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BUSINESS ÏÏOTICES. I.aditii' Ilbrnrj. All persons haring booksbelonging tothe Ladies Library are requested to return tbem on or before July 'Jyi h, for inspectioD and repairs. By order of the Boarp. Centennial UI tor Desiring private board on reasonable tenns would do well to address W. C, 316 8. llth Street, Fhiladelpbia, Pa. Reference - Philip Bacb,or E. B. Pond, Ann Arbor Go to the Motintiilns of Colorado By the Atchison, Topeta L Santa Fe Railroad, the new and popular line from Atchison and Kansas City via. the beautiful Arkansas Valley, to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Canon City, Cucharas, Del Norte, Trinidad, Santa Fe and all points in Colorado, New Mexico and Arlzona. Special round trip tickets to Denver, only $50, allowing stop-off privileges both waya on the main line, and at Colorado Springs, Manitou and Pike'a Peak. Low emigrant rates to San Juan Mines. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between the Missouri River and Rocky Mountains, without change. Close connections made at Pueblo with trains for Denver and Northern Colorado. For mapa, time tables and the " San Juan Guide," addresi, T. J. ANDEB8ON, Gen. Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kan. Reduced Price. Look at those Cashmere Black Silks. Look at those Linen Suits. Look at those elegant Guinet Silks. Look at the flnest Stock of Dress Goods. Look at our White Goods. Look at our Hosiery and Gloves. Look at our Gui-c Laces. Japanese Silks. Everything at lower prices. We bought them cheap. We sell them cheap. We keep them moving. You save time and money by trading at MACK A SCHMID. The People Want Prvof . There is no medicine prescribed byphyalelans or sold by druggists that carries such eYidence ofits success and superior virtues as Bosche's Germán Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person amicted can get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular síze at 75 ceuts. It has latcly been introduced in this country from Germany, and ita wondertul curei are astonishing everyone that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sold by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor. THE BEAT RAILROAD 1IGIIT. Fabeb Reducid- A Public Benefit. Nover in the anoals of railroad history hat there been so great induoementi offered to curry our people Eastward at ratesnext to nothing. Every patriotic individual of our forty millions have, within the last year, cncouraged themaelves witb the hope of visiting our grest Kational Exhibition in rhiladelphia, the immenrity of which makes hope brigh ter and fuith stronger in the perpetnal existence and future of our Great Republic The gathering of ten millions of our country people in the grand lcgendary old eity of rhiladelphia and the viewing ot the traditional Hall of our flrst Congrcss, the old bell that rarg out our independenee, the spot wherein onr flrm forefathers indited that instrument which forever declared us unshaokled and a free people, the broad graphic Delaware, rich in history of onr etruggling ancestors, and everything that could tend to awaken a feeling of reverence and inspire awe ia embodied within the Iimiti of that sacred, dear old city. The prominent revolutionary erents, which transpired over a century ago, are being lived over again, and the rising generation refreshed by history of our suffering, brave and plucky patriots. The momenious affairt of our country's baptism in blood Is now most fltly commemorated by the vast concourse of all nations who cheerfully lend their aid ia celebrating moit properly in rhiladelphia the peaee and prosperity which has been brought about within a century. Then let ui celebróte. The magnifleent Ft. Wayne & Fennsylvania Hailway Centennial tickets are on sale everywhere, and this is the only line which runs its Sleeping Coach es, Hotel Cara, and Drawing-room Palaces without change, to their new Centennial Depot, on the Centennial Grounds. It must be remembtred that boardingcan be procured at from one dollar to live dollars per day, in Philadelphia, and some of the largest and most oomplete hotels in the world are within five minutes' walk of the grouadi. The Great Ft. Wayne & Fennsylvania have hundreds of new and elegant coaches constructed purposely for the Centennial, and are prepared to