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Capital harvest weather : and the farmers mproviug it. _;jee the insurance card of C. Mack. The olil Etua is a stroug compauy. -Au adjüurued term of the Circuit Uourt is to be held next Tuesday. No jury. _Tue Sentmel says twenty-sU Ypsilantians startöd tor the Uuntuiuual ou Tuesday oí lasi week_E. D. Barry, of this city, class of 76, has been appointed Principal of the Poit Huron gigh School. - D. W. Palmer, Esq. of Bridgawater, gave as :i cali yesterday, and reported the Democ(jcy of that town all right' _Wm. Wagner, wife, aud son have gone 'East, and will do the Ceuteuuial as they sffiug arouud the circle." -Prof. Hennequin is instructor in both freoch and Germán in the University - not in liernian alone as this itemizer had it last week. _C. Mack, the new President of the Savings Bank, has been Vice-President from the orgauÚLitiou, aud kuows its business " likè a book.' - A Turn Verein festival is to be held at the pjrk on Monday eveuing next, - the seventh auuiverary of the 01 ganization of the association. - Burglars entered the house ot Norman Dight, of Scio, on the night of tho 12th, and ucceeded iu getting oiï with about {21 in money. - Donovan of 76 proposes to make a lawyer of himself, and to that end has established himself in the office oï Judge Cooley, law building- One Indian and three squaws pitched their teuts iu town on Thursday : not Sitting Bull's warnors, but irom the Sagmaw región, peacejal basket peddlera. -The Dexter Leader says that Miss Waldron, daughtei of W. R. Waldron, of Webster, has taken neither food nor drink tor 70 days,- her stomach rejecting both. - Republican Ward Gaucuses are oalled to bdheld on Mouday evening uext. To visit ■ome ot them will be as interesting as to look in upou a seance of the " Happy Family." - Why cau't our citizens cut the grass and ffeeds growing ulong the w&lks and gutters in front of their premises. A few minutes "honest toil " would make a vast improvement. -We hear it stated that Prof. A. Wiuchell, formerly of the University, has been offored a uil professorship in the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., at a salary of $3,000 a year. - The Military Company of this city is to give another of íts popular excursions to Put-in-Bay, on Thursday, August 17th, on the ateamer Northwest. Look oat for a good time. ,- Uhristian Mack, late Vice-Presideut of the Saviugs Bank, has been elected President, vice Dr. B. S. Smith, deceased. W. W. Wines was elected Vice-Presideut, and Dr. W. B. Smith, Director. - At a special election held in Manchester on Monday of last week, Henry G. Gaihoun, 6. W. Hoy, and Elijan G. Carr were elected tastees,- the first turo " Citizen," the last a Uemoerat. -The Ladies' Library Associntion of YpsiJanti advertise an excursión to Put-in-Bay, to take place on the 27th inst. lïouiid trip fare, $1.25, childreu under 12 years, 63 cents. Excursionists to provide their own provender. - A new walk has been put down iu front ot a part of the Leonard House, aud a new itone gutter is beiug put down in front of the saroe building and the wooden building adjoiuiug on the east. A good lmprovemeut. - Uraud Lecturer Clark, of Lexington, and and District Deputy üraud Master Lewis, of Detioit, conduc Masoulc school of instructioa in this -i.v i Friday last, - day aud eveuiug,- to the great gratification of the frateruity. -At a recent meeting of the Executive Coramittee of the University, Dr. J. G. Gilebrist, oí Detroit, was appoiuted lecturer on surgical therapeutics, and Dr. F. A. Rockwell, 1 East Saginaw, lecturer on obstetrics and gjnecology : which doubles the faculty of the Homeopathie College. -öaving read "The Duty of the Citizen '' in the Register of Wednesday, we are regretiully led to the conclusión that bad blood is itkg geuersted between the two " loil " organs