Doings Of The Common Council

An adjourned meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening, a f uil Board beiu present except Aid. McDouald. PKTITI0N8. üt' J. Vu Erp and othera, for sidewulk on south side ot North street, between Divisiou and Detroit streets. 'J'o sidewalk Committee Of C. H. Mülon and others, for sidewalk ou east side ot Thayer street, between Wushiug ton street aud North Umyersity avenue. T same committee. Oí E. Olney, for erection of street lamp on southeast corner of State and Catharine sts To General Fund Committee. Of K. Beahan and others, lor erection of street lamp on west side of State si reet, between lands of C. G. Clark and W. H. Jacksuu. To same committee. A communication trom A. H. Herrón was read, relativa to the faithiul performance of his duties as City Marshal. Aceepted and placed on file. RKP0BT8 OF STANDINO COMMITTEKS. The Finance Committee reportad in favor of allowance of bilis agamst the General Fuud, amounting to 1 1152 94. Adoptad. The Pólice Committee prestsnted the iollowing: To the Honorable the Common Council of the city of Ann Albor: The Fohce Committee beg leave to report in reference tt the Marshal ot the city : lst. We are satistíed tliat he has not faithfully and impartially autoreed the ordiuances of the city, especially the one relative to victualing houses, saloons, &c. 2d. He has not been ou duty on the streets as much as he ought to have been, spending his time at home or at Firemen's Hail, writing letters, &c, uuauthorized by the pólice regulatious. 3d. He has writteu letters to parsons directïng them to come to hls oftije aud settle matters up, without conterring with the City Attorney. 4th. When requested to Tisit the slaughter houses and examine whether or no there were nuisances there he refused to go, sayiug it was no part ot his duty, and would not let his deputies go although they desired to do so. 5th. He arrested a young man aud kept him in jail one night and on the foliowing inorniug received from him six dollars and turned him loose. Complaint being made to the City Attorney about the matter, he directed him to find the youug man and return th money at once and uring him before lome Justice of the Peaoe ; this ocourred some three hours after the money was received. 6th. He has recently disregarded a resolutioa of the Comaion (Jimcil, in Bot allowing his deputy raaking an arrest to take the pnsoner to the Detroit House of Correction, but went himself. 7th. He has arrested a person, gut him in jail, and afterward directed the sheriff to release him, without making any complaint or briuging him betore any Justice of the I'eace. 8th. He has roquired his deputies to do more thiin their share of pólice work, requiriog tliem to leave their beats and go upon service which he ought to have performed. 9th. He has brought complaints without first couferring with the (Jity Attorney as to th evidence in support thereoi, when he ought to luwe done so as directed by resolution of the Common Council. lOth. He has been paid for sernces for the entire day but during mach of the time has been absent írom lus headquarters and the business part of the city duriug the latter part of the afternoon and evening. llth. When he has been informad that a breach ot the peace was being committed he has not repaired immediately to the scène of such disturbance, giving as a reasoa that he must first eat his supper. 12th. He has not usually patrolled or been on the streets during Suuday foreuoon, and the city has been without a patrolman for most ot that time. l.'ith. He has gone home in the afternoon usually and not returned (with some exception) uutil night or niue o'clock the next mormng ; and on one occasion lelt in the afternoon and did not return until the next morning, although informed that there probably would be a disturbante in the evening which did actually occur. 14th. He has claimed publicly that if he was passing a saloon and was informed that a fight was going on therein it was uot his duty to enter the building untess b,e could hear the disturbance trom the street. löth. He has taken a note running to himself or hearei , for a saloon tax, from a saloon keeper, inste&d of leaviug the case to be conducted by the City Attorney and Justice of the Peace. The note being iliegal and worthless and ignored by the City Attoruey, the money was af terwards paid. The saloon keeper had paid uo tax the prerious year. ltitli. He has stated publicly that he was opposed to the Auu Arbor tax law and to cloamg saloons that did not pay lieense, and he haa uniformly acted upou that principie, to the iujury of saloon keepers who hare paid their tax promptly. ITth. He has neglected to enforce the ordinance relative to saloons being open on Sunday, when informed of the fact and that evidence could be obtained to this effect if proper efforts were made. For these reasons, and many othera that might be giren, your committee are therefore of the opinión that he has so conducted himself that he is not deserving of being lougar retained as the Marshal of this city, and believe that if he is to pursue the same course in the future as in the past he should be discharged at once. But hopiug that he may mend his course your committee recommend that he be retained for a short time on trial, and that if there is no radical or permanent change for the better in the future that he be dismissed. Fkanklin Cate, ) A. M. Dot Y, V Committee. A. D. Bkbimer. ) On motion of Aid. King, the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Marshal Herrón asked to be furnished with a copy of the abore charges, and that an opportuuity be giren him to auswer them in writing. By Aid. King : Tbat Marshal Herrón be furnished with a copy of the charges preferred against him, and that he make answer to them in writing to the Pólice Committee, to be by them reported to the Council at its next meetiug. Agreed to. MISCELLANEOUS. A memorial was presented from Mrs. S. Cowles, relative to the renewing of the footbiidge along Pontiac street between the railroad crossiug and river bridge. Leave being granted, Jas. B. Grott addressed the Council in behaif of the memorialist, denying the authoiity of the Council to compel the renewing of said foot-bridge at the expense of property owners along the line. By Aid. Besimer: That the above matter be referred to committee of tive, to report at next meeting. Agreed te, and City Attorney, Aid. Besimer, Page, King and Doty uppoiuted such committee. By Aid. Gardner : That Street Committee be directed to investígate the matter of eucroachment of a house on the street known as High street, Third ward. Agreed to. Adjourned to Monday eveuing, July 10.