run, additional to their three Centennial daily trainp, when re.iuired, to accommodate the multitud. The schedule has been so arranged as to make direct oonnections at all railway junctions By taking this route, via. Toledo & Mansfield, travelers from this part of the State can avail themselves of the advantages of this Great Line which is the only one running direct to the Centennial grounds. Centennial Excursionista Will, of course, wish to see all the sights comfortably and eheaply. To thiB end the Canada Southern Railway Company bas, tbrough its connection in the West and Northwest, placed on sale a Urge number of Tourists' Excursión Tickets at greatly reduced rates, by whicb passengers can not only visit the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, hut can, in addition, visit the principal eastern cities, with an opportunity of stopping at any of the great number of famous resorts in New York and Pennsylvania. The Canada Southe.n is the oniy line from the West running directly to Niágara Falls, giving passengere, from the train, a wonerful panoramic view of the Mighty Cataract, Horse-shoe Fall, the Great Rapids, and landing hem directly at the Falls. The track of the Canda Southern is an air line, Iatd of steel rails of he heaviest pattern ; there are no curves or grades ; wood is used for fuel ; Coaches are furniihed with ,he Winchell Patent Ventilator, ensuring perfect reedom from dust. With its complete system of magnificent Parlor, Slceping and Drawing Room }ars, from Chicago, Detroit and Toledo, and its admirable connections at Niágara Falls and Buffalo with the New York Central and Erie Railways, the Canada Southern ie last becoming the favorite line o the East. Tickets via this popular line can be procured at all offices of connecting lines, or at the 'ompany's own offices. Any information can be obtained by addressing FRANK E. SNOW, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Ag't, Detroit. commercial!" Ann Arbor Market. Ann Ahbob. Thubsdat, July 20, 1876. Applks- $1.00. per bu. Beass-SOc BüTTKB - 14C. Beef - $6(7 Der hundred. Cobk - 40c to 45c. per bu. Chiokkhs- S0(50c per pair ; dressed V2]c per lb. Boos - Command 12c. Uit -♦' 10 per ton. Labd- The market stands at 13c. OATS- 28c to 30c. Pobk - $8.flOí8.60 per hundred. Potatobs- new75(L80 cents. Oreen Pkak - $1 -00 per bu. Wheat- 1.IS(S$1.2S. WoOL- JSctS. NEW ADVERTISEMËNTS MTANTED-TO KXCHANGE ! The undersigned wishes to sell hiB valuable pronerty in the business portion of the city of Detroit, and take in part payment for the same a farm of 80 or 100 acres in the vicinity of Ann Arbor. Any person desiring to make such an exchange will tind a rare bargaln by addressing L. BARY, 262 Third street, Detroit, lilich. 1592tf L B. PORTER, DEISTTIST, Office over Joh nson's Hat Store, South Main Htreet, ANN ARBOR, IUICH. 1592tf i Attention, Company A! PB There will he a uniform inspection, parade [TA and camp drill on ilt. MONDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1876. Every member of Company A is expected to report for duty in the Arinory, at 8 o'clock p. M. sharp, of the day above mentioned. By order of Capt. 8. B. Revenaugh. W. F. ItEED, Orderly. Ann Arbor, July 20, 1876. QOAL. AND WOOD. Orders received for July, August, September and Octolicr delivery of Coal, At Winslow Bros., 32 E. Huron St. An advance in price may be expected each month after July. RICHMOND & WINSLOW. Ann Arbor, July 20, 1876. 1592tf EDWARD DUFFY HA8 JUST EECEIVED AN Entir e lTe w Stock Of goods conaisting of Teas, (toffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. Bought in NEW YOKKfrom first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them ai VERY SLIGHT ADVANCË over New York Cost. Also a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WKAR in BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods, AU of which he ie offcring VERY LOW FOR CASH. It pays everybody to buy their goods for Cash. Cali and examine goode and priceg, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Oood delivercd to ftny part of the City free o charge. EDWARD DUFFY. "Maynard's cor. Main and Ann etreets Amn Arfoor Micb. "dtTsTsTfitch, OF 714 Broadway, N. Y., Auttaor of Six Lecture on the Prtvention nd 1 Cure of Contmmption, Astbma, Heart Ditjeaeea, may be consultad t Pinney's Hotnl, Detroit, Mich., personally or by letter. He treats all diseaaes of malea and femalea of all ae8. Family Phymcian gent free. Conaultationi fiee. Tr. Pitoh'B means allow fteneronity in chames. His fame is for curing bad oases. May, 1876. 