of this city, and also reimnded of the old narsery ïhyme and its lesson, " Let dogs deliglit to bark and bite," etc. - The Manchester Enterprise says : " The fsrmers fiock into town evenings in search of harvest hands." And if Manchester u a chip of the Ann Arbor block, the aforesaid farmer cao fincl lots of able bodied men sitting on drygood8 boxes or playing croquet, but with no (liaposition to be " harvest hands." -This from the Dexter Leader : "A meat peddler irom Ann Arbor was caught in a ikower the other day at Scio and took refuge in bis meat box, which was in the hind part of bis wagon. While he was thus hidden from sight, his horses started suddenly and the box dumped on the ground. The dutchman's ksir fairly stood on end as he poked his head out of the box and looked around to see where II Hghtuing had struck." Dr. Ransom S. Smith died at his residence o this city laat Friday evening. He was one o(ourmo8t prominent citizeus and was well kaown throughout the country. He was a aative of Bernardston, Mass., from which place he removed, when quite young, to OrIeau8 Co., New York, where he residod until lie came to this city in 1858. Dr. Smith was a Sraduate oí the medical department ot the Cnivernity of Vermont, and practiced his profeision about '20 years before he carne to this uty. He was an active business man and arned on a tarm of 1,000 acres while pracl'tin({ his profession in New York. In 1858 ta purchased what was known as the Fletcher frin, lyiug contiguou8 to and ast of the üüiversity Campus, which proved to be a fine 'Peculation. He divided the farm into lots on which has been built some of the ñnest houses '" the city. He took an active and leading Prt in the orgauization of the First National and Savings bauks of this city, aud was President of the latter at the time of hia death. '-'■ Smith was a sharp, close business man, tat his integrity was never questioned and he lever " ground the faces of the poor " or took nclue adrautage of this necessities. Ha was a PlüMant compauion aud a faithtul friend. Dr. Smith leaves a widow, one son (Dr. W. B. Sfflith, of this city), aud six daughters - two "f thein being widows. By his will his son and 'wo aous-iu-law are made executors. New rates of Postaob.- The Democratie House has ñiuilly coerced the Senate into a rePal of the postage swindle perpetrated iu the 'losiug ilays of tut) last sessiou, and now tha Ouders of trausieut papera, catalogues, pamphlets, books, etc., can save half their postage. We publish the pertinent sections of the new lw ou th fourth page. Old clothes, seeils, t jacks, aud miscellaneous tru3k will pay ilouble the [poatago ou printed matter. Many caaes of suustroke aro reported in Eaetern citiod, attcnded by fatalityto an alarming (logree The uumber of immigrant landcd at New York laat month was 35.008 losa tlian during June of last yeal'. The total last montU wan only 10,558, as agamst á5,5GG iu June, 1875. Du. .1. C. Aykh, the millionaire patent-modiciue druggist, of Lowoll, Mam., has lost lua roaHon, and is now au iomate of Dr. Choate's private iuano asyluni iu Weatchester couuty, N. T.i tho mstitution in which the lamented Boraoe Greeloy died. Tuk firwt legal battle ovor tho catates of tho late A. T. Stewart haa been wou in tho New York eourta bj tho cxeoutrix and executor, Mrs. Stewart and Judgo Ililton, as agniust tho alleged heirs-at-law, who havo conteuted tho vaüdit.y of tho probate of Mr. Stewart's will A trugèdy almost without a parallel, and resulting iu the death of sevcn persons, occurred the other day at Newark, N. J., tho partionlars of wliicl). aa (miiwhed by telegraph, are abont as follbwa : It appears that three Gorma js, brotuers, named Thielhom, who have been known as denperate cbaracters for years, were arroHted by Pólice Oflicers Pickerson aud Einden for disorderly condnet. As the oflicern attempted