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Probate Court

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The followiug orders hare been made ín the Fiuoate Court aince our last report: Estáte of Josliua O. Leiand, deceased ; notice to creditors published ; claims to be heard Aug. 29 and Nov. 29, by Win. Duncan and J. J. Parahall, commissioners. Estáte f Emily Amsden, deoeased ; petition for appoiutment of admiuistrator ; duy of hearing Juiy 3. Estáte of Emanuel (}. Schaffer, deceased ; petition for appointmeut of administrator ; day of hearing July 3. Éstate of David W. Porter, deceased ; petition for appointmeut of administrator de bonis non ; day of hearing July 3. Estáte of Elizabeth Richards, deceased; petitiou for license to sell real estáte ; day of hearing July 11. Estáte of Ludwig C. Miller, deceased ; order for hearing final account of admimstrator ; day of hearing July 12. Estáte of William R. Duncan, deceased ; notice to creditors published ; claims to be heard Sept. 9 and Dec. 9, by J. G. Crane and F. A. Hunt, commissioners. Estáte of Henry Row, deceased ; order for hearing final account of executors; day of hearing July 13. Estáte of Stephen Hollis, deceased ; license granted to sell real estáte ; to be sold Aug. 1. Estáte of Ricbmonds, minors ; order for hearing account of guardián ; day of hearing July 5. Estáte of Duncan V. Allyn, minor ; petition for license to sell real state ; day of hearing July 18. Estáte of Joshua O. Leiand, deceased ; will adniitted to probate, and C. H. Worden aipointed executor. Estáte of Justin Kellogg, deceased ; will adniitted, to probate, and George Kellogg appointed executor. Estáte of Wm. R. Duncan, deceased ; will admitted to probate and Edward P. Allen appointed axecutor. Estáte of Mary Cady, deceased ; will admitted to probate and Nathan Webb appointed axecutor. Estáte of Nelson B. Cole, deceased ; will admitted to probate. Estáte of Chauncey P. Worden, deceased ; Klvira, H. Worden appointed administratrix.