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THK KAST. Cociibane, McLvan & Co., dry goods dealors at No. 462 Broadwfiy, New YorB, have failed. Their liabilitieB are $1,500,000; their assots nearty (3,000,000 Tho hiatoric oíd South ehurcb. in Boston, lias justbeensold at auction for $1,300. It will bo tern down. Georoe D. Loed, one of tho indicted membera of the New York canal ring, bas been convicted at Buffaln. A Pbovidence dispatch says tho trustee of tho A. & W. Spraguo Manufacturing Oompany lias given orders to ahut down all thoir many milis and print work-i m hooii as the stock can bo run out. The cause is tho presont dcpresaod condition of the market for cotton goods. l'rodnetion will not be rtaumed till pnces aro materially improved. THE WEST. A msrATCH received at tho departmont headquarters, at Omaha, datcd at Fort Laramie, June 7, says : "Au Indian courier from Ked Cloud brings this report : Just beforo ho left au Indian arrived from the roouth of Tougue river. Ho fountl thero 1,273 lodges under Sitting Buil, Craz.v Horse and othors, who woro on tho way to Powder river to fight Gen. Crook. On his return he met tho same band that Egan saw on May 17. Thoytold him that thoyraot Cusfer'a troops and had fonght them all day. Many wero killed on both sidee, but no result is reported Th'B occurrei about eight daya ago." Black Hills romancora aro again at wol-k extracting fabulous wealth from their tceming fancies. Partics aro at Fort A. Lincoln from tho Deadwood región, whose talk fairly glitters with golden dust. Tlujy teil of men who average $1,000 a day, and of a lncky bnt nanieiees Frenchman who loaded his p'ockota with fifteen pounda avoirdupois of eolid gold one moruing. ïhese yarns, of courae. are shoor fabrications, inveuted and published for tho rmrpoae of giving a freah ímpetus to the Black Huls f ever. - v Haevei D. Colvin, Iatoly dopoRed from the office of Mayor by tho people of Clücago, Uaa been reinstated in tho ofüco by a decisión of tho courts. By a decisión of tho Circuit judges of Chicago, the lately deposed Mayor (Colvin) is again in possessiou of the ollice Eeports from Western Kansas represent tliat aome of tho Sioux having glutted their aavage appetito for blood by tho maseacre of scores of white peoplo iu and around the Black Hills, are now sneaking back to their reservations, to escapo the wrath of Crook's warriors. Moiiiiisox Pueoell, a farmer hing near Indianapolis, was gored to doath the other byj yicious buil.... Astrange case of self-murder is reported from Cinciunaii. George K Frint7 clerk in the postoftice, was to havo married a young lady in the West End. The guests asBembled and the bride was in readmess, but Krmtz did not make bis appearance. A friend calhng at hls room the next morning found bim upon the bed. Without saying a word he U'rmtz) drew a revolver and shot bimself is unSií U Th6 mOtiT f the 8uicide St. Louis papers give meager particulars of a terrible nood that re cently iunudated portions of Donglas county, Mo. Thirteou livcs were lost, and a vast amount of property, conKisting of milis, dwellings, eto., swept away. An extraordinary suicide -among the moet eingular and remarkablo of aay ever known- is reported from Lafayette, Ind. A skillful moehanie and inventor named Moore, tired of life, bronght bis genius to bcar upon the contnvauce of a species of automatic gmllotüie the workuigs of which wore arrangod and secured with patiënt deliberation and absolute accuracy so that when the proper time had arrived the homd machine did its work with inexorablo precisión, and the head of the scientifie suïcide was eevered from the body at a single stroke. T)io mde guillotine consisted or a large-ax, suspended by a doubie cord, Betweeii the corda stood a candle arranged so that when it burned down to the corda it would seyere them and aet the ax in motion. The suïcide then laid hiruself down in such a posit.on that the ax would strike hi „eek when it feil. Gas wasuoticedburning in his room during day, and whea it was opened ho was found with his head in a box placedlo reccive it and a bunch of cotton or wool by him, auppoaed to have been saturated with chloroform, which he took. No reaaon is knowu for the extraordimury act. The United States court in Milwaukee has sentensed Jacob Nuunemacher to pay a fine of 10,000 and be imprisoned five moutiis in jail for conspiracy to defraud the roveuue on crooked whiHky. Cluiatian Guenther, for tüe 'hZ0monïï' WlU K1'000 bo imprisoned d,leo months....A d1spatch from San Francisco states that the Southern Padñc railroad Si K bT eitended 'o U summit of the Hierra Nevada mountains, at Telmchapa, and regular trams havo begun to run daüv betWeën San Francisco and Keene stalftn, 33 miles or to withm soveuty. eight milos by stage of tho Los Angeles división. The track is already laid fifty miles east of Los Angeles. . SOUTHi Tras