to march thera off, tho men drew revolvers and shot Eisden dcad and fatally womided Dickernou. liscaping, the desperadoes van n stieut to T. W. Pawsou's tauüery on River streef, whoro thcy formorly worked. Tliere they caflefl for Mr. Meyer, tho foreman, who had discharged them, but not finding him they commenccd au indiscriininato flnng on the shop, which resulted in tlie kilüng of John Albons, assistaut foreman, and the woundrng of two worlimen. The employés turuod ont en masso, and ohased the niurdcrers towards the river. ]u pursuit the workraen used atones aud knives, strikiug tho niurderers several times before thoy reached tho rivor. The lalter loaped into the water and attempted to escapo acrosa, but wero etoued to death by the outraged workmen. The deatha uumber seven- Policemen Eisden and Dickeraon, the throe Thielhorus, Albera . aud a workuiau. Most inteiiHO excitoment prevailed in the city, and the summ&ry action of the workmen was gonerallycommended. During the excitemeut F. W. Dawson, proprietor of the factory where the abooting occurred, was robbed of $2. 230 iu checka, which he was about to deposit. THE WEST. The agency Indiaas aloug the upper Missouri, who have received au account of Custor's fight through eomo hostile Indiana who took part iu it, say that Cuater shot tliree lndians with hia pistol, aud killed throo othera with his saber, whon he feil, shot through the head by "ltün-in-tho-Face," a chief whom Custer had forcibly arreeted somo timo-ago for rmirder. Tho Iudiaus lost seventy killed, among them man notcd chiefs. The fight was hand-tohaiiár Tle Iudiaus say tbey did not ieai the pistola as much as they did the sabers. They are nearly out of ammuuitiou, and will not tight agaiu until they get a supply from tho agencies A Fort SuUy special saya the Iudiaim who wero in tho fight with Custer's iroops assert that his remaiua were shockiugly nmtiiatc.1 ; his heart torn out, placed on the end of a pole, aud a war-dance held around it, and that tho shi Kain-in-the-Face still haa posseasion of it. A lettek has been received at Fort Lincoln, D. T., from Col. Poland, commauding tho Sixth Infantry, roviving tho rumor that Sitling Buil was killed in the battlo of Juno 25, wheu Custer and his command were slaughtered. The story was brought by a email party of the btiotüe Sioux, who reported that 300 soldiera and 200 lndians were killed, among them Sitting Buil and other cbiefs It is believod that Sitting Bull's baud must have obtained 415,000 or $20,000 in money and jewelry from Custer and his men, as the coinmand had juut boen paid off, and had had uo chanco to spend it. Thia inoney will euable Sitting Buil to buy as much animuuition as ho may need for summer. White traders along the Mont&ua and Pembina liue are well aupplied aud always ready to soll ammunitiou to hostile Indiana, if thev havo money to paj for it. Trk rumora that have boen afloat, to tho effect that Gen. Crook had met the fato of Cuater and hia men, prove to havo been without foundation. At last accounts Crook was still safe, though confrontad by a large, savage force. Ho was awaiting reiuforcoments, which have probably reached by thia tim.,.. Advices have reached Omalia to the effect that the lndians aro moving on Medicine Bow, a station on the Union Pacific alniost due south of Fort Fcttormaii, it is aup]X)sed, for tlvo purpose of capturing or destroying the supplios which have been stored there recently in great qnantitiea by tho Governmeut, there being i-ounda of ammunition there, among ' mei things. A very amall forcé of lndians could seizo and deatroy thoso stores, as Medicino Bow is a bmall station, and the country round about is sparsely aettled. Their deatructiou at this time would seriously impode military operatious against thelndiaiiH. .... A Cheyenue dispatch aays tbat, iu consoqoence of a report that 800 Cheyenues