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Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS default has been made in the conditions of a certain indenture of mort gage, made and executed by Nelson B. (.'ole and Élizu beth H. Cole, his wif, of the city of Ann Arbor, ui the County oi Washtenaw, aiid rftate qï MlehisaDi to Alpheus Felch, of the same place, bettriug date the twenty-aeventh day of December, in the year 1867, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for ihe County of Waahentiw, in the State of Michigan, on the sixth day of January in the year 18(38, in hber 37 of mortgages, on page 784; and whereaa by unid default the power of sale thereia contained hatt become operative, and the hum of Bix thouaand seven hundred and thirteen dolJarn are claimed to be now duw and uiipuid on suid inortgnge, and the promiBsory note thcrein imiitinned, and no suit oi proceeding ut lttw or in equily has been instituted to recover thu debí re müiiiin secured by said mortguge, or uny part thereot, notice is therefore htreby fjiven tliat on SaTUBDAT, THK TWEKEY-8IXTH DAY OF AUUUHT, A. 1. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Aun Albor, in tmid county and State (said (Jourt House being the place oí holding tho Circuit Gonrt tor aaid county), and by virtue of the power of Hule contuined therein, eaid mortgage will be foreclOHPd by a sale at publio vendue, to the high.■hl bidder, of the mortgaged premisea described in said mortHge, oreo inuch thereof aa may be neoessttry to watirtfy the amount of principal and Interest remitimtig unpaid. with the cosU and charges of 8uch ule: SafdpremiseB are described ïti eiud iinlfiit ui r of mortgage a folio wb, to wit : All thoe certain tructs or parcehu}f land situated in the city of Ann Arbor aforeaaid, knuwn, bounded and described as follows, viz. : Being lots number two (2), three [3, and four (4), in Picnic (rove, accordingtothe plat of said grove, made by W. Wuka, and recorded in the Oiüce of the Regioter of Deeds for the County of Waahteoaw and State nforesaid, being situated ou the south ui ie of the rond called the Middle Ypsilanti Koad and bon ndud as followB: Begiuning at a point in the xmddlle of said rofld one chnin and íiíty (50) links south, forty-four (44] degrees thirty (Ü0) minutes eant of a poiut where the entr line of sectiun twentyeight (28), town two (2) touth of range nix. (6) east, :rOHH8a the Huid Yjnil;tiit i Ruad; thence soutli lorty-four (44) degrees thirty (30j minutes east, flve '■■; ohain and tweuty flve f25; links along the centre of naid ioad ; thence south forty-two (42j degTM8 tíí un the line between lots four ;4j and ñve fjï, üve [5) chains and uixty-eight (68) link to the uorlh line of lots thirteen (13) ; thence urth seventy six and tliree-fourtha (TOldegrees, wtet nixtytwu 02) links to lauds owned by Khiihoiu B. Sinith ; thence north two {2} degreea, west along the line of aaid Smith land one (1) chain and seventy-flve :;."'] link; thence north forty-four (44j degre' thirty vin; minutes west three (3) chains and fifty f.'-Ni links; thence north forty-one (41) degrees fifty (&0) minutes east four {4} chains,and eighty-tive t8Aj links to the place of beginñing. Thia conveyance ia made ubject to the ritfht of Joseph D. Baldwin to conduct w.itor in pipes across the above described premiaes in the highway. DalUune 1, A. D. 1876. ALPHEUS FKLCH, 1585 Mortyagee. Coiumissioners' Kotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washteiuvw, sa. The underaigned having been appointed by the Probnte Court for aaid county, Coniinistiionerfl to receeive, examine and udjimt all claims and demands pi all personn against the es tate of Rebecca P. L. (iillespie, late of aaid cunty, decetised, hereby ivy iiotica that six months frum dute are Allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their cluimu atiinnt the estáte ofsuid deceased, and that tin y will meet at the atore of L. C. Rtadon, in the city of A nu Arbor, in said county, on the 'Tih duy ol Juiy and on the 17th day of Ootober next, at ten o'clock