1884eowly l DILL HEADS AND STATEMENTS AT THE ARGU8 OFFICE, Corner Main and Hurón Street. 1876. 1876. SPRING STYLES. W. WAGNER HA8 JUST OPENED THE JFINEST STOCK 01 CLOTHING To bc found in Ann Arbor, coraprisinï all the NEWEeT STYLES AND PATTERNS, Which hc is offering at prices that DEFIES ALL COMPETITION All who are tiressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNER'S. My stock of IPiece Goods Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FURNISHING GOODS. "W JAGUER, 21 South Main Sr. Ann Arbor. ipOR SALÉ. I ofler fcr sale gome 35 aciea of land, eitunted on section 19, Ann Aibor Town, and on the west niili' of the Cornwell rund, and nbout one half mile from the northwest porner ot the Corporation. Hee county atlas, page 56. Price luw and terms easy. and cali BoonAnn Albor, June 11, 1876. 1687 TKACY W. KOOT, Agent. SEND 2Sc. toG.P, ROWBLL 4 CO., New York, for pamphlet of 100 pagee, containing liits of 3,000 nevspapers, and estímate) Bhowing coal of advertlBlug. Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT havlng been made in the conditions of a mortgage. executed by George W. Brown and Mary E. Brown, his wife, to Sheldon Tomlinaon.dated the twentieth day of April, A. D. 1871, md recordad in the Office of the Register of Deeds íor Washtfcnaw County, Michigan, on the second day of May, A. D. 1871, in libur 44 of raortgagea, on page 52, by which default the power of sale therein contained became operative, aud no proceedmg at law or in equity Laving been instituted to recover the debt aeeured by suid mortrage.or any part thereof, and 'the sum of twenty - .hree hundred and eighteen dollars and ninety niae cents being now claimed to be due on suid mortgage, and forty dollars as an attorney fee as rovided in said mortgage,: Notice is therefore jereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premlses therein described, or some art theieof, viz : All of the following land, comnencing twenty roda west of the southeaut corner of section twenty-nine, thence west on south line of said section íourteen rods, thence north parallel with east line of said section, to the south bank oí' he River Rnisin, thence along said south bank in a northeaaterly direction to a point twenty rods west of the east line of said section, thence south paralel with the east line of said section to the place of )etrinning, containing one acre and one third of and, more or leas : Aleo, the following described iece of land , on which a flouring mili now stands, lamely: commencing at a point twenty-iive and one ïalf rods north of the south line of suid section ,wenty-nine, and twenty rods west of the east line f said section, thence north parallel with east ine of said section eleven rods ; thence east paralel with the south line of said secUon nine rods; henee south parallel with the east line of said section eleven rods, thence west parallel with south line of said secticn nine rods o the place of beginning, containing niney-nine rods of land. And further with the ast described parcelof land isgranted, bargained, sold and remised the right to build a dam on the river Raisin, and to fiow back or up said river to4 he west line of said section twenty-nine , and the lrst light to draw sumcient water to drive two runs of mili stones and all the necessary machinery tor rrinding and flouring purposes. The above grant argain, aale and remise of water power is exprosÊy made subject to certain reatrictiona and rights made in a deed gi ven by John W. Rice and Mary 3. Hice, hÍ6 wife, to Michael Kappler, dated the Lfteenth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and eixty-four. and recordedin ■he Register's Omce for Washtenaw Gouuty, in lier57 of deeda, on page 161, all of said land being n towiiship number three south of range three east, in Michigan, at public vendue, at the eouth loor of the Court House, in the City of Ann Aror (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county), on the twenty ninth day of July, A. I. Iö76, at one o'clock in the afternooñ. Dated, May 3d, A. D. 1 876. ABBY H. TOMLINSON", Guardian of tiheldon Tomlluson, ByAtto rney. Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage, made and delivered by Charles Wbeeler to Wiiliam Cross, bearin date on the fourteenth day of November, A. D. 1857, and reeorded in the ofüce of the Register of Deeds of the county of Waahtenaw, in liber twenty-four ol Mortgages, page one hundred and sixty-two, on the third day of December, A. D. 1857, and which aaid mortgage was afterward duly aesigned y the aaid Wiiliam Cross to Margaret É. Thompon, by deed of aasignment dated üctober 8th, A. ). 1868, and reeorded in the said Regialer's Oflice u liber three of assignmenta of mortgages, page tve hundred amd titty three, on the twelfth day of November, A. D. 1872, and was afterwards duly assigned by said Margaret E. Thompson to Corielia C. Parish, by deed of assignment, dated November 7th, A. D. 1872, and reeorded in said Regater'a Office in liber two of assienments oí' mort;agea, page 552, on tlie twelfth day of November, Li D. 1872, and was afterward assigned by said ïordeliti C. Parish to the undereigned John M. indle, by deed of aasignment dated December 9th, A. D, 1874, and reeorded in said Register's Office in liber four of assinments of mortgagea, lage 509, on the Beventeentn day of February, A ). 1875, by which said default the power of sale contt inod in aaid mortgage became operative, and hp anuí nf ajv himdrpH nnd :ini'lv.lnnr ildll'.vj lio uní ui dia uuuuicu nuu iiiiit:uj -nun uuiiilrn and sixteen cents being claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this notice, besides the urn of twenty-flve dollars provided to be paid in aid moregage as an attorney fee oo the taking of roceeding for the foreclosure thereof , and no auit r proceedinga hay ing been had or instituted, either at law or in equity, to recover the sum secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof : Notioe is horetore hereby given that Baid mortgage will be oreclosed by sale of the mortgnged premiaee herein described, or some part thereof, viz : All ;h at parcel of landknown as vilage lots number ixty and sixty-one (60 and 61), in Cross and Bagey'e addition to the village of Ypsilanti, in the ounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. And also that parcel of land described ascommencng at the aouthwest corner of village lot number sixty-four (64) in said addition; thence weaterly along the south side of an alley sixteen roda ; iience southerly twenty rods ; thence easterly ixteenrods; thence northerly twenty rods to the ilace of beginning, contamina two acres of land, ,t publio vendue, at the eouth door of the Court louee, wherein the Circnit Court for the county of Washtenaw is held, in the city of Ann Arbor, on ,he second day of September next, at teu o'clock n the forenoon. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 8th, 1876, JOHN M. PRINDIiE, Beakes & Cütcheon, Assignee of Mortgnge, Attomeys for Assignee. 1586 Mortgage Sale, DEFAULT liavingbeen made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made and executed by Jane A. Griftith, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, to Sullivan M. Cutoheon, of said place, dated February the elerenth, 1869, and recorded In the Office of Kegiser of Deeds of Washtenaw County, Michigan, in lier 40 of mortetgea, page 499, ou saine day it was exocuted, which mortgage was nssigned by said Cütcheon toMary E.Foster,by deed of assignmeiit, recorded in liber three of assigiiments of mort gajes, at page 152, in said Eeglster's Office, and there icing claimed to be due at date of this notice, on said mortgage and the accompanying note, the sum f sixteen hundred and fifty dollars; also an attorney fee of twenty-five dollars ; and no proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any nart thereof: Notice is hereby given that under the statute, and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained I will, on Satuiday the 22d day of July, A. D. 1876, at 11 a. m. of said day, at public aucüon, to the highest bidder, sell, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, (that beinp the place for holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw), the prennses described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be nccessary to satisfy said amount with costs and expenses altowed by law. Suid iremises are described as follows: The west half of lots seven and eight, in block four south of Huron street, and range eight east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the right to cross and recross, with teams or otherwisc, over a private alley twelve feet wide, off frora the north siae of lots seven and ten in said block four, aforesaid.