eteamship Austin recentiy struck a enag and sunk in the Migsissippi rivor, a few miles bolow New Orleans. Losa on vessel and cargo, $200,000. Samüei. M. Kriici, formerly Deputy United States Marshal for Middlo Tenessee, inaicted for obtainlng money uuder false pretensos last October, shot and killed himself in tho Cnmmai court-room, at Washville, a few days ago, while m custody. ' ■ A dispatcu from Springüeld, Tenn., says, A. P. Owens, Jesse Owens, Johu ïlurphy, Arch IlandoJph, Houry Daridson (white men), and IkeDoss, (oolored), were killed, and Sam Mandv (white) was mortally wouuded, and James M"rphT(Thito) shocked by lightning 7 Tly had been cutting wheat, and had tepped under a tree out of the rain, and whilo under it were atruck by lightning. WASHINGTON, B. P. Hcktinoton, President of the Central Pacific railroad, has witbdrawn from the Jndiciary Committeo his recent proposition for a Hettlementof aU affairs botweeu tho Government and that road, and submitted a new proposition, to the following Ho pro poses to pay, forten years, $600,000 annuiillv and aftor that 8750,000 ammally, untll á"l h mdebtedness of the companv to the Governfn Wments io be made in hou or all clamiH which tho Government now has against the company for interest for the üve por cent. on net earuings, or on any ÜnrtfnH'S P"P ' O givo np ï portion of the lands grantod at $2 50 an aero is withdrawn and tho comp.ny propones to pay tnVSovTnmenr81 " " d6fCTred 0? A Bru, is to bo reported in tho House of Representaties deuationalizing Americana who buy. own or ell slaves in foreign cotmtriea. Slave-ownership or traffic in that sort of property forfeits th'o right of tho offeiXr ?ed S fiï f futi0n ? a oi'en of the Uni fw,ta ï iA larK0 olaes of American reaidents abroad, some of ttiem employiug numbersof sJaveg in planting operatioua, wülTe affocted by this bill, if it ia passed. Ex-Conoeessiian Jomes, of T"ow York, ttstios iu the Kerr investigaüon that Harnoy, the Speaker'a aecuaer, calkd upon him (Jones) in r8íLa?d aíved. him t0 aPPiut Augustus P. f", ? Ilc"t?aa"cy I tlie army. Harnev 'r1. th !e would get a nice present ' Harnevhi0'! n f61'6 Witnef tol" Sil ii1 not'ung todo with that, aud that he had known Green longer tlian Harney The Sonate bas confirmed Wirt Sykns as United States Coneul at Cardiff ; JameaS Kutan, of Penusylvania, United States Consul at íl TUf2' w?11 ack' Uüited tatos Marshal for West Virginia ; Moses M. Bane of Illinois, Sccretaryof utah TerritoryT Jacob Thompson, who was Secretary of the Iutenor daring Mr. Buchanan's admmistratiou, visited Washington last week, and wan ITim! Sï? "l,a civil 8uit t0 cover fd 4 ' " f01 aud inttfst of bonds taken from tlio department, and for the amoimt received by him from tho Confedérate States bnt which it ia alloged reverted to (tod btoamo tlie property of tho United States and L1,000 - Tn lr a" Cl'fc8í ■T1'0 House Committeo on IiiJian Affairs have authorized Iteproaentativo i age to report, with a recommendation for ita pnsage, a joint resolution declaring tho Black Ilills couutry opentoexploration and sottlement. llio joint rosolntion also declares that the ! mea"in"of 'o trenty of April 9, 1C, is, that men aro not exoluded from f overoraejlllwg upon anvportiou of Wyomiug Temtory not inoluded irtthiji tl. o HtTl'i'03! ?f ll,'u l?I"'auetioxreservation OBtablwhed bp tho article of tho troatv rüo-oommittw) add the proviso that this act Büaii not be conhtrned to affect the right of the Indiana to hirat in tho Black Hilla coïntry. Tuk people of tho capital were startJcd, on tho morning of Sunday, tho llth inst., by tlio sudden and dangorous Ulucss of Mr. Blaine. Mr. B., accompanied byhisfamily, wnlkedfrom their homo to Dr. Üai.kiu's (!oncregational church, a diatance of half a milo. Tlio heat was excessive, but Mr. Bluino mado no complaint of it. When he rcachod tlie stops of the church, however, he put lus handkerchief to his oyoa iu a Rtrange mannor, and hin wife asked him whnt was tho matter- if ho tart anytbing in hts eyee. Ite Baid : ' No, but I think I am sunfltruek. Oh, mybead! Oh, my hoad!" and ank down inHcnaible in his wife's arms at tho threshold of he churcli. Tho gentleman waB at once convcycd to hia home. Phyaiclans were Bent for and Hoon arrived. They prouonnced the attack one of eunetroke. Dr. J. W. Popo, the family ihrtjician, atated that tile causu of the attack was cerebral depression, the consequonce, primarily, of great mental stram, and, aeepndly, )f tho excessivo heat. It was several iiours jeforo Mr. Blaino returned to consciousness sufficiently to recognika any members of his family, and for a timo gravo apprehensions were feit regarding the isauo of hia illuess. OENKKAIm The Chicago Tribmie says : " It has boon finr.lly decidod by the Eastorn railroada to mako no further roductious in pasuenger ruten. There ia, howover, no probabUity that tho preeoiit rutes will go up