whoro abaut to leave Red Cloud Agency for tho north, Gen. Mcrritt has delayed the proposeü movement of tho Fifth Cavftlry northward fromFort Laramie to joiu Crook, and haH moved it to a position wheru it expecta to intercept these Indiana, and, if po8sible, give tliem a warm recc[)tion A youug mau named Patrick O'Neil died in Chicago, tho otlur day, of hydrophobia, Oiiused by tiie bite of a dog in'ilicted about oight inontbs ago. G. SnEmiDA is iu receipt of diapatches from Gen. Crook, dated "Camp on Goose Creek, Wyoming, July 13," in which hesays: "Tlio best information I can got from my frout is that the Sioux havo threo iighting men to my oue, although I have uo doubt of my ability to whip them with my present force, bui. tho victory wonld likoly bo one barren of resuite, and so I havo thonght it botter to defor an attuck until I can get tho Fiftu here, and then end tho campaign with ono crushiug blow. Tho hostile Iudittns are, aecording to my advices, enoanipcd on the Littlc Jlorn, uear the base of tlio inountain, and will probably romain thero uutil my reinforcements come up." THE SOUTH. Haïwoob Gkant, a crime-st&ined villain who was hanged for arson at Kome, Ga., the other day, confeascd to having committed four murders, one of thom being the küling of Gen. Ilindmau, at Helena, Ark., in the Bummer of 1869. Gen. Ifiudman was flrexl upon through an open window by au uukuowu asaassin, and the raarder has remained a myatery up to this time. Animen Morse, a son of tho late Prof. S. F. B. Morso, wan recently killed by a railway accident near New Orleans. His head was S6vered from his body. WASHINGTON'. The recent hot weather in Washington has aiarmed mombors of Congress, and thero is cxprei'sed among them a general desire to got away from the capital aa soon as poasible. The IIouro Judiciary Committoo met the other day to continuo tuoir iuvestlgation into tho matter of the Fort Smith and Littlo Rock Railroad bonds, but poetponed it, so far as Mr. Blaine's connectlon with it is concerned, on accouut of th e receipt of two dispatches stating that perfect quiet i-j derable and, perhaps, necessary to insuro liis recovery. Warren Fisher, Jr„ and Jamos Mnlligan were, thorcforo, diecliargol from f urthtr attendance uutü the uext session of Cougrcss. This ;iction of tbo comTïlifct.f4ft Wilrt il ii an inmuta The Washington correRpondout of tho Chicago Timen gives tliis partial e.xplanation of tlie causes tliat led to the retiremont of Postmaster General Jewell: ' Ou Satiirday laut, Jowell said to a frioud that he had submittcd to Graut'n interference in hi departmeut long euough, and at the next Cabiuet meeting, meaiiing tUo ono to le liold on Tuesday, July 11, ho intended to beard tho lion in hu don and mako au issnc In tho preseuco of tho othor memboru of tlio Cabiuot. Of this Giant wa advised on Monday. aud, being oppoxod to discord iu hi Oftbinet, eoncluded not to allow Jowell to exorciso bis temper in the preaonce of tho Cabiuet." Annnusnally-largo nnmber of members of Cougress are sick, everal of thom aeriously, owiug to tho effocta of tho heat. Tuf. teetimony taken by tho Special Committee of the Senate who recently returned from Misniösippi raakes 1,700 pages. Senators Iioutwell, McMillan, and Camorou, of Wiseonsin, havo begun tho preparatiou of their report, wliii-h -wiil bo to the effect that grosu oatragee have been eommitted upon b)ackn, aud that many have boeu cauHeleisly slaugljtered. Tlio minority, SenatorH liayard and McDouald, will givo their viowb, to the effect that the outrages and other crimes aro attributable to maladmiuIstraüon of the Goverument of that State, Gov. Ames, wheu in autliority, having armed the colored ruilitia againut tho whitou, thua provoking colusión. PMBtDSNT Grant tatos that tho reaaon wh ho asked roBtmaBter General Jewell to rcin wan that he intorfered oflicioutsly with matten outmdo of his own departmeut Gen. ï. W Bonnett, recently nomiuatod for CJoveruor of Idaho by the l'roHidout, iieclinea the oiüco. POL1TÏCAI,. I'OHïsiASTEn Oeseiul Jkweli, bas left tho Cibinet at tho roqnest of the lesident, and Mr. Tyner. of Indiana, lato AnHistant Postmaster General, lia beon appointed to Biiccced him. Mr. Jewell resteued at the requeot of tho President, aud the chango was a genuino BOrprlse to ahnoat evorybody in Washington. 