A. M... of E ach of said days, to receiTo, examine and adjtiftt said claims. Uated, April Uth, A, D. 1876. KÍcM0Íf D, ! Comm,.,oOSi Centennial Exlition riïILADKLPAIA, PA. THIS freat International Exhibition, desined to comme niorate the One Hundrcdth Amii ?opaarv of American Iudepenilence, oin'iu'd May lntli and will close November lOtu, 1S7ó. All Nntions of the World and all the States and Terrilories of the Union will particípate, briuginy togei lier the must comprehensive collection of art treasures, mechanica) inventions. Kientiflc discoveries, njauufaet uring achiuvements, mineral specimens, and agricultural products evev oxhibited. The groundsdevoted to the Exhibition are situiild u tbc line of the Pennsylvania Ilailroad, and embrace four hundred and tifty acres of rairmonnt Park, all highlv impnvtd aml ornamentad, on which are ereeted the larest buildings ver l-i.histructih, - fiveof these ooverlng an area of Hit y acre, and costiügif5,000,(KjO. The total oumberof buildings erected for Ü1C purpotHM of the tíxhtbítion is uver one buudred. The Pnnsylvania Railroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL ROUTE OF THEU. S. will be the most direct, convenient aml eoonomical i y of reaehing Philadelphia, and thifl great Exhibition from all seetious of the eouulry. lus tiaius to and froi Philadelphia will i;tr- thiough a GRAND CENTENNIAL DEPOT, wtaicb the Company have erected at the Main Entranoe to the KxhibitioD Urouuds, for tho accoinmodatioii of passengers who wish to stop at or start l'roin the nuinerous larte hotel couliguouii to ibis station and the Exhibition, - a conveuieiiee of the greatest value to visltors, and attbrded exclnsively by the Pennsylrania Railroad, which is THE o Ni. Y LINERUNNINt; 0TRKCTTD THE OENTDNN1AL BUILDINGS. Excursiun irains will also slop at the Encampment of the I'atrous of Husbandry, at Kim Station, on this road. öThe Pennsylvauia Railroad i the gnui-Ust railway orgauizatiou in the world. It controls seven thou.and miles of roitdway, formlng continuous Unes to Philadelphia, New York, lialtiuiorc, and Washington, over whieh toxuiloua day and uight cars are run from Chicago, St. I.ouis, Loulsville, Cincianati, Indianupolis, ('ohunbus, Toledo, Cleveland, and Lrie, without change.y lts raain line is laid with doublé and third tracks of heavy steel raiis, upon a deep bed of b roken ütone ballast, aud its hridges are all of lïon or stone. lts passenger trains are equipped with every kuowu iuipruveineut lor comfort and safrty, and are run at fuslor speed for gieater distanues than the trains of any line on the continent. The CoBttpany has largely increased its cquipment for Contennial travel, and it will be prepared t build, in its own shops, locomotivos and passenger cars at short notice, sufficieut to accommodate any extra demand. The uueiiualcd roBOiinefl at the (joiuiuaud of the Company guarantce the most perfect accommodations for all its patrona duriug thu Centennial Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY for which tin Peunsylvauia Railroad issojustly celebrated, presenta to the traveler ovor its perfect Koadway an cver-changiug panorama of river, mounlatu, and landscape views uuequaled in America. THE EATING-STATIONÖ on this line are unhurpu-iM-d. M cala will be iurnisl.ed at suitable hours and ampie time allowed for enjoying them. EXCÜltöluN ticket, at reducod ntes, will bo sold ai all principal Ballxoad Ticket Offlcoe in the West, Northwest and Houthwest. 4érltt' sure that your tickots read vía the Great Penusylvania Eoatti to the Oenteunial. FRANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYD, Jit., Gtneral Manager. tíen'l JrEUtyT AgH. Sherifí's Bale. BY VIRTUB of one writ of execution inned out of and under the sal of the Circuit Court lor the (.Jounty of Wayne, to me directed and deliveieü, I did on the üuth day oi May, A. I). 