again before noxt winter." The following are tho estimated reoeipts of tho Government for tho Bacal year onding with Juno: From enstoms $146,027 536 lateraal revenne 116,048,607 Misccllancous 23,108,534 Total $286,247,387 Expenditures 263,138 853 Surplus .Timo 30 23,108,534 ïlio receipts show a decreaso from the estimatea: In ciistoms of $10,20G,090; in internal revenue, $,151.216, and increaae in miscellaneous, ?3,148,549. Tho expenses are $5,308,690 inuido tho cstimatcs .... The following is a copy of the telegram reeëived by Representativo Knott, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committec, and which Mr. Blaine charges him with suppresaing : To the Chairman of tho Houbo Judiciary Cominitteo, Washington : Havo just read in New York papers Scott'a cvideuce abunt our bond transactlon, and can fully corrobórate it. I ncrer gave Blainc any Fort Smitii nttxoad bouds, dircctly or otherwise. I havo three fornigii railroad contract on my hands, which make it impossible for me to leavo without great pecuniary loss, or would gladly volunUrily come home aud so testify. Can make affldavlt to this effect, and mail It if desirod. Josiab Caldweli,. Coüeespokdekcb between the American aud British GovernmentB, publiBhed In England, shows that the American logation in London auggestcd that a qnalifying article might be addod to the extradition treatv; that the auggeation was promptly accepted byLord Derby ; that the draft of such au article was forwarded to Washington, and that Mr. Fiah refuaed to agree to it. In that poaition the negotiation remaincd when the papers were submitted to Parliament. Fhamk Maellaux's house, near Windsor, Canada, was reoenüy destroyed by flro, and five childron were burned to death. The footaud-moutli disease has broken out with great violenco among the hogs in Canada, and hundreds of them are dying. FOUTIOAL. Ovtor two-thirda of the Wisconsin delegation to St. Louis aro said to bo for Tildón ; the remaüidcr for and ecattering The Demócrata have carried Oregon, and aecured a majority in the Legislature. . The Demócrata of West Virginia have nominated Henry Matthaws for Governor. FOKEIGN. Edssia haa agreed to recognize the new Sultan of Turkey - Dispatches from Melbourue announce that all the JFenian prisonors held undor surveillance in We3t Australia have escaped on boürd an American vessel.... The Mexican revolution ia apparently on tho wane. A dispatch from the City of Mexico aays: "Eventa of tho paat two weeks have ali been in favor of the Government, and indícate unmisUkably the approaching failuroof the rovolution. The inaurgonts have Buffered reverses everywhere, and their sympathiipers are rapidly decreasing in nnmber. Gen Alatorro gained a victory May 29, in Oaxaca, over tho revolutionary forcea, nearly2,000 bcing killed and wounded, and many prisoners. The Government camialtiea were 600 killed aud wouuded. The Federáis gainod another important victory in Tlaxco on the 28th. Gen. Cortina has broken his parole, escaped, and lied a pronunciameuto. If he reaclies the Eio Grande !ie will probably give getne trouble to Gen. Vicente." A qnarrel -is reported between tho Sultan of Turkey and the Khedive of Egjpt A Vionna " dispatch says : "A six weeks' armistioe has boen agreed upon between the Turks and insurgents." The Servían Government haa declared that itwill follow the recommendation of Kussia not to enter upon hostilities againot Turkey. Madame Georgo Sand, the celebrated Frenoh autüor, is def.d. In the British House of Commons, on the 9th inst., Disraeli said that the Berhn memorandum has been withdrawn. England aad the other power agreo upon certain pointe, among wliich is one not to exeroise undue rrossure upon the Porte. Kuasia, Franoe, and Euftland have mado siiccessfal repreaentations to Servia for the maintenance of peace A Havana dispatch says tho Spanish Government is making contrapts with partiea in Florida for cattle, to be delivered in Nuevitas. Theiie was a torchlight proeession in Dublin, a few nighte neo, to celébrate the escape oi the Fenians from West Australia. A conapicuous figure in the prooeedings was an effigy of Mr. Disraeli. which the crowd made lrerht of by setting it on fire. A London dispatch eays : "A pamphlet, issued by Gen. Ignatieff, the Kussian Ambassador at Constautinoplo, has creatèd a eensation. It proposes tq split tho Turkish Empire into five principalities, to be named, reapectively Bulgarian, Albanian, Servían, Bosnian, anc Greek Englaud ia victualing Gibraltar with six montha' rationa. A cable dispatch eays the number of magnificent eteamehips lying idlo in the Liverpoo and Birkcnhead docka is unparallelod in tho history of commerco, and the probabilityisthat thenumber will increase The news from lOuropo ia favorable to peace Switzerlanc haa been suffering from destructivo floode.


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