5tr. Jewell called at tho Exccutive 3Iansion ou the evening of the llth iust., to act somo business with the Prcsidont, wlien tho lattor, much to hia surprise, inforuied him tuut his roaiguation would bo dosirablo. Mr. Jewell immediately wrote tlie follomng letter of roaignation, wbich is all tho correspondonce that trtuiH;irod upon the subject : Sm : I liereby tpnder my rofliftnation of theoffioo of Potítmaster-Gcneral. Yoxir obedient servant, Marxhall jamUi. To tho President. Gov. Jewell askod no queetious of the President, mul i tlierefore npt iware of tho reaaon for tlio rennest, and monibers oí tlio CaHuot alHO say tluit tlmy are nhkc normït of tho motives that conCrolled tho President. It is asHorted, however, in eome circles, that, in addition to politicnl nmöideration, tho President was iniluouced by ( 'i". .levell's avowed friendiness to Mr. Briatow. Oa the samo d;iy ('oiimiiionfr of Intcrnal lïoveuue ïratt teiiduroi lus resigoation, to tako cLfect on the Ist of August. Thero appears to bavo been a disapreomont betweei Mr. Pratt and tho Prcsidont touchiug the apliointEunnt of revouue ollicerH. President (rant has removed D. P. Dj'er from the ottiue of United Btatea Attorney for tho Eamern District of Missouri. Tite Demoeraf h of tho 'JTiird Indiana District havo norainated Qcorge A. BickuolT for üongress, to succoed Speaker Korr, tlie fáttei' Iiavin;,' dcelmed.a re-election Monroo Heath (Kop.) has ucon eloctedBlayor of Chicago Hcnry Wattornon, of the Louisville Oourierl Journal, haa accepted the Demooratio nomij nation for CoDgrcss from that city, to fill the Taoapcy created by the death 0Í Mr. Fanoii8. Tui; followiug lutter baü been out to ex-Hecrotarj7 Bristow by tho Prosidfiit : Exboutxvb Tanston.) Washington, July 12, ly7(;. t To tko Hon. B. H. liristow : l) bilt - Through the pres?, I learn that thé coinmittee of Congrcss lnvertlgatlDg whisky fraude have .inuiii":n d yon as a wituess, and tbat you, riii propriety. ;is I think, have decliued to teatify, ctuiiiin;í that what ooonra in the Cabinet or betwoi 11 a memberof the Cabinet and the Exccutive oflicially, ír prlvlleged, and that a committeo of Uoiiííress bavo no rïRht to demaud an auswer. I apprcclate tlepofliüsib you have aRBiumd oniliig qtueUon, but beg to relieve yon from all obliation of secrecy on thia subject, and deelre uot only tbat ytui in;iy uiswar all queéfttons a4ked rHatiuR to itt but wieb that all rueuibers of my Cabinet and ex member of the Cabinet since I have been Presiden] may alo bc called on to testify in regard to the pame matten. With great respect, your obedle&l aervant, (Sigucd) U. S. Grant. The Repnblicau Conveutio otV North Caroliua, iu eeesion at Kaleigh last TTeoik, uoaiinated Judge Tilomas bettle for Goveuibr The Prohibitionists of lllinois havo nominatcd Dr. James ÍS. Sioipson, of Green county, ior Governor. The Liberal liepublieans of New York havo calied a State Convention, to meet at Baratoga, on the 23d of August. " GKNJEKAI.. Uï to the llth iust.