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Agricultural And Domestic

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We Three. Ah ! the apple blossoms were so rosy ana white. And so sweet, oh, so sweet, in the glad June light, And it seemed that the wide world jnu8t be all bright, Wheu under the boughs oí a quaint apple tree My twodarling sisters sat idly with me, While we plucked at the daiaies and talked, we three. Dainty white petals a zepbyr let fall, And laden witli perfnmethey iell on us all, Or crept to the f oot of the ivy-draped wall. And gaily we gnessed what our futuro would be, What for Kato it would bring, what for Mary and And we sat till the twilight camo on, we three. Black oyes and blue eyes and hair all astray, And gladsome young voiees with so much to say, A star in my life is that one vanished day. 'Twas a summer long gone, but present with me, And strangers eit under the old apple tree, And we meet 'neath its branches no more, we three. Why our hopes and our plans were thwarted, God knows, Why I gatherod the thorn when seeking the rose, Why the tender young lives were brought to a close. But I dream of a time that surely must be, When under the boughs of a heavenly tree, We meet to be carted no more, we three. -Rochester Democrat. Arouml the Farm. Newly planted trees should have as careful cultivation as corn or potatoes. Aw old New Englander once remarkeu to us when we advised him to pinch back his blackberry bushes, to keep them within bouuds and make them bear better, ' ' That's so. I can remember when I lived down at Dartmouth, that we always found the most blackberries on the bushes that the old cow had browsed down." Seeing a piece about raising canary seed in Maine, I thought I would teil you what I know about it. I sowed one cupful on the áth day of June last to try it, and raised three quarts of good nice seed, gathering it the middle of September. I sowed it in one corner of my garden, where the ground was rich. - Maine Farmer. The number of swine in the country has been very much reduced, within a few years, by the ravages of " hog cholera" in the West and Southwest; therefore it behooves farmers to take good care of their breeding sows, give them warm, dry quarters, and save and rear all the pigs possible, for pork can hardly fail to bring paying prices for a few years to come. - Rural Home. The distance between the farmers and the fancy breeders of short-horn cattle is constantly widening. The farmers can't and won't pay the long prices asked for line-bred cattle of fashionable families; besides, and what is perhaps of more consequence, they can and do buy good cattle, thoroughbreds, at very moderate prices. The recent sales in Iowa demónstrate the ever-increasing demand in this direction. A fabmer in Maine says : For r-emoving the clusters of eggs of the tent Caterpillar from trees, I have found nothing so convenient as a small piece of steel in the shape of a letter Y with the edges filed sharp and the shank driven into the end of a pole of suitable length for reaching the eggs from the ground. To use it, place the scissors like points of the steel under the twig containing the eggs, and by giving the pole a twist in the hand the extremity of the twig is easily brokea off and falls to the ground. Bone spavin can be cured in all stages. Primary can be cured by a simple blister compound of bin-iodide of mercury, two drachms ; lard, one ounce. Secondary, by a mild scarification of the enlarged osseous deposit, and then apapplying the f ormer blister on tiie scarifled part. Purulent, by severely uring the deposit, and sprinklii:g the surf ace with bi-chloride of mercury finely p'owdered, which forms an intense inflammation, and the said inflammation absorbs two-thirds of the deposit, and destroys the entire lameness. Thk veterinary surgeon of one of the chief railways of Paris has invented, for the use of its working horses, a cheap and simple self irrigating machine for the feet in case of an inflatnmatory ailment. A box containg four cocks is placed on the animal's back, by means of a skeleton-sort of saddle ; an indiarubber tube communicates between this box and a vessel placed above the inanger, containing a curativo solution ; from each cock in the box resting on the back of the animal is a tube descending to each fetlock, terminating in a kind of gaiter, iuside of which is a perforated plate, so as to allow the solution, or simple cold water, to fall in a continuous fine spray over the sprain, etc. I sent a yoke of oxen into the woods lumbering, and when they came home I found them alive with those big blue lice. I went to the village and bought a cent bar of soap and se ven teen cents worth of carbolie acid in crystals ; ent up the soap fine, and put it on the stove until all disolved. Then I added just enough water to dissolve the acid, after which I mixed thoroughly with the soap. I removed the soap from the stove, to become hard, snd then took a piece, perhaps two inches square, dissolved in five or six quarts of warm water, and with a good sponge I washed those cattle from head along tne back to tail. Two applieations effectually cleaned them out. - Cor. Country Gentleman. About tli e House. Deï bread can be utilized by placing it in the soup in which fresh beef has been boiled, for a few moments. Then dish up for the table. Egg spoons get tarnished by the sulphur in the ogg's uniting with silver. This tarnish is a sulphuret of silver, and may bo removed by rubbing with wet salt or ammonia. Subpbise Cake.- One cup sugar, onehalf cup of flour, tiiree eggs, three tablespoonfuls melted butter, two tablespoonfuls sweet milk, one and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake quiak in patty tins. In washing glass never use soap ; wash off the dirt with clean warm water. After the glass is dry, rub a little paste of whiting and water in the center of each glass ; with another cloth rinse over the glass, then rub it with a dry cloth till it shines like crystal. Housekbepers who do their own work avoid much inconvenience by always keeping one or two kinds of pastry in the house made rich enough to keep some time, so that if unexpected company finds them with a small stock of food (as it is apt to in warm weather), they will not have to cciok everything for a meal. Squash Pie. - Season highly some neck-nmtion chops and plaoo them in a dish in layers with plenty of sliced apple (sweetened) and chopped onions ; cover with a good suet crust and bake. When done pour all the gravy out at the sino, remove the fat and flavor with mushroom catsup. Pour it back in the pie through a hole in the center. Ohildren's Pudding. - Cut up a loaf of stalo bread the day before it is required, put to soak in a pan of cold water; when going to mix squeeze the water through a colander; put the bread in a pan with two ounoes of suet choppod fine, two tablespoonful3 of flour, some grated ginger and a little mixed spice; beat well up with a foik, mix half a pound of treacle (not golden syrup) with a littlo warm milk, then stir all together and boil three hours in cloth, basin or mould. This will make a large pudding much liked by children; it is cheap and wholesome. Having found by experimenting a valuable recipe for exterminating bedbugs, I would like to give other housekeepers the benefit of said discovery. Take common mercantile alcohol and add all the gum camphor it will dissolve; then wet the infested places with this liquid. It will not only kill the bugs, but will destroy the vitality of the eggs if they are once thoroughly saturated. This method saves time and vexation, is easy of application and is safe in handling. I once dropped kerosene on a bedbug and watched the result. After a brief period of insensibility and apparent death, it revived and seemed as lively as eer.


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