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Tbe one thing thut the election of a Democratie president would insure wuuld be peace at the South. Hy peace we mean eutire obliteratiou of sectionalism, the assurauce to that people that they are a part and parcol of the Union in more than uame ; that they can pursiti' plans and deyolop incang leading to a permanent prosperity without the dread of a South Carolina governnii'iit being inatalled to wasto the fruits of industry and houesty. - Tlie Capital. Tho Democracy have several very signal advantages in tho present Preaidential campaign. Thuy are so numerous and so powerful that the certainty of that party to elcct their national ticket is assured. This asaurance, however is coupled with the couditions that there be no blundoriug, no miamanageinent. As the leader of the Democratie host is a captain of auprome ability, it is certain that, if thore bo mismanagement, it will be among subordinates. Nevertheless, gucli ie the temper of the people tl, ut it is only soine supreme folly which can throw away au overwhelming victory. - Chicago Tines (Jnd. The past history of the country shows jat the people have never failed to verthrow the evil outgrowth of the rar, and to drive from power those who ave shomelossly abused their trust. - ilbany Argns. With Samuel J. Tilden as Prosident here will be no Belknaps or Delanos in he Cabinet. Schencks will not degrado ïor dishonor us abroad ; Boss Shepherdrt vill not rule us at home. There will )e no whisky rings in the west ; the in'amous rule of the oarpot-baggerg will ome to an end in the South ; wo shnll lave no Torn Murphys in the North, ind no Butlerism in the East. - Wheding ( Ka.) Iiegtiter. The nomination of Samuel J. Tilden s the woakest that could have been made ior Ohio and the strongest tor tho wholo country. It is idle to deny that .he naming of Mr. Tilden as tho L)omDcratic standard-bearer sounds to an Allun-Domucrat like an iuvitution to uarch under a new banner and to aow watchwords. But we are a nation of diversifled interests, and the admirable party platform constructed for and idapted to every statu in the Union, could havo placed upon it no fittei exponent than ihe great reform G-overnor of New York. - Toledo Demoerat (All-en.) Govornor Hendricks has never - though sorely presawd to do ao - uttered a word inconsistent with his fidelity to the time-honored Democratie doctrino of gold and silvrr as tho only truo eurrency basia. Governor Hendrick's viows as to tho oonditions and methods necessary to rosumption differ from those of most Eastern Demócrata, but that hu desires a perpetuation of the diaordered finances and dopreciatod irreduomable paper fastencd upon the country by Republican legislation and maladministration, is as far from the truth as can be. - Buffalo Courier (Dem). The people of this State huve determinod to have a peacoablo canvass. The uegro population will be protected in voting tor whom it pleases. ïhe colored conservativo voter seeuis to be ueeding protection just at this tiino. the North niay presurve its equanimity. There will be no organizad violeuce here, for those who havo a right to .peak for the State will uot favor nor permit. - Neu Orlcans Times (Dem.) Gov. Tilden was electgd to his present office by 50,000 majority over Gov. John A. Dix, a decisive test of personal popularity. After Mr. Bristow, he is the only nmn in high place who has riskod anything in a fight with corruptionists. The Tweed and Cnual Kings of this State have attracted about as miich atteution as thu Whisky Ring. Mr. Bristow has resigned, and President Grant is pardoning the men whoso cunviction Bristow gecured. Gov. Tilden, more fortúnate than Bristow, bas his foot on both the New York Rings, and was able to triumph over thein at St. Louis.- The Methodist. It is a rather a too careless chargo which is broaght against the Demócrata by their opponents that in nominating Tilden they surrender ühio and the Western States to the Republicans. Why ? If it is becauso Tilden's HardMouey principies do not suit thoso States, thon the Republicana, in claiming them so readily, confess that thoy expeut to carry them on soft-inouey grounds. That is equivalent to a plain declaration on their part that it is as a soft-money party that they claim Ohio and other Western Htates. Their financial plank is all punk-wood, inseited to mako a hard sound under the feet of the .bast and a soit ono under those oí tli West- Boüon Pont (J)em). After denouncing Grant and Grant isni for years ia the strongest Englisl and Ucrman, Cariz Sohurz now indorse a platform which declares Grant anc hia administration " deserving of th continued and hoarty gratitudo of th Amerioan peoplo." I other and plain or words, he is eating penitential dir at the feet of the verv inon who hav abusod him. This may be shrowd po litical strategy on the part of Mr. Schurz, but there are sotuo persons who will not hesitate to cali it doinagoguory of the loweat kind. Had he been wha all his friends claim for hiin, or evoi half what his enemies have been willing to concnde him, he woulü have refuscd to thus stultify himself in ordor to get back into the party out of which he was so vigorously kicked only a lit tle while ago. If he could not support Tildón and Hendricks, ho need not put on the Zebra uniform of Hayes and Wheelor. A digniñed neutrality would have saved his character and presérved his influence. Ab inatters now etand he has materially damaged the one and very materially weakeued tha other. We presume that Mr. Schurz thinks he carries the liberal Republican Germán vote in his pocket, and we predict he will firul hiuiself mistaken in gupposing that his countrymen can ohange their principies as oasily as he has done. - Ut. JjOuis llepublictin.


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