17", levy upou all the right, title nud iutereiit of Claia Uuackenbuuh (íormerly Clara Sutheiland) in and to the lollowing deftcribed leal estáte situulud in theCouuiyof WuahtentiW, of Michigan, to wit : The north twenty-one aud a halt feet in wiutb uit lot number uve, block uumber one nouth of iluron atleet, in ruuge four eust, in saidcity ot Ann Arbor, with the Hereditaments thereto belonging, and ulso the use oj the ulley along the eaat end oí lots number live and tix, in sid block ; ulso lots ten uud eleven in block twu north, range hix ettat,all in Wnsiitenaw CountYj State of Michigan, which above deitenbed property i uhnll offer for sale to the higheiit bidder, at the south door of the Cuurt Uouse, ni , nu Arbor city, on the 1 ..r ii dny of July, A. D. U7tt, at ten o'elock a. m. oí said day. Díitud, Mny 3Ut, lbTtí. lSöi M. FLEMING, Sheriff. rINSEY & ÍSEABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERÏ - AND - FLOUK & FKBÜ STORE. We keep constantly on niin-1, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, I'OR WHOLESALE sd RKTAIL TKADK. We sliaU nl8O keep a tmpply ol DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHKAT FLOUK, KYE PLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUil, CURN MKAL, FEED, At wholeiüle and retuil. A general stock uf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ■unntiuitly on hnud, which will be aold on us reulnuble term hh ftt uny oltier houHe in this city. Cash paid for Buttur, Egg, and Country ProSace liöuerrtliy. fcy Qoods delivered to nny part of the city with aut extra charge.;v & MA hoi I Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 187. 114 ' Chancory Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, in the Circuit Cour for the County of Washtenaw. In chancery Buitpendlng la the Circuit Court for the Count: i üf wiuhtonaw, In ehaneery, wherein Cathariue F Waisubo U complalnant, and Peter O. Johnson Saral) M. Johnson, Andrew J. Sutherland and llt:ii ry Dooglaas are defendants. Upon due prooi' by afn da vit, t nat the defendant, Hênry Dougla, live out of this state, and ia a resident of the Stut o Nw York : Ou motiOD of James B. Gott, of coun sel for complainant. it is ordered that the said defendant, Henry Dooglass, causo his appcarance in thU cause to Imí en te red withtn thxM mon t h f rom the date of t h is order and that in case of his appearance he cause hi answer to tho oomplainuat's bilí to be liled anda copy thereof to be ser ved on the complainant's sUcttor wltliin iweuty days a fier service of a eopj ui' ;iil bill and Dotfee Oi this orer, and in default thereof that the said bill bc taken as conJtoesed bi the suid defendaut Heüry DouglaaB, And it (j further ordored, that withiú twenty days the sai( ciimplainant cause this oxder to be published in the êHohtoon Ji-gus, a newspaper printed in said ooan tv of Washtea&W, and that the said publicaüon bo Conti nued in said paper at least once in eaeh veek for six weeks in succession ; or that he canse a cop] , of tliis order to be pcrsoually served on the sai( Henry Douglass at least twunty days before the time above presertbed for bis appearance. Dated tliis twelfth day f Mav, A. D. 1876. GEORGE M. HüSTlNGTON, .ïamks R GoTT, Circuit Judge. i ompl&inAnt's Soiidtor. 1583 Sheriífs Sale. Y VTRTUEof one writ of execution, issued I oiii ui and under the seal of the Circuit Oovtf for thn Couaty of Washteuaw, tu me directed ani delivered, I did on the seventb day ol December A. 1 . 1875 , levy upon all the right titlo and intert-Ht of Charles Tripp, t baríes T. Wilmot, WilliAm W. Whedon, Harvey ( 'ornwíll, Óeorge P. lïose, and Andrea J Sutherland, in and to the following deacribec real catate, aitiiated iu the County of Wahihtenaw State of' Michigan, to wit : Part of aeciion twenty-uine. in township two aouth, range mix east, ant bounded ns follows. to wit : Commencin at a point ou the north line of Huron street, ae contin lied eiisterly from the east line of the village plai of the vilhtge of Ann Arbor, three hundred anc thirty-two l'eet froru the aouthweat corner of a piece of land hereiofore deeded by Edwin fe. Cobb and William K. Thompnon, and their wives, to .turn Aim Milea : theuce running easlerly on the south line of Iluron street, a continued eighi rods ; thence northeaaterly at nght anglea witr hiiíií north line of Huron &treet une huudred uut' Ülty ieet ; thence westwardly at rijrht anglos to said last mentioned line, and parallel to said Iluron treet, continued eight rods ; thence southerly to tlie place of beginning, which above described property 1 Hhall expose for sale at public auction to the higbest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ana Arbor, on te 29th day ot' June, A. D. 187Ü, at ten o'olock a. m. of aaid tl:iy. Dated, Ann Arbor, May llth, 1876. 