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The Senate Has Set Tuesday, July 6,

The Senate Has Set Tuesday, July 6, image
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tis the day for comiuencing tbe inipeachment trial of Buiknap. Elihu B. Wasubukne, of Illinois, nsw Miuister to Franoe and the man wlio mado Grant, is bolievod to be the " great unknowu " of the Cinciunati Convention. The Chicago Inter-Ocean attempts to account for Mulligan's miilicu against Blaino on the grouuJ that ho is a "bigoted lioman Catholic," but it turna out that his associations and proclivitios aro Presbyterian, - the same as Blaine's ■ 1 1 ii ■ tm The Allegan Journal thinks Bristow " of muahroom growth," and the Lowell Journal says he (Bristow) has been "shot into public notico liko a new comet.' Both these jouruals are Blaine papers - despito bis crooked dealings in bonds and stocks. Tiik Adrián Times gets its back up over the proposition to switch Croswel off tho track and run Iloward for (iov ernor. It says that Croswell's friond " having placed hini in the field, the; proposo to have hini stay, and he pro poses to stay." The Oregon election held on Monda; resulted in a Democratie victory, - th Legislature being 12 Democratie ma jority on joint ballot, and socurinj oither the re-election of Kolly, Detuo crat, or of a Domouratio successor, t the United States Sonate. And th Wisconsin Uomocracy met in convention ou Wednesday and elocted an almos unauiraous Tilden dolegation to St Louis. The Hon. Jay A. Hubboll lias writton a letter to Don Hendereon, of the Allegan Journal, declining to be a candidiite for Governor, and saying I must contunt myself with trying to look afterthe inturosts of my district in Congress for tinother term, provided I can be nouiinated and elected." And this is the " true iuwardness" of Hubbell's vote against liuiitiug Orant to tvro terms. He is a genuine third-terraer. The Charlotte (Eaton Co.) Rqmhlkan nominates Hon. E. W. Barber, now Third Assistant Postroaster-General, ns the Republicau candidato for Congres in the Third district, to succeed Mr. Willard now serving out his second term. Mr. Barber is a man of ability abova the avurage Congressman, is a thorough partisan, and " has consented to become a candidato." Our acquaiutanco with him dates back to the dayB when we wero both jour printers, and if the Third district must 6end another Kepublican to Cougress wo have no personal objection to seeing iu Barber th Bucceesful man. The letters read by Mr. Blaine to th House on Monday do net clearly prov him guilty of bribery and corruption but the reader must be convinced that the writer (Blaiüe) has been engagei in very questionable transactions ; tha be has been an active promoter i Congress of the land grant and stoc and bond jobbing schemes ; and that he ha acted as a general broker in placing stocks and bonds " where they would do the most good." It is difücult to believe that he was child-like and ignorant in what he was doing, or that he did not expect to profit by his agency in promoting the interests of his friends. Verily, Ben Butlor has his reward. It is more than iutiniated that the hand of Ben Butler is to be seeu in the " persecutions " with which Speaker Blaine has been followed. These two distinguished Republicau politicians have no brotherly love for each other, and Butler hasn't that (Jhristian virtue which will cause him to withhold a blow when he gets a good chance to " hit a head." It was Butler who said in his place on the Hoor of the House, " For ways that are dark auil tricks that are vaio I name Speaker BUlne." And the developments touching Blaine's varied and multiplied speculations in railroad bonda and stocks lead the unprejudiced mind to the conviction that Butler knew what he was talking about. And now, not satisliod with abdicating, the late Eiaperor Abdul Aziz, of Turkey, goes and commits suicide : or 19 physicians, of different natioualities, certify that he did, opening the veins and arteries of his arma with a pair of scissor,- furnished hira, probably, by gome favorite of the harem. Temporary insauity, caused by his deposition, and madness because of the geizure of 30,000,000 pounds of his private trea8ure, is each assigned as the reason : Yot some incredulous poople hint at assussination rather than suicide. " He was buried by night and his death kept secret from the publio for fear of disorder." Well, a doposed Eastern monarch was never understood to have any rights (dead or alive) which his once admiring subjeots wtire bouud to respect. RENATOH üükdon writes to a delégate (rom Georgia to the St. Louis Convention : " I should, were 1 a delégate, cast my vote for the man who shoald appear, after the fullest conferencie, to have the greatest popular strength in New York, New Jersey, Counecticut, Iudiana and the Pacific Statos." And again : ' If either New Yew York or Indiana is to be placad in joopardy by thenomination, I should prefer to saorifiue the ltitter." Samuel J. Tilden in evidontly the man whom Heuator üordon would voto for. It in not at all probable that a candidato can be named who can carry both New York añil Indiana. The cruzy grsenbackers of tho latter State will sacrifica any man who does iiot worship at tne shrine of the rug baby, and tho muu who does oannot earry New York or New Jersey or Connecticut or either of the Pacific States. Tiiu fiuanoial plank on which they put forward ILmdricks waa a mili stone about his neck, an irreversible verdict againít bis availability.


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