California Land Barons

The possessions of those immense land proprietors, Messrs. Miller & Lux, sxtend a distance of sixty-eight miles, ind this body is front five to forty miles wide. On tke east side they have other smaller tracts. Henry Miller, who takes personal charge of the real estáte of the firm, here and in other parts of the State, displays aTwonderful exeoutive abüity, and furmshes employment to hundredsofmen. He has what is known as the " Home Banch " and the " Canal Banch," besides several dairy ranches on this body of land. He keeps an army of carpenters, wagon-makers, fenoe-buüders, teamsters, farm hands, etc, not omitting detectives, and it is said he knows what all of theni are about. This year the average of grain is not so large as in some former years, being only about 3.000 acres. There are on the premises 2,500 acres of alfalfa, from which last season three crops were taken and the flelds twice pastured ; there are also 1,400 acres just sown the present season. We are informed by one of Miller's men that there were two strings of fence on the land, each sixty-eight miles long, besides the various cross fences. To give some idea of the cattle belonging to this young kingdom, we were informed that this year they branded 25,000 calves. Aside from owning a large interest in the San Joaquin and Kings Biver canal, which runs from the mouth of the Fresno slough to Los Janos creek, a distance of forty miles, kïiller & Lux are also constructing a anal on the east side of the San Joaquin, vhich is intended to take water from ome of the numerous sloughs in that egion and overflow their pasture-land in ,he dry season. The mouth of Salt, or St.' Louis Camp slough, is fifteen miles bove Hill's Ferry, and flve miles up the iongh stands one of Miller's wareïouses, which has a storage capacity of ,200 tons of wheat, and which is some ;wentv miles from his principal
Old News
Michigan Argus