1Ó82 M. FLBMINO, Sheriff Estato of Margaret Quigley. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, s. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate oftice in 1 hf city of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the twentieth day of May, in the year one thouaam] eigbt htindred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter ot' the estáte oí Margaret Quigley, dêccused. Thomus Kar], admini?tratorof mud catate, comes iuto court and represent that he ia now prepartrd to render his tinal aecouut aa such ádiníniutiator. Thereupun it in ordercd, that Tuesdaj , the twentieth day of June next,at ten o'clock in the torenoon, bu uiined lor exniining aud allowiug such account, and that the heirs at law ot said deccased, and all other peruons interettted in said estat, are required to iippear at a aession of said court, then to oe holden at the Probate oíce, in the ril y of Ann ArborT ín said county, and show Cftuse, if any there be, why the smd account should not be altowed: And it is further orderert that Haid ad ministra tor give notice to the persoiLB interested in said estat, of the pendency of said account nnd tlie hearing thereof. by cauaiug a copy of tliis order to be published in the Michigan Arpus, a newupaper printed umi ciiculating in anuí county three suewssive weeks prevïous to anid day oí hearing. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEK, liU4w3 Judgeol Probate. Ëstate of Kobort McCormick. STATK ÜF MK'HIÜAN, County of Washtenaw, bh. At íi B6MÍOD of the Probate ('ourt lor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otncfl, iu the city of Aun Arbor, on Wedneuday, the seventeenlh day of Muy, in the year one thousand tïijht hundred and sevonty-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. 1 ii the matter of the estáte ol ltobeit McCorinii'lv. deceaaed William tiet-r, administrator de bmiisnon with the will annexed oí taíd estáte, cuines bxtO Boort and reprtsseuts that he in uow prepared to tender lii account iis such administrator, and distribute the a&setsnow in his hand among the legatees nud heire at law of stiid deceaed. Thereupon it is ordered, that MonJay, the twelfth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the lon-noon, be asHigned ior examimng nnd allowing such account, and for dete:iuining who are the leñatees und heirs at law of said deceaed, and entitled to Bucb astets, and the share or portion thereof belonging to each, and that the deviseeH Jetitees nnd heirs at law of snid deceased, and uil other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appeür at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ottice,inthecityof Ann Arbor, tn aaid county and show cause, if any there ha, why the said account hould not be allo wed : And it is further ordered t tbat said adiniuiHtrator give notioe to the pernona interMted in Haid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by cauHing a copy of this order to be published in the MicJiiffan Argust a newspaper printed and circulating in aaid eounty, three successive weeks previous to Baid day of htííiriují. CAtruecopy.) NOAH W CHEEVER, 1688 Judgu of Probate. i SSIGNEE'S NOTIOB. AU ordditore of the late firm of J. Muehlig A Bro. are requeated to present to me, at my otfioe, their claims in au authentlcated forin, as tliey stootl on the firstday Of SqptembflT, A. D. 1H75, in ox4r tbat I may get a oorréoted and complete list of Mtld clalma, wltta a view of preparing to make a dividend. Mat 22cl, 1Í7G. D. CRAMER, Aasignee.


Old News
Michigan Argus