Real Estate Sales
John Kavenaugh to Margiret Kavemugh, 40 acres off northwest quartar of section 20, Sharon. $500. Chas. B. Isbell to Christian Brown, 4 acres otï sections 10 and 11, Saline. $500. J, V. N. Gregory to Chas. S. Gregory, Store on Broadway, dth ward, Aun Arbor. Y1,220. Alice M. Beers to Theodore Bigalke, Iota 9 and 10 in block 3 south range 2 east, Anu Arbor. 1725. Frederick Donner to Frederika Donner, Iota 10 and 11 in block 2 noith range 14 east, Ann Arbor. Johu G. Eberle to John Esch, 18 acres off southwest quarter of sec. 2, Freedom. (1,750. Chas. Rowr to'Trustees of the Evangélica! Associatiou of North America, land for church purposes off section 23, Sharon. (100. Hubbel Middleton to Lydia Brooks, 1 1 acres off section 16, Sharon. $175. P. Bach to X. .achinan, lot and building on Ilurou street, adjoiuing Slawsou block, Ann Arbor. $2,500. Fidal Schwarz to John G. Miller, 3 acres off northwest quartar of sec. 33, Freedom. $200. Andrew Hutchinson to Stephen Hutchiuson, lot on Kiver street, Ypsilanti. $800. Jane L. Tuttle to Margaret A. Durand, part of lot 2 in bluck 2, Chelsea. $150. Elizabeth A. Cotton to Mary Stevens, a piece of land off sectiou 4, Ypsilanti. $400. Lucia A. Crandall to Wm. A. Crandall, pajt of iots 7 and 10 iu block 4 south range 7 east, Ann Arbor. $2,500. Harriet Granger to Gilbert Granger, lot on " C " street, Dexter. 2,000. Assigneas of I. M. and B. C. Whitaker to Jas. McLaren (quit claim), 240 acres off section 23, Lima. $9,600.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Margaret Kavenaugh
John Kavenaugh
Charles B. Isbell
Christian Brown
J. V. N. Gregory
Charles S. Gregory
Alice M. Beers
Theodore Bigalke
Frederick Donner
Frederika Donner
John G. Eberle
John Esch
Charles Row
Hubble Middleton
Lydia Brooks
P. Bach
X. Zachman
Fidal Schwarz
John G. Miller
Andrew Hutchinson
Stephen Hutchinson
Janet L. Tuttle
Margaret A. Durand
Elizabeth A. Cotton
Mary Stevens
Lucia A. Crandall
William A. Crandall
Harriet Granger
Gilbert Granger
B. C. Whitaker