Political Clippings

Thousanda of Republicana would vote tor Tildón as opposed to alcuost any other promiueut Republican aspirant than Bristow, and Demócrata all over the country would vote for Bristow sbould tbeir own party nomínate a man less distinctively associated witli the work of ruforin. The great mttss of independent voters would voto for either of these candidatos should but uno be plaued in nouiination. - 6'u Pnmeiteo Cu.ll (liep.) The Boaton Pont saya: "That the prevailing sentiment of the Massauhuaetts Democratie delégate to rit. Louis is for Samuel Samuel J. Tilden as the Pre8Ídential candidato is by thia time pretty thoroughly understood " When Republioaus talk of reform it should bo romein berod that Qua. Babcock, tried for ouo crimo and acquitted through the interfereuce uf Grant, and now undor indictmeut for another, is rotained in au important official position through Kecublican inüueuce. - Boter {JV. 11.) Pret. The New York Hcrald sava : No priideut party will wish Himno as a eandidatu. Wo are siucuroly sorry for ihis, for we should uiucu rather JBlaiue were tree iroui suspicion ; but candidates for the highest otfice in the country must In; found elsewhere thuii in the rooms of au iuvestigating committee. It will be hard for Blaine to explaiu to the oountry hin transactiong in Pacitio lniiids, espevially wheu the value of these bonds was found ia the leiris lation of a Congress of wUich ha was a cading momber. Tho Democratie State convention of rlissouri did not declare for greonbanks, nor for more money, nor against couraction, nor against resumption. It eferred the wholo subjeot to the Naiiiii.il coiivention, with the pledge that ; will accept whutever thut body will o, even though it iuay adnpt a hard ïouoy platform. Tuin is vory prudent nd sensible. - MUnniri Itcyublicaii. Samuel J. Tilden is now the man for ie work bofore us. He eau sweep the ation liku a whirlwind agaiust auy nan Bnpublicans ia ly uhoose to amo. Let him ruceive the uomination u the ürt ballot. - Jersey City Jürald.
Old News
Michigan Argus