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DRUCS. H. A. Tremaine & Co. (8ucce8or to R. W. ELLIS & CO.) ANX A BOR, MICH. A FIRST CLASS Drug Store. nsnesAHD dyh stdffs. Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTIGLES Prescriptions Compounded at All Hours. Cor, Main and Hurón Sts. WK CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Annual Statement, JANUARY I, 1875. JLccumulated Assets $G55,83' IAabilities, ineluding reserve - 3,843,8 Surplus belonaina to Folieyholdcrs 711,9 Aiiintnl income. ■ 2,820,3 , JLmount of lntniranee inforee. . .51,908,9 THIKTT DAYS OF GKACE ALLOWE ON PATMENT OF BENEWALS. No restriction on Travel. Prompt snd libera payment of claims. CI.AI.MS PAID IN 1874, 600,000. Total dpath claims paid in last eight jeais 13,000,000. G. A, WATKINS, No. 10 Bank Block, Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHN SEARS, Dist. Agent, Ann Arbor, Hlch. 1538 FIRE INSURANCE. INSURE YOÜR PBOPERTY WITH FRAZER & HAMILTON, Who represent the following safe and trustworthy Fire Insurance Companies : FIRE ASSOCIATION OF FHIL.ADEL.PHIA, IncorjMrateil 1820. Assets, Jan. 1, 1876, - $3,289,798.91 AMERICAN m INS. CO., OF PHH.ADEL.PHIA, Incorporated 1810. Aasets, - - $1,250,000 ÏESTCHESTERFIRE INS. CO. Assets, - - - $859,700 Northwestern National ITRE & MABINE INS. CO. Assets, - - $881,425.53 Michigan State Ins. Co. OF AXRïA.lSr. Assete, - - $327,493.88 The State Insurance Co. of x.AJsrsnsr&. Assete, - - - $175,000 OFFICE OVER THE SAVINGS BANK, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1568 "THE VIBRATOR" 10OO SOLD LAST SJJASON ■WITHOUT ONE FAILUKE ÜK KEJECTION Th8 is the famous Threshing machino that hai "ewept the field " and created uch a revolution in the trado, by its matchless Gbain-Savinu and Time-Savino principios. THB ENOKMODS WASTAGE of grain, bo iaetilaUt Klik otter titiles of Threshers, can bo SAVED by thto Improved Machino, tujficient, on cecry jobt to more Oitn P'-iy itll expenses of thrctihing. FLAX TIMOTHY, MILLET. HÜNGABIAN nd iiko eoods aro throshcd, sepuratcil, clconcKl and eaved as oasily and perfoctly 03 Whcat, Onte, Byo or Barlcy. AN EXTRA PBICE is usually paid for grain and soeds cloanod by this machino, for extra cleanlineds. IX TUE WET GRAIH of 1876, thcBo were substantially Uio ONLY MACHINES thntcould run wit! proflt or economy, doing fast, t&orough and perfect work, when others lUtcrlyfailed. ALL GRAIN, TIME and MONET wasting compile tions, aucta as "Endleea Apronu," "Baddlea," "Beatere," "Pickcre," etc., aro entirely mamttut ilifllj 1?sb than ontvhalf the usual Geara, Belts, Boxea, and Journal; easier managed ; moro durablo; light runniiii; ; nocoïiily repairs; nodust; no" litterii)K" to clean np; nol troubled by adverse vínds, rain or Btorms. FBMKBS and ORAIX BAISEBS wbo ftro potUA in tbo largo savfng mado by it will not employ ïnfeior and waatefol machinefl, but will insist on thiï jiiproTod Threshor doing thoir worii. FOUB SIZE3 made for 6, 8, 10 and 12 Horse Powcrs. Also a spocialty of Separatobs, designed and mado eipbesslt ron steam powkb. TWO STTLE8 OF HOBSE POWEKS, tIz.: onr In): iroved "Triple Gear,'and our "Spur Speed" (Wood ury fitylo), both " Mounted " on four wbeels. IF INTEBESTED in Threehing or Grain Baising, apply to our nearest Dealer, or write to us for Illustrated Circular (sont free), Riving full partlculars of Sizei, Styles, Prices, Tcrms, etc, Nichols, Shepard b Co., BATILL CBEEK, MIOH, These luirivalcd machines and extras are eupplied at lowest factory prices by MOSES ROGEB8, iiiu Arbor, Mirb,


Old News
Michigan Argus