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DRUGS. H. A. Tremaine & Ci. (Succcison to K. W. ELLIS & CO.) AM A BOR, MICH. A FIRST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGS AND DYE STUFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTICLES Irosoripticms CorapoundeU at All Hours. Cor. Main and HuronSís, 1561 CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, .Anrmal State ra ent, JAN U AR Y I, 1875. Accumulated A sets $G,öö5Jit JAahilitictt, including reserve 5,843,& Surplus belonoing to PolicyImlilrrs 711,9 Annual income S,S3Ofi Amnunt of Insurance inforce. . ,l. '.)'.) N.'i THIRTY D1YS OF GRACE ALLOWE ON PAYMEKT OF RÏSEWALS. lïo restriction on Trsvel. Prompt and liber i payment of claims. Cl. MMS FAID IN 187 1, 8GOO.O00. Total death claims paid ín last eight jcits 83,000,000. G. A. WATKINS, . No. 10 Bank Block, Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHN SEABS, Dis. Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1538 FIRE INSURANCE, INSUEE YOUK PKOPEKTY WITH FRAZER & HAMILTON, Wbo represent the following safe and trnstworihy Firo Ineurance Comp&nies : FIRE ASSOCIATION OF I'HII.ADKI-rniA, Incorporated 1820. Assets, Jan. 1, 1876, - $3,289,798.91 oma m ins. co, OF 1'HII.AUJELPHIA, Iucorix)ratcd 1810. Assets, - - $1,250,000 WESTCHESTËRFIREINS.CO. Assets, -,'.','■ - $859,700 Northwestern National FIEE & MAKINE INS. CO. Assets, - - $881,425.53 Michigan State Ins. Co. OF ADKIAN. Assets, - - $327,493.88 The State Insurance Co. OF 3L.A.NSIN&. Assets, - - - $175,000 OFFICE OVER THE 8AVINGS BANK, -A-iin Arbor, Michigan. 1568 "THE VIBRATOR" 1000 SOLD LAST SEAS'.IN Y,7TH0CT ONB ÏA1LCKE 01: ItEJECTIOJJ T'iiíh is tho f.nnoijs TbMflhlng machino that IlíS B8wopt tiio liu'lil M and creatcd ntich tTrevolutioD trajo, liy its ïiATCULiüS Giiai.v-Savino kSD Time-Sisa principies. if WrffBmpn - lililí' PHCEÏ&=a m .f THE ENORJIOi.';; WASTAGK of grnin, ío wtrilM icith otlter tliln of Thresbcrs, cni) ba EAVED by tW ImproTcd Machín?, snflcimt, o;i evcry job, Co 7nors the pciy uil cxpeitstá of tlircshing. FLAX, TIJIOTOY, MILLET, HCNGARIAN nd '■ lil:o Greda aro tlircshcd, ecpaRited, cleaaetl and Sflïl na casily and p'rf?ctly iu Wheat, Oats, Byo or BarlfJAN EXTKA rRICE is usunlly raid for grein nd S0OÜ9 clcauod by tlilauacblno, for oiira cleanlineisIN TnE WET GHAIN of I8TO, theso were sn!.?totially thn ONLY MAClllNüi tbatconld ron wlth pKiít or ocottiny, doing fast, thorough and pexfect wurkt wicii öfAcra rtikrhj failcd. ALL GRAIN, TIJIE and MONEY wnntlng compile tions, Buch oa "EmJless Apronp," "Enddlpf," "lirntori,1 " Pickore," etc., oro Mröh tl.ercd vith ; Uu ti'11 onfbalf tho usual Goarf , Bolts, Boxc?, and Journnl"! oasicr manasod : mora danUe ; light mnning ; nn cos'lyrepairj; nodiist; no" littorings" to clean op; "" troublod by adversa winda, min or etonns. FHfEBS and GRAIN KAISEK.S vho aro foiti In tho largo mving modo by It will not employ inferior and wasteful machines, but v.ill vtsist on tliia improvod Thresher doing tbolr work. F0ÜB SIZB3 mado for 6, 8, 10 and 12 Ben Powera. Also a 6podalty of Sepakatobs, designw' and made f.xpresbly for stram powEn. TWO STYLES OF HORSE P0WEBS, ïlz.: oor Wprovod "Triplo Gsar,"and onr "Spur Rrl" (Woo bury Slylo), both " Mountod " on four wheelo. IH1 IXTERESTED in Thrrehins or Grain Baisiof, apply to our nearoet Dalr, or wrlto to us for Ilhiflti tod Circular (sent frw), giving full particular of Siz' Btyke, Frices, Terms, etc Niclwl, Shepard éb Co., BATILE CLLLS, U10&


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