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Mr, Jolin W. Aldrich, of Kuierson üratiot County, ia plaintiff, and AI Philip Pieree, of the samo pltioe, is de fendaut in a lawsuit wberoin the tur uner claims that the latter owes liim '25-cent shinplaster. Able counsel hav been employed, aud it is expeeted tha justiee will be douo whether tbe heav ons fall or not. Mr. Geo. N. Potter, of Potterville has, or had, a black walnut tree wliicl if made into veneering, would hav beeiworth $90,000. Part of the tre was sent to New York tor veneering and part goes to the Centennial. Joel Taylor, an old resident of Grass Lake, while standing in iront of his house Monday afternoou during the storm, was truck by lightning and instautly killed. The uieinbers of his fainily were standing around at the same time and gome were badly shocked but not seriously injured. A destructivo tire oocurred at Midlund on the 27th uit, - last Saturdtiy forenoon. Fifty buildings wore burned, includiug two hotels, the Presbyterian ohuroh, and niany stores, Bhops, and dwellings. Losses aggregate $100,00(1, with but $40,000 insurance. The Paw Paw Conrier says that the stockholderg of the Paw Paw Kailroad have offered to equip a narrow-gnuge road froni Paw Paw to Sohoolcraft, if the grada and ties are furuished. Henry Fiflb, of Port Hnron, Prohibi;ion candidate for Governor in 1870 and gftin iu 1072, died ou the 26th uit., ged 52 years. The Babcock house at Kidamazoo, a acant suburban residence, was burned n Tuesday morning. Losb $14,000 ; usured for $10,000. T. H. Tracy, mayor of Buttle Creek n 18óti, and for seven years ineinber of he bchool Board, died ou Monday ïight last. Saturday afternoon last the wareïouse of GuBtin & Merrill, Bay City, and several buildings adjoining, were lurned. Losses about $17,000; insurance about $10,000. Grand Haven indulged in a $15,000 ire on the inorning of Tuesday laBt, VI ;iy 30. Incciidinry. At Middleville, Barry Co., late on Saturday night, the Exchunge Hotel, linnoa Johnson proprietor, and also lohnson & Walrick's store, A. L. Bain's dweiling, Fout's livery stable, and much of the contents of all but the stable, were consutned. No fire apparatus of any kind was there. The loss is estiinated at $12,000, with souie insuranue. The village records were destroyed.


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