS William Vansickle, of Salem, in " the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the twenty-third day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventyfour, executed a mortgage to Olney Hawkins, of the City of Ann Arbor, in said county and state, to secure the payment of certain principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in ihe Office of the Register of Deeds lor the County of Washtenaw", Oü the twentyfourth day of December, A. D. 1874, in Uber 51 of mortgages, on page 281, which said mortgage wah ussigued by the said Olney Hawkina to James Galick, by written assignment,. beaiing date the fourtb day of December, A D. 1874, and recorded in the said Regiater's Office tor the County of Washteuaw on the 24th day of December, A. D. 1874, in liber 4 of assignments of mortgages, on page 4Ö-') : And whereas default haa been made for more than ninety daysinthe payment of an instalment of interest due on said mortgage, by reason whereof, and pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, so much of the piincipal sum as remains unpaid, with all arrcaiages of interest thereon, the option of the mortgagee or his assignee, became due and payable immediately thereafter , and whereas the said assignee has declared it his option and election, and does hereby declare it his option, and does ihereby elect that the principal sum with all arrearage of interest on said mortgage, shttll be considered due and payable now : And whereas there is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage and the note aecompanying the same at the date of this notice, flve hundred and sixtysix dollars, for principal and interest : also an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollars provided for in said mortgage should any proceeding be taker to foreclose the same in additiou to all other legal costs: And no euit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in euity to recover the same, or any part thereof, notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the eighth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county (suid Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for Baid County), and by virtue of the power of sale in said moiu gage contained, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the .mount of principal and interest remaiuing unpaid, with the charges of sale and the attorney fee aforesaid ; which said premises are described in said mortgage as follows : Those eertain pieces or parcele of land, situated in said city of Ann Arbor, known and described as follows, viz : Lot four and the north half of lot flve of Brown and Bach's addition to the plat of the City of Ann Arbor aioresaid.- Dated, April 8th, 1876. JAMES GALICK, E. T. Kinne, Assignee of said itortgage. Attorney for Assiguee. 1578 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw ss. fn the matter of the estáte of Louis R Buho., deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to "the uudersigned idministrator of the estáte of said deceased, by thé Hou. Judge of Probate for the county of Washteuaw, on the niuth day of May, a. d. 1876, there will bc sold at public vendue, to the highsst bidder at the south door of the Court House, in the city of " Anu Albur, in the couuty of Washtenaw in said State, on Fkiday, the Thirtiktii day of Junk a. D. 1876, at ten o'elock in the forenoou of that day' (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or other wise existiug at the time of the death of said deceased), th ïollowlng desertbed real estáte to wit The uorth fractioual half of section number 6 in township No. 1 south iu range No. 6 east (exeepl ing the parcel deeded by Charles Seymour to G W Dexter froin the northeast corner), and also thé triangular piece eonveyedby C. L. Shepard to W M Clark, by deed November 18th, A. l. 1856 and of i-ec' ord in the eounty of Washtenaw, being in the wot part of section No. 5 in said township, coutaininir m all three hun. lied and tliirty-six acres more or lesa; also the east half of the east half of tLe Southwest quarter of section No. 5, and the east half of the cast half of Ihe northwest quarter of sectlon 8, all in town 1 south iu range 6 east eoutalainlng eighty acres more or less. Also thé west half aud the West half of the east half of !l v?V vi" bl0Ck, 4' als0 lt N 2 in hlock Ivo 4, all i,i niuge 6 north of Hu ron street (being the urne premises formerlv oecttpledby Dor keTlogg), accordiug to the reoordél platol the village (now city) of Ann Arbor raceptinga partot lot No. ■ nforereM, commenclng at a polnt on the north line of said lot eighty-ttvï feet west ol the northeast corner of said Tot running thence east lo the east lino „f bbW lot, t'hence snuth on the east Une of said lot sixty-óne feet thence northweateriy to the place of ocginniug heretofore dendtd to Willard Roalh, also executi kt and reserviug tor the uso of said city oí Ann Arbo? lor pur poses of a street, all that portion of said premises mbove described which is uow covered bv Detroit street ; also all thal part of theeast quartor of lot No. 1 iu block No. 4 uorth in range No 6 in said city, whieh lies westerly of Detroit street. Alm tl,.. foUowing pieces of land in i , three and four in blook three uorth of Huion streot aud in ranga six east; the firot is bouudi'H and described as follows : couimeucini; al the nortü west corner ol lol Dumber one of the. subdivis o, ..t said lot three, aud running thence norh, h along the eterly line of Detroit st èct t" V Í , feet to a point sxteen leet „„rtheaster y „f the north liueo said lot number Ihiee, thenee at vUt lit angles to Detroil street one hundred bet thence north twenty-fourdegree. aast forhíeíght' f. t , the north l,„e of said lot three, LhenofeM on said Imo lo the porthegsl corner ofskid lot three,ttence routt htiy-thr.,. feet to the Qorth line of said l Ddivisu.n, thenee west on said line one hundred and forty-seven aud one-foarth feet, i u, , , erlyatrlghtngleB to Detroil streel sereotr Lnd tne-tweit,hs-e,, ,„ the place of beginiinS3 A the foUowing, ooianíeuoingK a poinl sixtSn tiS. nottheasterly „1 the .„„il, line „I .said l„t 1 ur ín sj„d block three north, ruge six east runnine henee Borthewterly jlo'ng the eaaterlr line óf Detroit street torty-six feet, thenoe sou&eMterlyt nght angles to Det run streel eighty-sen feet to the s„,,th hne of said l„l r.nir, tl,?„e;. south twentvtour degrees west lbrty-,iKhi iVet, theuee iiortL weslerly at right angles to Detroit street one hú udrecl feet to the place ot beginning. Dated May 9th, 1876. ALFRED J. BUCHOZ, Administrator.


Old News
Michigan Argus