- two naouths- 2.076, 10G peraooshad viaited tho Nationiil Ceutennial Expositiou at ri'iladclphia, and tho total cash roceiptu wero .f 081,530 Dom Pedro, the Eniperor of Brazil, aud the mout sensiblo "great uiRii " from abioad who bas ever honored thia country with a vieit, ailed from New York last weok for Eiircpe. A disfatch from Augusta, Me., saya : "Mr. Blaiue, owiug to the very-exeéseive hety of the past f ow days, has not improved. The effect of tho heat on his coudition bas fnlly coiifiraied Uta physiciau in the beiief that the original trouble was of the nature of a snnBtroko." The report of mercauüle failures by Messrs. Dun, lïarlow & Co., for the sik months endlng ou tho 30th of Jliue laat, is out. It is not aii encouraging document. The number of failures for the Bis months is ,(;u(l, against 3.5G3 for the correspoudinf; .six months of laat year, and the amouut of these failuroH is Í108.0Ü0, - 000, agaiust .t7G,000,000 for the coiTesponding nix ïnonthB a year ago The Hcaroity of small change uill in all probability bo speêdily romediea. Oopgress liaa jiassed tlie Silver bül, wliich provides for the issue of $10,000,000 of subsidiary silver coiu in exchango for legal tenders, and provides for the additional coiuage of 30,000,000, or bo rauch as will tako tho place of all oututanding fractionnl currency. Gen. Custer had a life-insurance policv for 4(5,000; Capt. Yates, Í5.O0O; Koogh, $10,000; Lieut. Calhoun, $5,000; Crittenclen, $10,000; and Porter, Y5,000 Sittiug Buil aud his braves aro ai-rned with Winchester rilles that are more effective than the arms of our owu troops Anothcr King liaa come to viait, not to rule ovev uw. Belgiiun's monarch, ander the titlo of Count d'Artois, reachcd New York last Sunday, en route to the C'eiitomiml. KOUEIGN. The most important nows from Europo is a report from Berlín to tho effect that lïussia, with an nnderstaudiug with tho other great powern, vfill not iuterfero iu the present Bervian-Turkish war, and that, therefore, there is at present no dauger of a goneral Éuropean war over tho "Eastern question." A ritorosiTioN for tho total abrogatiou of the laws restraining the freedem of the prees han beou defoated by tho French Assembly by a largo majority The Iiritisli tuiTet-ship Thunderer, whilo making a trial trip in'Stokes' Baj, a fow days ago, expluded one of her boilers, killing twenty-five of her crew and woundiug some sixty others, numbers of whom will die. The bodiea of the killed were bhock'mgly mntilated, the Hesh boing strippcd the lirubs by escapjng steam. The forward litokehole, where tho exjjlosion occurrcd. was divided from the after Htokoholo by watcrtight bulkheads. The Htokers in the latter wcre protected from the fragment caused bv tho exploHion, but were litemlly boiled alivo bv the team. Tuit aontences upon the persons tried in connection with tho recent outrago in Salónica have been inercused. Tlie Chief of Pólice has been degradod from his rank, and haa fiftoen years' peual servitude. Tlio commander of the Turkish frigate i degraded from hifi rank, and lias ten yeara' imprisonment. The oommander of the citadel has threo years' couthiement in the fortress. The London Times' correspondent telographs from Perakin Uint tho report of Gen. Oi i tupies, conceruing Turkish cruelties, save " Tlie Turks havo killed sevcral hundred women and chüdren. Iu Bosnia thêy are cutting women andchildren to pioces, throwing theia in tho air, aud catching them upon bayonots. They cut off heads or noses of the dc'ad and wouudcd, whereas the woundcd Turkish priaouers are treated like Serviane." A Constantinople dispatch says tho health of the Sultan causes great anxiety. Ho has never recovered from the shock caused by the suicido of the Suhan Abdul Aziz aud tho murder of Hussein Avan Pasha, Minister of War. Ileis a mere wreek, and utterly unlit for business, tíouio have positively declarad that symptonis of sof tening of the brain havo appeared Commercial interosts in India are in a stato of fearful stagnation. The London Timen of July 18 says : "Except the mutiny, this is tlie worst crisis iu Anglo-luc'ian historv, and thero are few inatauces anywhero of a" calamity so finwliiugand sogeueral." Thecityof Viónua waa visited by a severe earthquako Bhock ou the 17th of July.