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A Terrible Deed

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A Ypung Man Poisons his Father an] Mother and a Hoarl!r at tlieir Hoúse. [Easton (Pa.) Cor. New York Times.] The mystery attentling the deaths wiiich have occurred in the Laros f araily within tlie last few days, by poison, has at last been cleared up by the confession of the murderer, Allen O. Laros, the son of two of the victims. On Wednosday last the family of Martin Laros, residing ou the Delaware, at a placo callcd Mineral Spring, nbout five miles abovo Easton, consisting of himself, his wife, six ehiidren - Allen, Al vin, Erwin, Alice, Clara, and Flora - and Moses Schug, who boarded with them, wero taken more or less ill immcdiately af ter supper. Ono of tho younger ehiidren, who was not so much añ'ected, was sent to seck assistance, and she at once sought out an eider brother, Clinton J. Laros, who had not snpped with the farnily, and asked him to go with her to the house. He did so, and upon his arrival ïie saw that the greater number of the family wcre desperately ill, and irnmediatoly sent for medical aid. Dr. A. K. Seem, of Lower Mount Bethel, was ealled, and, finding that all tho symptoms indícate! that they had been noisoned, administered emoties and apphed other remedies to relieve thcir ufferings. Toward midnight thoy all grew worse, howevcr, and Dr. Junkin, of Easton, was sent for. At his suggestion other antidotes were administered, but they did not prove efficacious in all the cases, as Mrs. Laros,. tho mother of the family, died at 7 o'clock tho next (Thu'rsday) moruing. Mr. Laros, the father, died at 1 o'cloek on the same day, and Moses Schrig, the boarder, at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon. As it had been remarked at the supper table that thero was a strauge tasto about the coffes, the vessel in which it had been preparcd was examined, and a heavy white sediment was found at the bottom. Au analysis of this substance was made, and it was found to be arsenie, and the quantity was stated to le sufficient to kill 100 persons. No cause could be assigned for the act, and for some days the whole affair was cnvcloped in mystery. At length it was discovered that a secretary in which Mr. Laros was known to have üepositea a sum oí money liad been broken open and tho cash stolen, and that Mr. Schug's trunk had also been robbed of a poeket-book containing $150 in United States currency. When this beoame known, suspicion was directed toward Allen C. Laros, one of the sons of the family, a young man about twentyone years of age, who was engaged in teaching school at Schneiriiortown, near by. His character was known by many persons to be bad, and they had no hesitation in expressing their belief that he was the murderer. This opinión, however, did not secm to be borne out by by the facts, for he had supped with his family on the night which they were poisoned, and he himself complained of having experiencod the effects of the poison. At the Coroner's inquest, Dr. C. A. Voorhees, of Easton, said that, a few days before, a man had called at his store, and purchased ñíty cents' worth of arsenic for rat poison. éince that occurrence he had seon Allen O. Laros at his residence, and to the best of his knowledge ho was the person to whom he had sold the arsenie in his store. The jury, af ter a short deliberation, returned the following verdict: " We find that Martin Laros eameto his death from the eflocts of arseuical poison, adminitstered iu coffee, on Wednesday ovening, Jlay 31, 1876, and that we believe the samo was admmietered by AUen O. Laros." A separate verdict was brought in for each of the victima. A warrant was immediately issued for the arrest of Allen C. Laros, and officers of the law went to his room, where he was lying in bed, and inf ormed him that he was their prisoner. Clinton Laros, a brother of the prisoner, asked him if he knew anything about the affair, and he replied that if he knew anything about it he would teil. The oifieers thon began to search the house, and, whilo they were engaged in this, about ten minutes after the arrest had been made, Laros suelden ly called out, "I did it." Mr. Sandt, ono of the jurymen, and the oflicers then went into the room, and the prisoner made the following confession, which was reduced to writing and signed on the spot : I aid it : tho monoy is out botwoen the pri nd eheep-stable ; this was done on Wednesdsy eveuiug, tho same night that I put the poison in the coffee-pot ; I knew he (hia father) had noney, but did not know how much ; I took ;he money before I put tho poison in the coff oet ; I took Schug's money, too, but don'tknow uow much : I took none of his papers ; I did his so that they might all bo dead, and I could do with tho monoy whatever I pleaeed - that nothing more woiüd be said about it ; I confess, íleo, that tho monoy taken from the place a ong timo ago I took, too ; I don't know how much it was, but I think it waa $50 or fsGO ; I ;ook swaiJows of the coffee, too ; I was juut as sick as I pretended to be ; I only drank ie ho as to throw themolï suspicioning me; I took a f alse oath this afternoou ; I know it is very wrong what I have dono ; I want you to pray for me, md ask all of God's people to pray for me ; I nave no wife nor children ; my name is Allen C. Laros ; 1 took the silver out of my f ather's drawer and put it in Moses Schug's poeketMok ; I fouud Hohug's pocket-book in his chest in the garret ; Schug's pocket book was a uew one, and father's is au old one ; this is my confession, truo and faithful, made in the pres sence of Samuel Sandt, Jr., William liittors, and George bchooley. Allen C. Lahos. The money was found where the prisonor said he had placed it. Mr. Laros' pockot-book contained in all $91.80, and that of Mr. Schug $250. When taken where the bodies of the vietims lay, the sight did not seem to make much irnpression on the murderer. He attempted to kis? the faces of his pareuts through the openings in the ice boxes, but not being able to roach them he pnssed his liand over the faces, and shortly after Lof t the room. Ho was then taken to Easton by the officors, aud lodged in jai). En personal aypeaiauce, the murderer is rather prepossessing, and might bo called a handsome youug man. Alvin Laros, ten years of age, waa worse yesterday, having quite a high foyer, and was disponed to rest the greater pari of the time. The two stül sick are lot quite out of langer, as ufceration may set in, and the patients may die within a week or ten days. The othors neem to be well and entircly out of


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