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Whilo I may hare spoken of tho "method of tho niadness" in the Japanese prices ior their artioles, I cannot witlihold from them the praiso due their euorgy and .enterprieo, their confldence in the Exhibition, and their happy facility in their accommodation to American mannors and tastes. The Japancse have inveated hoavily in tho Kxliibition, and deservo credit for their sympathy. The Govorument of Japun appropriated $300, 000 for the general expenses of her exhibitors, and $70,000 for a Qovcrument collection. The Govornment aluo pars the personal expenses of all exhibitors as may wish to accompany their exhibits. Thero are 250 exhibitors. The principal partios of the articlcs are from the provinces of Higo, Tokio, Kiyto, Huiga, Omi, and Yokohama. Tho fan, so peculiarly a Japanese design, was iuvouted in the reigu of the Kmperor Tenji, A. T. CC8, by a native of Tarabn, ho taking lün ido from tho wings of a bat, called Kaua-hori, whieh was thé name given the fan. The "Japs" havo some beantiful specimens of swords. Until lately, the wearing of one was considerod an ovidenco of gentility. A lato decfoo forbids the weariiig of them. With the Japanese the word is of divine origin, a8 it was handod by Arnatera.Hu-on-kami, tho heavenly ancestro of the actual dyuasty, to one of lier desoendantó, togethcr with a mirror and a rounded stono, similar to those woru in former timea as amulots. "Wheu,' aaid tho divine Arüatorat.u, "thouartin want of contemplating the spirit of thy ancestorsin all piuity, and of cÜHtiiiguishiug clearly tho good and tho bad, then look in this mirror ; govem thy country as mild as is comparable to this soft, rounding stone, and whon any peoplo dintnrb tho peaco of thy üubjects chaatise tliom with this sword and forco tliom into submiesion." The Hcabbards of the swords are generally made of magnolia wood hamldomely ornamentod, often in fine repousso work. The carving, inlaid and gilded work of thin ingenious nation is wonderful. They have a splcndid collection of bronze work. Theii' silk aro rich and durable, but rather Haring for American tante. Anthony Waterer, Knaphill Nursery, Wyking-Surrey, lOngland, must havo made a gr'eat eacrifice when he preseuted tho park with tho 200 varUtics of the rhododendrons. 1 inspectod them, and they aro beautiful, filllng au ipartmont nomo 50 fêet front and 100 feot in ïcngth. Tho initial movement of a compromiso has been manguratcd. Tho grouuds will bo kept opcuod on öatiuday's until 'J p m., tho bnildings nutil 7).i o'clock. This is a concost-ion that will be quite acceptablo to tho mansos, and to all of our visitors and the citizeus generally, ho will ilv to cool spot at thut poriod, tho hottest of the evoning, from 7 to 'J p. m. Gilmore' hand received f20,000 for thoir month's sorvices, and it was money well invested by tho Coiumisioj). Puget Sound, Alasita, has an ludían carving forty foot high, wood of that rogion, made by the liiüoHh Indiana. In Agricultural Hall is a wind-mill of 177C. Tho California golden wine bas many admirors, A ('ciitcimial light-houHC is in courrto of : Btruótion ; tho base wil] be of wood; tb tliin tho irou llauges of tho Buporstructuro aio )olted, and abovo this ís an iron cyliuder 18 'eot in diauiütor, cappod by au ornamontül ;ower; Near the light-howo in tha fog bom, wliic!i cmbe board thirty-flvo milca. Jnst tlio listanco all tbo visitors wiah it ovory time they ïoar it bowl, vet it is a good tliiu; n a fog. If icebergs had ears it would servo a botter purpose off tbo bauks of New foundland. Mr. Peduzzi's boautiful statiiivv haa been purehased by Bailey, tbe sciilptor, ui $7,000 gold. Thia wan tbc loweat )r4co I havo hoard of ales boing mado. ■ Brazil liaH a ttángo pieca of macbiucry, :i ntatiouai'y tliinblo upriglit origino, whiob lia neithor crosfl-beads nor guidca for tbo piston rod, and is connected diroctly with a huriontal boam. The "Japs" continue opening fresh arri vala of thoir spocialticu - many of the goods aro bcaiitiful, but tbe price, whow ! No wonder tliey cominit hari kari with so mucu eaae, liaving no bowel of compiwsion, upon purchaflers to lacérate. Belfant, Ireland, senda roofing, ship sheathIng, and inodoroiu folt. ivHuburghexhibitu hand painttd clotlm in imitatipn of (apeetry, vory handdorae for wall decoration. Halifax, Nova Scotia, bas a creditablo diaplay of woven fabrica. Balbriggan, Ireland, senda a lino lino of tbo celebrated Balbriggan boao from that placo. The Countefls of Adare furnishes from Dnnraven, Ireland, lawu embroidery, inuerlioii or dre88. Belfast alöoaends auniquilist of gob sak articlea in ornament. Durham, Èngland, senda a novelty in paper aanufacturo, opecimens mado from eeparto grasH, bamboo, megaree, phormium, maize, and other libres. IJortliampUm, England, aends tho binding of the hoxaglot Bibíé. New Zealand senda a paint made fronihematite ore, also a varied nssortment of fabrica mado from pljomiium tenax. New South Wales bas a mg of mnned platjpu kIuh, with a collaret and ciin"8 of tbo sin:e. Excter, Knghind, cxhibïts a catveti oak chcbt mauo out of ancient beama, nearly C00 yeare old, from tbo ehoir of Salisbury Cathodral. London sonda beautiful furnituro in tbe Jacobean and Queen Anue Btyles, bcd-room furniture Lu tbe Anglo-Indiau stylos, curtaiu and carpets. Birmingham, Kngland, senda cloiase and champlevo, enamel on Bilvor and copper goods, bronzo statuary, antiquo art treaenres from tho South Kensington Mnsoum, oxidizod and electro-plated deoorative ware. Dublin, Ireland, eenda procesa for docoraüng glass. J. 13.


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