- Dated, April 28tht 1876. MARY E. F08TEÈ, D. Cramkr, Asaignce of Mortgage. Attorney. 1580 lASHIONABLE DUESS MAKING. Mrs. Wood invites the ladiea of Ann Arbor and vieinity to cali at her Drees-Making Hoorn, over the store sf A. Bell, Wnshingtou street. A full line of new and latest stylea of pattems constntly on hand. tiuality of work warranted, and priceti made to auit the timen. A share (f public pitronage ia reapectfully sohcited. Iyl678 $K n iL.( Per dfty ftfc home. Samples worth O l0 ÜVIl free, ötikson & Co., Portland, Me. Iö73 Mortgage Foreolosure. TkEFAULT having been made in the oonditions -of n mortgage, made by Jacob Paul to Leanard C. Wallington, dated September tenth, A. D. !874, recorded September twelfth, A. D. 1874, at i}4 o'clock p. m., in liber 47 of mortgages, on page 522, in the Register'a Office o) Washtenaw county, Michigan, aBsigned by tbe said Leonard C. Walliugton to Ohristian Mnck and Frederick Schmid, jr., by deed of assignment, dated October 15, A. D. 1874, recorded October 23d, A. D. 1874, in liber 4 of assignments of mortgages, page 418, in said Register's Office, and by the said Christian Miick and Frsderick Schinid jr., assigned to Caroline D. Fulier, by dted of assignment, dated October 22d, A. D. 1874, recorded in said Register'a Office rn laat meniioned liber, on page 419, ■ ber 28d, 1874, and by the said Caroline D. Fulier reassigned to the said Christian Mack and Prederick Schmid, jr., by deed of asaigument dated May 27th, A. D. 1876, recorded on the 7th day of Juae, A. D. 1876, in liber 5 of assignments of mortgages, on page 185, whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative, and two thousand nine hundred and Üfty-four dollars and seventythree cents, besidea twenty-flve dollars as an attorney fee, being at the date hereof clalmed aa due thereon ; and no suit or proceeding, at law or in equity, having been instituted to recover the same or any part thoreof, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premiseu, or some palt thereof , to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the township of Freedom, in the connty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, being the west half Vyof thenortheaetquarter (i) oi section number thiny-six, excepting the tieelve acres on the southeast corner, heretofore conveyed to Adam Brosa, at the south fouter) door of the Court House, in the city oí Ann Arbor, couuty and state atoresaid, on the second day oi' September next, at noon. Dated, June 8th, A. D. 1876. CHRISTIAN MACK, FREDER1CK SCHMID, Jr. Assignees. Uy Attorney of Assignees, ynu Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS default has been made in the con U ditions of a certain indenture of mortgage made and executed by Nelson B. Cole and Elizabeth H. Cole, his wife, of the city of Ann Arbor in the County oi Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Alpheus Felch. of the same place, hearing date the twenty-seventh day of December, in the year 18G7, and recorded in the Office of the Reeister of Deeds for the County of Washeuaw, in the State oi Michigan, on the sixth day of January in the year 1868, inhber 37 of mortgages, on page 784 ; and whereas by said default the power of sale therein contained has become operative, and the sum of six thousand seven hundred and thirteen dollars are claimed to be now due and unpaid on said mortgage, and the promissory note therein mentioned, and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been instituted to recover the debt remaiuing secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, notice is therefore htreby given that on Satubday, the tweniy-sixth day of August, A. D. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county and State (said Court HouBe being the place of holding tho Circuit Court for said county), and by virtue of the power of sale contained therein, said mortgage will be torecloaed by a sale at publio vendue, to the hihest bidder, of the mortgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of principal and interest remaimng unpaid, with the costs and charges of such sale : Said premises are described in said indenture of mortgage as follows, to wit : A 11 those certain traets or pareéis of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor aforesaid, known, bounded and described as follows, viz. : Being lots number two (2), three (3), and four (4), in Picnic Grove, according to the plat of said grove, made by W. Weeks, and recoided in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State aforesaid, being situated on the south si Ie of the road called theiliddle Ypsilanti Road. and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the middle of said road one chain and fifty (50) links south forty-four (44) degrees thirty (30) minutes east of a point where the center line of section twentyeight (28), town two (2} outh of range bíx (6) eaBt, crosses the said Ypsilanti Road; thence south ior:y-four (44) degrees thirty (30) minutes eaBt, flve o) ohains and twenty-five (25: links along the cenre of said road ; thence south forty-two (42) derrees west on the line between lots four (4) and flve (.5), flve (5) chains and sixty-eight (68) links to the north line of lots thirteen (13) ; thence north seven.y-Bix and three-lburths (76.%) degrees, west sixty-wo (62) links to lands owned by Ranaom 8. Smith thence north two (2) degrees, west along the line f said Mmith s land one (1) chain and seventy-flve 75 links; thence north forty-four (44) degrees thirty (30) minutes west three (3) chains and fifty (50) links; thence north forty-one (41) degrees flfty (50) minutes east four (4) chama and eighty-flve (85) links to the place of beginniug X'his conveyance is made subject to the rieht of Joseph D. Baldwin to conduct water in pipeaacross the above described premises in the highwav Dated June 1, A. D. 1876. ALPHEUS FELCH, 1685 Mortgagee. SherifFg Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of execution, issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I did on the seventh day of December, A. 1. 1875, levy upon all the right ti11e and interest of Charles Tripp, tharlee T. Wilmot, William W. Whedon, Harvey Cornwell, George P. Rose, and Andrew J. Sutherland, in and to the following described real estáte, situated in the County of Waehtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : Part of seel ion twenty-nine, in township two south, range six east, and bounded as follows, to wit: Commencing ata point on the north line of Huron street, as continued easterly from the east line of the village plat of the village of Ann Arbor, three hundred and thirty-two feet from the southwest corner of a piece of land herctofore deeded by Edwin S. Cobb and William R. Thompson, and their wivea, to Jane Ann Miles ; thence running easterly on the south line of Huron street, as continued eight rods ; thence northeasterly at right angles with said north line of Huron street one hundred and nity feet ; thence westwardly at right angles to Baid last mentioned line, and parallel to said Huron street, conlinued eight rods; thence aoutherly to the place of beginning, which above desoribed property 1 shall exposé for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court HouBe, in the city of Anu Arbor, on tl: e 29th day of June, A. D. 1876, at ten o'clock a. m. ot' said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, May llth. 1876. 1582 M. FLEMING, Sheriff The above sale is tdjourned to Thursday, July 13, 1876, at the same place and time of day. Itated, July 26, 1876. M. FLEMING, Sherifr. The above snlr is further adjourned to Thursday, July 27th, 1S7I1, it tbe sanie time and place M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Dated, July 13, 1876. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of 'Washtdnaw, ss. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, Coinmiasioners to receeive, examine and adjuat all claims and demanda ot all perdons against the estáte of Nelsou B. Cole, late of Baid county, deceaaed, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for cruditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that the y will meet at the store of Waterman Thomaa in the city of Anu Arbor, in said county, on the 6th day of October, and on the 6th day of January uext, at ten o'clock A. M., of each ol aaid days, to receive, examine and aaid claims. Dated, July 6th, A. D. 1876. 1690 HKN11Y D. BENNETT, ) pnmmi,8ione, WATERMAN THOMAS, CommissioneiB.


Old News
Michigan Argus