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BUSINESS NOTICKS. Dkntistry. - Wishing to place my work before the public more extensively, I wffl for the uext 60 days, otdy, do all kinds of Dental work, includiiig cleaning, filHng aud regulating the natural teeth, inserting artificial teeth,- frora one to an entire set- at one-half the regular prices. I mean what I say. Onl y tbr 60 days. L. E. McFARLAND. Over Tremaine's Drug Store. Them's our sentiment - our druggist says that Dr. King's New Discovery for Cough or Cold is the speedy aud certaiti cure of the day. We kuow it's good. fío to Kansas or Colorado Take the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, the new and popular line from Atchison and Kansas City, via the beautiful Arkansas Valley, to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Canon Oity, Cucharas, Del Nortk, Trinidad, Santa Fe and all points in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Special round trip 90 day tickets to Denver on sale May 15th, at $50, taking in the famous watering places on the D. & R. G. Road. Low emigrant rates to the San Juan Mines. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountaina without change. Close connections made at Kansas City and Atchison in. Union Depots. For maps, time tables and the "San Juan Guide," address, T. J. ANDERSON, Gen, Pass. Agent, Topeka, Kan. Ceiitennial Kxciirsionists Will, of course, wishto see all thesights comfortabiy and cheaply. To this end the Canada Southern Raiiway Company has, through its connection in the West aud Northwest, placed on sale a large number of Tourists' Excursión Tickets at greatly redueed rates, by which passengers can not only visit the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, but can, in addition, visit the principal eastern cities, with an opportunity of stopping at any of thja great number of famous' resorte in New York and Pennsylvania. The Canada Southe.n is the oniy line from the West running directly to Niágara FaJls, giving paiuengers, from the train, a wonderful panoramic view of the Mighty Cataract, Horse-shoe Fall, tlie Great Rapids, and landing them directly at the Falls. The track of the Canada Southern ig an air line, laid of steel rails of the hea viest pattern ; there are no curves or grades ; wood is used for fuel ; Coaches are furnished with the Winchell Patent Ventilator, ensuring perfect freedom from dust. With its complete system of magniöcent Parlor, Slceping and Drawing Room Cars, from Chicago, Detroit and Toledo, and its admirable connections at Niágara Falls and Butfalo with the New York Central and Erie Railways, the Canada Southern ia tast becoming the fa vori te line to the Eaat. Tickets via ibis popular line can be p roen red at all offices of connecting linos, or at the Company's own offices. Any Information can be obtained by addressing FRANK E. SNOW, Gen'I Pass. aud Ticket Ag't, Detroit. A Vonl'rful Rcmedy. The World1 Great Coogb mediciue. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consitmption will cure a cough in one-half the time necessary tocure it with any other medicines, and it does it not by drying it up, but by removing the causes, subduing the irriiationand healing the affectcd parts. For all cases of hoarseness, snppression or loss of voice, severe chronic or Hngering coughs, bronchitis, or aJFection of the throat and lungs, it will be found to far surpass any medicines that have ever before been offered to the public. It has wrought a complete change in tht; cough medicine. Is entirely different from all others. If you would convince yourself of its wonderfnl qualities, cali at L. S. Lekcii's drug store and get a trial bottle free of cost, or a Regular size bottle for one dollar. l npepsia. Amerïcansare particularly subject to this diseasc and its effecU; w.i a Sour Storaach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Heart-burn, Waterbrasïi, coming up of the food, coatexi tongue, disagreeable taste in the mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, and all di.seanes of the Stom ach aud Liver. Two doses of Gkken's August Flowkr will relieve you at once, and there positively is not a case in the United Statea it will not cure. If you doubt this go to your druggist, Khiskh ach & Co., and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. I.ï85


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