
Ihroe smasn-up ot late, iirst, a twoïorse conyeyance of E. Ford, Esq. ; next, a lu-horse wagou of Dr. S. W. Chandler ; and ast, au upset of a buggy coutainiAg Rev. Mr. 'arsons and wife. The escape oí the last uamd iiijiii instant death was well-nigh miracuOU3. One of the forward wiieels of a buggy )uilt liy Curtis, of Ypsilautí, aud used only a Mie more tlian threa yeais, uuildeiily feil to ieoes, thus causing rtio simultaueous overhrow of horse and carriage, aud throwing r. P. aud wlfe violeutly upon the road-side. ortunately the damage done was chiefly conned to horse, harness, and carriage, the occuants of the carriage oscapiug with severo ruises. At a citizen's meeting, held on Monday veiling. June óth, a good, old-fashioned, eiuty celebration of the comiug Fourth ot uly was determined upon; J. A. Jones, Ksq., 'resident of our Uommon Council, elected 'resident of the day, with eight Vice-Presients, and committees choseu from the townhips of Salem, Lodi, York, and Pittsfield to ake all necessary prepurations. Full notice ill be published hereaíter. The farmers are shipping vast quautities of heat just uow, at pnces rangins from f 1.15 o tl.'ió. Wheat, barley, oat, and coru are ooking finely, and there is promibe of a grand rop of grass aud fruita. M. I. Chioaxnk.
M. I. Chiganne
Old News
Michigan Argus
E. Ford
S. W. Chandler
J. A. Jones